Ghoul King's Harem

111 Chapter 111: Stupid Mistake

Alexander rushed through the dark street, body nimbly dodging the slow zombies, leaving them for his cute Vesta to hunt. He would need to kill far too many of these weak ones for them even to matter.

His muscular legs sent his body almost shooting into the air like a catapult, the chilly evening wind blowing against his face as he slammed into a wall, his hand grasping the concrete like it was foam, his fingers putting extensive holes inside the wall before jumping down and landing on a car roof and crushing it with a booming thud, his arms crossed across his body as he overlooked the area outside the graveyard.

'When were there so many human camps here?' He thought, looking at the large group of people almost blocking the path to the forsaken village.

"Hmph..." Alexander muttered as he pushed forward, no longer using his ghoul strength but walking like an average human; there were many people in stupidly gaudy plate armour, carrying giant swords but barely able to walk or move with them. It reminded him of trying to roll when overweight in that game Dull Souls.

As he passed them, some looked at him with unfriendly eyes; they began to whisper about his eye markings, strange elf ears and being so tall as he walked past them all.

"I'm sorry, but this area is private." A deep male voice sounded as Alexander approached to visit the forsaken village.

The man's hand almost touched his chest as he looked up at Alexander.

He was huge, his muscles rippling under his black leather outfit, his head shaved except for his signature ponytail; his eyes were grey and mysterious, his lips showing a faint smirk, and his jawline very defined as he looked at Alexander.

"Oh? Since when did the Forsaken village allow you to blockade their entrance?"

"Hmmm? Is that what that shithole is called? Bastards don't even listen to reason!" The man complained.

"So you're blocking it. Why?"

Alexander watched as the bald male seemed to think he looked calm and threatening as he rubbed his finger and thumb together.

"Profit kid, we want food, resources and goods, or nobody can enter. Those are the rules."

His words were a little confusing; why did none of his Vesta mention this place, or was there some strange blockade now? Alexander was curious because they always came back with new skills or weapons.

Another man stepped forward, probably intimidated by Alexander's height and muscular body; his face was also like that of a gangster, causing them to begin to worry.

"If you don't pay the toll, you should return..."

Alex looked at the second guy, his body with poor tattoos of a tiger and dragon, his face was ugly with scars and bald, and his hand was a small sharp blade, looking like the most basic sword available.

"Fuck off!"

"Hey! You! fuck-face! We can kill you!"

A group of supporters began to shout as if wanting to intimidate Alexander, which only served to irritate him as he tried to hurry inside and return to his cute girlfriend as soon as possible. The thought this trash even asked the same of his Vesta; no, they are beautiful women; did these bastards ask them for something else? The mere thought caused Alexander to boil with rage.

Alexander grits his teeth. "Who do you think you are blocking?"

"Haha, this guy thinks he's someone special!"

"Fuck! What an idiot, he thinks he's the guy who rules those vicious bitches!"

"Hahaha, those sluts, acting all high and mighty when they ride some guy's pole all day long for protection... fuck!"

"Hahahaha, we should gang up on the small one next time, make her realise the difference between their loser ass lord, and show them a real man!"


Suddenly the atmosphere changed, it was like they were bathed in ice, freezing and dense, like someone was pushing down on their shoulders as some of the smarter ones realised something, but it was too late.

But the two bald men didn't move; they suddenly remembered the words of the women known as the walking dead... relentless, heartless... violent... They would chop down anyone who stopped them at the gate. Should that fool tell them to offer their bodies to pass, he would be tortured inhumanely and left hanging upside down with his genitals torn off.

Alexander sighed, looking at the two men before shouting at them, "Well? Are you going to let me through or not?"

The two males gulped, their eyes wide with fear as they hesitated, and then one of them raised a small hand and waved it over him. "Uh... yeah! Go ahead."

Alexander stepped in, looking at the others as they nodded their heads.

"Oh... by the way..."


"Did you just call my women vicious bitches?"

"N-No! I mean... h-how could we?!"

"Y-yeah.... they are normal..."

Alexander looked back at them, his eyes narrowing as they glanced at each other. "I see."

The man who said disgusting things about them sighed, thinking he would let them go, but suddenly his body vanished like Alexander was a ghost, nowhere to be seen.

"Huh? Where did he go?"

"Was it just our imagination..."

"Getting us all scared for no reason, haha!"

Alexander stood above them, his body crouching on a pole, his eyes trying to judge who was clean and who was dirty. Some had raped, murdered and killed, but that wasn't his criteria. He could see the ones that thought poorly or sexually towards his women, marking each of them, as long claws began to form from his beautiful long fingers, shimmering in the moonlight as he dropped down silently.

A massacre was about to begin.

'They dare to covet and insult my cute Vesta... I don't care... on the off chance something happens, I won't leave that danger for them! Not if I see it with my own eyes!'

His body rushed forward, his sharp blades cutting the flesh of several men, their throats like a paper cut with sharp scissors, unable even to let out a cry as they dropped with a thud. Alexander targeted the ones closest to the exits so that they couldn't flee; his cold red eyes looked at the various men and women who were innocent and ignored them, his body fast like a cheetah, pouncing like a mighty tiger and tearing them apart as if crazed because of there filthy minds.

'I don't care if it's just a fucking thought. They are mine! They are only mine! You cannot look at them; I won't allow it!' He knew how madness and his crazed obsession with the girls grew daily; the more he cared, the more it eroded his mind. Thus he was filled with the rage to crush these monsters in human form.

His anger and power had grown, his strikes were more precise than ever, and his thoughts cleared as his mind focused solely on killing. His long arms reached into the necks of three men in succession, picking up their heads by their hair and slamming them into the ground.

Bursting their skulls like watermelons, these men not only lusted after his cute Maria but were related to the people who tortured her and had done the same to many girls who were not lucky enough to become ghouls, sadly dying alone in the cold world.

It was a horrible sight for his eyes to read that disgusting information about these human insects, but Alexander knew it would happen again if he didn't stop it. He couldn't just sit back and blindly believe his Vesta would never make a mistake; something might never affect them; that guy who tortured Himari was a vital example of this.

One of the remaining men tried to run, only to have his neck snapped in half as he fell over, blood spurting from the open wound.

Alexander gazed upon his work with satisfaction, his movements smooth and fluid, his muscles bulging as his handsome face glowed with a gentle smile, his bangs covering his eyebrows as he closed his eyes.

He could hear the racing hearts and their fear as they tried to rush towards the forsaken village as he blocked the church exit.

"Ah... wonderful~ this feeling is wonderful!" He spoke with a charming voice, and despite his mouth filling with human flesh and blood, his progress to stage 3 was slow but gradual. No stupid limit that made him need more powerful and more robust monsters to evolve through eating; he just had to devour MORE!

Alexander lost count of how many people he killed, only remembering that their flesh was delicious, like a freshly cooked steak or marinated chicken.

Slowly he walked towards the final men, those from the gate who were vulgar. The two that tried to become polite near the end also stood with them as they trembled; his speed, even when brisk, was too fast, as he now stood in their path to the forsaken village, while the moment they turned, his body was there again, like a revenant fiend from the dead, only here to kill them!

"Hey... so you will teach them what a real man is?"

"Can I find that out if I study your insides?"

"W....what!? No... It was a vulgar joke, man... just an Argggggh!"

Alexander grinned as he saw the fear in their eyes and heard their screams; he flicked his fingers as a blood lance tore through the legs of several of the males, leaving them howling and crying as snot and tears poured down their faces, rolling and clutching the wounds.

"Gyaaaaaa!!! Why.... we didn't touch them... Ngh!"

"Oh... but what about that little girl, Milly?"



"Nonononono PLEASE!"


Two men responded violently to that name before another burst of blood lances bore into their crotch, ripping apart their lower bodies. Still, the blood clotting to avoid their rapid death, as they quivered and drooled onto the filthy ground.

"Mmmmmmmmmm...." Alexander smiled as he stepped on the corpses, his boots crunching as he smirked at them. "Hmm... that's interesting."

"Bastard! BASTAAAAAAAARD!" One of the men screamed as his face contorted with agony.

"Don't worry; I'll give you more pain, but first... I want to know what makes you tick."

Alexander felt a disturbance in his body, a sensation he was about to level up.

Yet, he noticed something peculiar: it wasn't a monster he had consumed, though he had been getting stronger, his senses sharper, and his muscles fitter than ever before. He was getting white light from these humans than he did for the lesser zombies... an incredible discovery!

Alexander lifted his foot and stomped on the corpse, crushing the spine as he amusedly chuckled.

"Now then... How will I play with you three?"

After a few minutes, some of the still living began to check the camp, only to find the gruesome horrors that Alex had performed; of the three men left, one was skewered with a wooden pole through his crotch and out of his mouth, the other was twisted with all his bones snapped to form some human made into a human puzzle, with his cock stuffed into his mouth, still barely alive with his heart visible, the ribs removed.

The final guy was merely skin... his flesh was gone, organs missing... and bones crushed and stuffed into his skin.

His eyes were gouged out, and his tongue was bitten off.

"Oh no..."

"Ahh... ahh... ahhhhhhh..."

"What is this...!?"

"Oh god...."

They were forced to vomit and scream at the horrific sight, only terrified of that handsome elf wearing his black suit and charming red eyes, who looked as pale as a ghost.

"Oh well, come on then!"

"Ahh... Ahhhhhh..."

They ran away from the church, abandoning their plan to have a small toll booth outside the forsaken village, taking what they could and vanishing rapidly.

While Alex in the distance briskly whistled, his hands spread out as he entered the small village, a wide grin on his face, feeling refreshed, the bloody stains now wiped away.

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