Ghoul King's Harem

227 Chapter 227: Clearing New Haven

The penthouse floor of the hotel was in a chaotic state—the Vesta accepted Alexander's desire to party as broken and empty bottles of vodka, rum, and other spirits were rolling around, hitting the soft flesh of the Vesta, who were unconscious and naked after the wild three-day party since Alexander returned.

However, he didn't mind them, even if their carnal appetite seemed inexhaustible. After having sex with them a couple of times, he still hadn't recovered from the side effects of his advancement, so they left the bodies of the Vesta wherever they collapsed and then moved another group inside to have fun with him.

This was all the side effect of his promise to reward them—although not all Vesta wanted to sleep with him, some were cute, like Opal and Emerald, who wanted him to see their hard work, the items they had created and the many engravements they had finished what he was gone.

Now Alexander was sitting alone on a soft chair near the balcony, with his main bed filled with the exhausted bodies of Stella, Amy, Sarah and Laura, none moving apart from the occasional twitching.

'Was this the right thing, to waste time to satisfy their desires... Or should I have gone straight out and fought the mutants in the city...' 

'Stella's mother is waiting, but the third wave will not wait... Nor can I betray the hopes of my cute Qilana.'

Shaking his head, he pushed down his lust, trying to focus his mind on his real goal, to clear the city and head to the northern lands. 

Mildred, Maria and Althea came towards the balcony and stood behind his chair while Maria climbed onto his lap; Alexander still had not touched Maria or Mildred, accepting their trauma was far too great in the past to ignore it simply.

"Hello, you three; how are you doing, Maria?" Alexander gently petted her on her head, allowing her to hold and rest against his bare chest as she hugged him.

"I'm... I'm scared... I don't want... The green things..."

Alexander listened attentively to the crying voice of Maria; his arm held her body tighter to himself and began to draw small circles on her back, trying his best to appease her.

She was, of course, talking about the new types of food that the girls who took cooking were using to make ghoul food that was as close to human as possible— the green things were lightly fried meat in a cabbage wrap, something like what the eastern kingdoms known for their spicey coleslaw enjoyed to eat.

"Don't worry, only eat them if you want—we won't force you." He smiled, leaning back and looking towards Mildred, her lovely blonde hair and emerald eyes staring out into the half-destroyed city with a slight melancholy gaze.

"Mildred, are you alright?" He asked as his free hand extended and caressed her smooth, beautiful cheeks, stroking her slightly sweaty skin before her ruby-red lips trembled into a smile.

"I'm not afraid anymore, master," she kissed his fingers before replying, holding the hand caressing her face firmly. "I am here to serve and follow you." She knelt at his side while hugging his muscular thighs; her smooth lips and warm breath emanating from her soft mouth felt exquisite against his naked thighs.

Alexander was briefly shocked when she answered that— he knew of her sexual enslavement and the intense amount of humiliation and abuse that Mildred suffered at the hands of her male and female co-workers, but always tip-toed around the issue; when she hurt Samantha; he pushed her even further away...

Now, he regretted doing so and felt he needed to help her recover, not as his woman but as the woman Mildred herself. 

'If she chooses to become my lover, or whatever she wants after that, I will accept her.'

"Come here." He sat up, still with Maria resting against his strong body, as he pulled her with his free hand, hugging her closer before gently kissing her forehead. "No one will hurt you here; my protection is also for you." He patted her head, ignoring the trembling expression and almost-teary smile on her face before turning towards Althea, who was standing silently behind him.

"Althea, do you need anything? Food, drink, or clothes?" He asked, remembering she never liked showing off her body and preferred covering it with simple dresses.

"Master, I don't need anything; please use me however you wish." Her reply was short as Alexander sighed—he understood her situation, and although he understood that she and Samantha were the same, he couldn't treat them the same... His heart wanted to know Althea as he learned about Samantha.

'I have so many romantic and karmic debts right now.' Alexander thought inwardly before smiling bitterly, patting her head before returning his attention to Maria and Mildred.

"Then let's rest together—get me a blanket for Maria and sit with me."

He commanded as Althea rushed inside, pulling two blankets from his messy bed before rushing back and covering the shivering girl sleeping peacefully against Alexander's chest— she then covered herself with the remaining blanket and put some clothes on.


The trio managed to fit on the large sofa together—Mildred was happier than she thought, her arms wrapped around his waist and drooling down his chest, while Maria slept on his lap and seemed the most well-behaved, seeking only his warmth and nothing else. 

Althea was the problem... Throughout the night, she nibbled, kissed, and licked his neck and ears before reaching into his pants and caressing him below Maria.

Alexander could not handle her actions and ignored her, letting her enjoy herself until she finally fell asleep, tired after the sleepless three days of partying with the Vesta after waiting for him for so long.

When dawn broke, Alexander gently placed Maria and Mildred on the sofa before putting on some new pants because a certain girl had removed his during his sleep—Althea continued to touch him in her sleep, her eyes closed and her breathing steady as her hands stroked his cock under the blanket.

'I guess Althea first... then Mildred and finally Maria.' 

The first person that Alexander went to meet was Claire, who was training in the third-floor gym, seeming to be filled with enthusiasm after the past few days as the minotaur's huge body swung a heavy pole weighing more than two hundred kilograms, tearing through the air with a loud howling burst of wind.

Claire noticed Alexander coming towards her, and after throwing the metal pole into the wall, she rushed towards him, her sweaty and musky smell making him chuckle inwardly as he kissed her rough nose, as her mouth covered his, forcing her tongue inside. At the same time, her thick arms picked him up and held him tight.

"Claire, calm down; I have come to talk to you." He spoke after separating from her, wiping the saliva dripping down his lips as he jumped from her arms and landed on the floor.

"Sorry, master, I missed you, and my body has been aching for your touch since you slept with me last night..." She replied honestly, her hands gripping Alexander tightly by the waist as she sniffed him all over, her tongue licking his neck and face occasionally.

Alexander couldn't resist Claire and allowed her to enjoy herself for a while before pushing her away. "Listen to me, Claire; I have come to ask if you want to fight outside the hotel. I plan to make a group to follow me, and I want you to come with me." He asked, knowing her eagerness to destroy the mutants roaming around the city.

Claire's red eyes lit up as she nodded without hesitation, kissing his cheeks and licking his earlobe before Alexander pushed her again. "Calm down, Claire—wait..."

Before her could stop her, his mouth was filled with warm and creamy milk. The taste was deliciously sweet, but the hands of Claire became dishonest as his pants were easily untied and dropped to the ground with his pole flopping out.

Alexander tried to stop Claire, but her strength and his libido were too powerful; she slipped down, looking up at him seductively as Alexander grasped her horns and pushed inside her warm, sticky cave with a squishy sponge wrapped around him.

Her sucking power made Alexander lose control; a few thrusts later, Alexander ejected everything deep inside her throat, filling Claire's stomach with his seed as he panted heavily, releasing her horns as he staggered backwards.

Then she climbed on top of him and enjoyed the most vibrant moments as her cries and voice filled the entire third floor, only releasing him after he filled her with four shots and two in her mouth.

She then rolled over and agreed to help him in a sleepy voice while Alexander covered her body and locked the room so nobody could peek or take advantage of her as he left with a spring in his step.

'Damn it; Claire's horniness is no joke...' He sighed, shook his head as he tied his pants, and walked upstairs towards the fourth floor, where Opal and Emerald greeted him happily as Alexander sat down on their beds—Opal was wearing a flower dress, while Emerald was wearing a black robe covering her whole body.

"Master, did you sleep with Claire just now?" Opal giggled, holding his hands and squeezing them tightly as she leaned closer, sniffing him several times and nodding. 

"How can you tell?" He wondered if there was a clear sign.

"Her smell clings to master, and I can tell because Claire smells different from the others—you had sex with Stella, Amy and Sarah yesterday, and now Claire, correct?" Opal replied quickly, giggling as Emerald nodded beside her.

Alexander looked at the two Vesta, surprised they could tell so much from a single sniff—it wasn't the most amazing information, but imagine they were his wives and caught him cheating... Maybe he should gain some of their advice to avoid future issues.

"Fufu~ don't listen to Opal. She used this!" Emerald showed a tablet, then saw countless pages and names listed, but they were all his Vesta... The ones with engravements, at least.

"What's this?" He wondered.

"It's called a tablet—Opal and I made them, and it shows who master slept with recently and how much mana he released inside their bodies, among other things..." Emerald explained, surprising Alexander greatly as he grabbed the tablet and inspected it thoroughly.

"Hehe~ like how Claire climaxed twelve times and squirted twice from sex she was in control of... Such a lewd cow!"

"Very impressive—it's like a Vesta health check, including their sexual data. But what use is this?"

Opal and Emerald blushed before speaking in tandem. "Lady Amy requested it... along with the function to see the act as you do it with them... a small image of Claire's plump hips slapping down on his as she screamed his name in a blissful state showed on a large video in extremely high definition, even the mole on Claire's buttocks was visible.

Alexander blushed before sighing—Amy loved recording his acts in the past, but now it seemed she had another attribute that was a little more amusing, probably to watch whenever she wished.

"Is it useful for anything else?" He asked, curious.

"Yes! We can add functions master requests, but we must finish this one for Lady Amy first... She promised to let us see lots of lewd videos with the Master," Opal replied as Emerald nodded.

Alexander shook his head before kissing their foreheads and congratulating them on their creation before asking them about the engravements—Opal showed him the armour she made for him, which included a breastplate, helmet, bracers, greaves, and boots, all connected to an intricate network of circuits engraved with magic runes and spells.

"By the way, what did you engrave into each other? I hope you can show me your engravement next time." He asked, looking back with a wink and blowing a kiss before leaving.

The two vestas blushed as they covered their abdomen, looking at each other and pumping their fists. "We did it!"

With this, Alex had seen to most Vesta that wanted a reward, and now it was free time, so he thought about preparing some food for his wives, the ones now dead on his bed or visiting his mother... Brunhild.

They had a lot of business and tension to ease.

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