Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

413 Chapter 413 The Bloody Puppet

Yes, I finally reached the demigod-level challenge area. I only hope the magical beast here is within my ability to deal with. Even if I can't kill another one, at least I have to hold on till the end of time.

Dick's figure was shrouded in the light. While entering the demigod-level challenge area, Dick thought to himself.

But at this moment, Dick heard the voice of the Halidom again.

"Halidom Announcement: Dalik, from the sixth competition area, has successfully accumulated 1000 points in the spirit-level challenge area. He is qualified to enter the demigod-level challenge area."

What? How could Dalik be promoted to the demigod-level challenge area? This guy should not be that powerful. How did he ascend?

Dick asked in confusion. A moment later, his figure appeared in the demigod-level challenge area. There was a world of difference from the spirit-level challenge area. It had changed to a dark style, and it was shining brightly, almost dazzling people's eyes.

It took Dick a while to get used to the dazzling light. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found Dalik standing in front of him.

To his surprise, half of Dalik's legs were still twitching.

What's this? Was it a human body? But why did he bring a corpse with him?

Dick looked at Dalik and his leg in astonishment.

"I finally see you, Dick. For you, I abandoned all my friends. It's all your fault. Even he was abandoned by me. Shouldn't you thank me?"

Dalik also regained his vision. He squinted at Dick and shouted with a twisted smile.

"For me? What do you mean? I don't remember what we have known each other before."

Dick frowned. The smell of blood and darkness around him made him sick as if there was a dump beside him.

"Of course, it's for you. Since the first time I saw you, I've decided to make you my companion! I want you to go through this demigod-level challenge area with me!"

Dalik said with a smile. At this moment, a majestic aura came from the center of the hall, followed by a huge dragon-shaped magical beast coming out of the ground.

"The primary level of a demigod, the talent of bright flame! Is this guy the first magical beast we have to face? It's really troublesome!"

Dick opened the Eyes of God and was taken aback by the horrible quality of the magical beast.

Dick felt that he had underestimated the demigod-level challenge area. The power of the magical beast here was beyond his expectations, and he was not sure if he could hold on until the end of the time.

However, Dalik burst into laughter. He opened his arms and laughed loudly in front of the horrible dragon-shaped magical beast.

"Great! Is this the demigod level? I'm so excited! Dick will help me deal with you!"

Dalik suddenly waved his hand, and the broken corpse beside him seemed to be wrapped by an invisible rope and was thrown to the dragon-shaped magical beast.

Dick's pupils shrank slightly. When Dalik threw the corpse out, he had seen through Dalik's talent and sensed the terrifying power contained in the broken corpse.

The bloody puppet was the name of Dalik's talent. Any creature that was targeted by him with the bloody silk would become a puppet that only obeyed his orders and was controlled by him.

Although this talent could only lock one creature at a time, once it was locked by this talent, even the dead creature would still be driven by him.

Moreover, every inch of Dalik's body would become a terrifying weapon.

Dalik could order his puppet to give up a part of its body and release an explosion that was equal to the full strength of the puppet when it was alive. The more flesh he gave up, the more powerful the explosion would be.

This kind of attack, regardless of cost and consumption, was extremely terrifying. As long as the puppet's body was not completely destroyed, he could release a powerful attack all the time.

No one would be able to unleash all their strength in a row, including Dick.

The dragon-shaped magical beast didn't expect the human in front of it would throw over a broken corpse, not to mention that this corpse contained such terrifying power.

It raised one of its claws to resist the attack, but the terrifying explosion instantly engulfed its entire claw, causing it to let out a painful scream.

The claw of the dragon-shaped magical beast had been badly mutilated. The hard dragon scales were blown away, and even the white bones were exposed.

Dalik glanced at the broken puppet and spat disdainfully. Then he turned around and ran to Dick, hiding behind Dick.

"I know you will protect me. Look, its attack is coming. If it doesn't resist it, you will be blown up."

Dalik gripped Dick's body to make sure that Dick wouldn't throw him out.

Just as he was speaking, the dragon-shaped magical beast also spat out a bright flame and swept towards Dick's body.

This despicable guy!

Dick cursed silently, but he had no choice but to take out his shining sword and activate his sacred blood talent to barely resist the attack of the giant dragon.

Dalik grabbed Dick's body. Unless Dick could free his hand to get rid of Dalik now, even if Dick started the spatial transference, Dalik would be taken away by the spatial force because of grabbing Dick's body.

"I know you are calling me despicable, but in this world of killing, only despicable people can survive. I will take your body. Don't worry, I will use you properly."

Dalik stuck his head out from the back of Dick's shoulder. The blood-red light wrapped around his hand, forming a shape like a scorpion tail.

This was the condition to activate Dalik's skill. He had to stab the thorn condensed by his innate power into the target's body. Then he could successfully transform the target into his bloody puppet.

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