Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

208 Chapter 208 Killed, Talent Upgraded

The huge sword light condensed into a sacred symbol above the head of the evil judge. The aura of brightness made the dark aura all over the evil judge's body become dispirited.

"It's time for you to go to hell! This should be the power of the trial!"

The power of the trial of God poured out, and the huge sword light pierced through the head of the evil judge. Countless black mist scattered, but it was unable to escape the area covered by the brightness and could only dissipate within.

There were countless changeful faces in the black fog. They ran, howled, and changed into countless painful expressions. But in the end, there seemed to be liberating smiles on their faces, and they slowly dissipated.

These faces should be the humans that had been killed by the evil judge. Their souls were imprisoned in the body of the evil judge and suffered torture by the darkness.

At this time, with the trial of God, their souls were also purified, and they could finally go to where they should have been at ease.

"Congratulations on killing Croc King. You got 500 points for the extra attributes, a level-A treasure box, 10 points for prestige, and the token of completing the second stage task, the heart of Croc King."

Dick's eyebrows furrowed as he heard the cracking sound. He should have killed both the evil judge and Croc King, but why did only the hint of killing Croc King come through now?

At this moment, a wisp of black smoke suddenly flew out from the corpse of the evil judge and slowly flew towards the entrance of the cave. This wisp of smoke was extremely thin and almost blended with the color of the stone wall.

The wisp of smoke was the soul of the evil judge. It was attached to a small piece of gold mask fragment and carefully wanted to slip away.

But Dick had already prepared for it. How could he let the evil judge's soul slip away? The heavy sword in his hand hacked down, and a brilliant thunderclap accurately hit the gold mask fragment hidden in the black smoke.

"Congratulations on killing the evil judge. You got 2000 points for the extra attributes. Your trial value increased by 200 points. You got 20 points for prestige, three level-A treasure boxes, and the golden mask, the core of the evil judge."

"Congratulations on acquiring the divine item, dark soul signet."

Dick breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the hint. Now he was sure that he had really killed the evil judge.

Just as he was about to see what the so-called divine item of the dark soul signet was, he heard another hint.

"Hint: Congratulations! Your judge's level is upgraded to level eleven. All the attributes have been increased by 2000 points. The effects of the two elements, brightness, and darkness, attached to all the attacks have doubled."

Sure enough, after his profession was promoted to level eleven, the extra attribute he obtained each time doubled! It was good news for him!

"Hint: it was detected that your attribute value has broken through ten thousand points and your prestige value has broken through two hundred points. The system shall confer on you a hidden title in the killing world: Rookie Ace."

"Congratulations on obtaining the hidden title, Rookie Ace. You obtained 1500 points for the extra attributes."

A light column fell from the sky on Dick. Under the light column, Dick felt that his strength and momentum were rapidly increasing.

After a while, Dick slowly opened his eyes. He seemed to have undergone a complete change in his body. He could feel the power in his body from every movement.

Taking a deep breath, Dick felt so comfortable. The wounds he had just suffered in the battle had completely healed with his attribute, and his energy had returned to its peak.

Although the broken armor could no longer be restored, what he had obtained this time had far exceeded the value of the armor.

Walking slowly in the cave, he first came to the side of Rammus King. He opened its chest and took out its heart. As for its talent, he was not interested.

His water talent had already reached level A, so there was no need to plunder a level-B water talent.

Turning to the pieces of the dead body of the Croc King, Dick slowly put his hand on it.

"System, plunder."


"Plunder succeeded. Congratulations on obtaining the level-B talent, metal control. You obtained the skill, pouring breath."

Dick smiled with satisfaction. He finally had a talent of the metal degree. Although his talent was still level B, it also meant that he was a step closer to obtaining the chaos talent.

Next was the most exciting part. He took out the golden mask of the evil judge and began to plunder.

The golden mask was the noumenon of the evil judge. Although the soul of the evil judge had been destroyed, his talent should still be left on the golden mask.

"Plunder succeeded. Congratulations on obtaining the level-A talent, darkness control. You obtained the level-A talent, six senses awakening."

"It was detected that you have a level-A dark talent. The two talents automatically combined to a level-A talent, dark law."

"Hint: because your talent can control the dark element law, it can automatically awaken the skill, dark fog."

"Dark fog: the user will change to the state of fog and be immune to all physical attacks. The duration depends on the user's energy."

"Since you have the talent of five senses connection, the two kinds of talents will automatically combine to a level-A talent, six senses fusion."

"Hint: since you have awakened the talent of the six senses fusion, you can automatically awaken the skill, fusion."

"Fusion: with this skill, the user could combine with the magical beast that has signed the contract. It did not affect other magical beasts."

Dick took a few deep breaths, trembling. What he got this time was beyond his expectation.

Although his dark talent hadn't evolved yet, the talent of law was definitely a rare talent. It was not so easy to achieve the level-S talent, so he didn't need to be in a hurry.

What really surprised him was the new talent skill he had awakened. Not long ago, he had just seen the evil judge use the skill of combination.

The terrifying power that seemed to be able to destroy heaven and earth impressed him deeply. Being able to surpass three levels of the soul level was enough to reveal how powerful this skill was.

And this skill was just right for him now. In his hidden space, there happened to be a king-level magical beast that was fed by his blood vitality!

After the cub's evolution was completed, it could directly reach the soul level, which was as powerful as Croc King!

Full of expectation, Dick turned to the dilapidated temple where the evil judge lived. There might be more surprising treasures in it!

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