Genius Daddy in the City

2098 Choose to die!

"Hahaha, ye chen, I really didn't expect this. Heaven rewards those who work hard. This time, I'm going to crush you, you ant!"

Ye chen turned around and saw Lu Huan's sinister face. This person was looking at him with a fake smile. The corners of his mouth revealed a sinister and murderous smile. He looked extremely detestable.

However, to ye chen, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, this was child's play. It could not affect his fighting spirit at all. In other words, no matter what deer hoop did or what expression he made, it was all just sensationalism to ye chen.

Deer hoop's match against ye chen had instantly attracted the attention of many clans. After all, although ye Chen's status in the realm of beasts was very low, his various arrogant actions had made him famous. Many clans in the realm of beasts wanted to take his life.

And now, he had fallen into Lu Huan's hands. The People of the Deer Clan were extremely happy. As long as Lu Huan could kill the enemy before them, then the deer Clan would definitely rise and receive the support of many other clans in the beast region.

As one of the three big tribes, they were all trying to win the public's support, and this fighting technique was the best opportunity.

"Huan 'er, it's all up to you now. As long as you kill this man, we'll celebrate your victory!"

In the camp of the deer Tribe, the deer King personally stood up to cheer Lu Huan on. When Lu Huan saw this, he was instantly excited. He also realized that the opportunity in front of him was right in front of him. As long as he seized it, he would be the brightest person on this battlefield.

"Hehehe, ye chen, you see that? everyone is cheering for me. You're dead this time."

"Ha, everyone is cheering. What did you see?"

Ye chen looked at the seats around the battle arena. Those who cheered for the deer Tribe were basically the people from the surrounding subsidiary tribes and the deer Tribe itself. The people from the other large clans did not do so because they did not want to do anything beneficial for their competitors.

The beast King frowned slightly at this scene. He looked at ye chen and instantly saw through ye Chen's cultivation base. Ye chen was only an initial-stage itinerant immortal. How could he win against a peak true immortal?

Although Princess man 'er had explained to the beast King that ye Chen's strength was far above that of an ordinary itinerant immortal, this was not enough to make the beast King believe ye chen.

The only thing he believed in was the truth before his eyes, and that was the difference in strength.

Ye chen had been personally recommended by Princess man 'er to kill the crown princes of the other large tribes. If he failed, it would be a great blow to the plan.

After all, other than ye chen, only the Crown Prince of the Bearman tribe had participated in this battle.

Compared to the many princes of the other large tribes, they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"Ye chen, you don't have to provoke me. It's useless. Your death is destined. Die at my hands. Do your last value before your death, hahaha!"

Lu Huan laughed heartily. Previously, the three great guards had died at ye Chen's hands. This time, not only could he take revenge, but he could also use ye Chen's defeat to build his own reputation. After all, ye chen was personally appointed by Princess man 'er. Killing him would be equivalent to proving himself to Princess man' er.

He couldn't help but look at Princess man 'er, who was standing beside the beast King. He then licked his lips, revealing a greedy expression.

"Ancestor man er, this Prince will definitely marry you!"

He shouted to Princess man 'er, who was sitting on a higher position.

"Bastard, you're still far from that!"

Princess man 'er replied coldly but this did not extinguish Lu Huan's ambition. He only sneered and turned to face ye chen.

"Ye chen, kill this man. This is the order I'm giving you!"

"Ha, Princess man er, I would've done the same even if you didn't tell me to. But you have to understand that this Emperor is only doing this because of my own choice, and it has nothing to do with your orders!"

"I don't care anymore, I'll just kill this person!"

Ye chen shook his head slightly at Princess man 'er's urgency. It seemed that not only did this brat make him unhappy, but he also disgusted Princess man' er!

"Ye chen, I'm giving you a right now!"


"Choose the way you die!"

Hearing this, ye chen was curious. How many death images had this kid prepared for him?

He smiled and asked deerhoop,""I wonder what kind of death you've prepared for me?"


Lu Huan did not expect ye chen, who was on the verge of death, to still be in the mood to play this game with him. Since that was the case, he would take it seriously.

He laughed coldly,"saw off four limbs; Dismembering his body with five horses and death by a thousand cuts! Hehehe, these are all gifts to you, is this Prince being kind?"

"Mm ..."

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, then he smiled.

"Hahaha, you've done well as the Crown Prince!"

"What kind of death do you want to die in? tell me immediately, and I'll fulfill your wish. This is the greatest kindness I can show you. I'll let you see the person you've chosen die in pain in front of Princess man er. What a beautiful scene! Just thinking about it makes me drool."

"I, Jian Jia, choose to be executed by a thousand cuts on your behalf!"

"Hehehe, death by a thousand cuts, huh? that's the best way to execute someone. It's my favorite. Ye chen, since you've made your choice, I'll make my move."

Suddenly, deerhoop's eyes glowed with blood-red light, and a huge deerstalker appeared behind him. This was a bloody smell that did not belong to a deerstalker, and it was an extremely strange sight.

Many of the powerhouses in the surrounding enchantment stopped their battles and looked at the battlefield where ye chen and deer hoop were fighting.

This was because they all knew that ye chen was personally chosen by Princess man 'er. Regardless of his cultivation base, identity, and background, this alone was enough to attract everyone's attention. They wanted to see how this personally chosen Prince Consort would die a tragic death in front of her.

"Lu Huan, kill this kid!"

"Right, deerhoop, we're all waiting for you to dismember him!"

"Hahaha, this is really laughable. Princess man 'er actually personally picked a little loose immortal!"

Many experts bared their fangs, their eyes filled with anticipation. They were all very clear that the seemingly peaceful and friendly Deer Tribe had produced a god of death, Lu Huan. His terrifying killing methods were well-known throughout the entire beast region.

Deer Shadow's blood-red light flickered, and deer hoop's figure moved instantly, stabbing over.

"Killing sword, kill!"

In deer hoop's hand, a dagger covered in blood appeared. This was deer hoop's favorite divine weapon to use for killing by dismembering the body. It contained many types of resentment energy. Once touched, it would dissolve into the blood of the person, causing the poisoned person to suffer unspeakable pain and fester all over!

Even his spirit would be tortured, and he would eventually die from his own self-rotting.

"Ye chen, come die!"

"I will teach you a perfect way to dismember your body by a thousand cuts, hehe hahaha!"

Ye chen fought on his own, allowing his opponents to attack him. Only his maniacal laughter reverberated throughout the battlefield.

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