From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 805 - Worthwhile to Have as a Fiancee

After all, Zhang Xuming wasn’t interested in attending the birthday party. Instead, he wanted to convince Jian Yiling into becoming the successor of Xuming Medical Manufacturers.

After a while, the atmosphere of the party began to become lively again. Everyone started to talk and laugh.

More and more people came over to say hello to Zhai Yunsheng.

Unlike before, this time around, when they greeted Zhai Yunsheng, they also said hello to Jian Yiling.

Their attitude towards Jian Yiling changed significantly.

She was no longer just the future matriarch of the Zhai family. She was also the successor of Xuming Medical Manufacturers.

Wen Ruo’s good mood did not last.

She watched from afar as everyone scrambled to greet Jian Yiling.

Huo Yu smilingly approached Jian Yiling and asked her: “Yiling, can I ask a question? Why did you call yourself the ‘Second[1] Master’?”

“Because 10[2] is equal to 2 in the binary language,” Zhai Yunsheng replied instead of Jian Yiling.

When Wei Qirui mentioned the name ‘Second Master’, Zhai Yunsheng immediately realized that the word ‘Second’ was related to Jian Yiling.

After all, “negative ten” and “second” were both numbers that were related to his rabbit’s name.

She seemed to enjoy creating these nicknames.

Huo Yu slapped his knee as he laughed: “Hahaha, my guess was correct! I did not expect Sister Yiling to think like a programmer!”

As computers used binary language, programmers were particularly sensitive to these numbers.

And thus, when Huo Yu first heard of the name “Second Master” he also thought of binary.

That’s why he ran over to confirm with Jian Yiling.


After Jian Yuncheng’s birthday party came to an end, Jian Yiling’s identity as the partner and successor of Xuming Medical Manufacturers was made known to the masses.

The previous voices that said Jian Yiling was weak and incompetent were completely silenced.

She was no longer just a doctor who could perform surgery on the operating table. She also had the capability to turn her medical knowledge into business wealth!

Han Mengyu and Xing Wei were stunned by this news.

Xing Wei exclaimed: “Wow, your fiancee is amazing! Her brain is insane! She’s so different from us!”

Han Mengyu: “You just realized? Shouldn’t you have realized from the first time we played games with her?”

Xing Wei: “Back then, I knew that she had a high IQ. However, how do you expect me to know all of this!”

Then Xing Wei turned around to speak to Zhai Yunsheng: “Master Sheng, it’s totally worthwhile to have her as your fiancee!”

Zhai Yunsheng: “Are you meant to be the one who is telling me this?”

Xing Wei: “No no, that’s up to you. As long as you like her.”

Then, Han Mengyu asked: “Master Sheng, do you plan to announce Wei Qirui’s expulsion from the Loyalty Alliance?”

Zhai Yunsheng: “What else am I going to keep him around for? Do you want me to celebrate Chinese New Year with him or something?”

Zhai Yunsheng had already given notice to everyone else that the Wei Group would be removed from their alliance.

There were 6 individuals at the highest level of the Loyalty Alliance. Then, there were 36 businesses under those individual’s names. Thousands of stores were related to these businesses.

Therefore, it was a huge business alliance.

Once Wei Qirui was kicked out of the alliance, the consequences would be unimaginable for him.


After the news spread regarding Jian Yiling being the successor of Xuming Medical Manufacturers, many people who were familiar with Master Zhai went to congratulate him.

Master Zhai was so proud that he was smiling from ear to ear.

“Of course! She’s the matriarch of the Zhai family! How can she possibly be a simple individual? You ordinary folks would have never known about this!”

[1] Translator Note: Second is also interpreted as two in the Chinese language,

[2] Translator Note: This is a reference to her name Dr. F.S where Fu Shi = Negative 10 = Jian Yiling

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