From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 794 - The Only Way

Qin Hongzhi assumed that he could find another way.

However, his search for the next few days was fruitless.

Furthermore, a doctor told him that his condition would get worse and worse.

There would be all kinds of symptoms that appeared.

And thus, Qin Hongzhi began to panic.

At this moment, Qin Hongzhi thought about Li Zhuojia.

He sent his men and subordinates to look for Li Zhuojia.

Qin Hongzhi was prepared to wait for days, however, to his surprise, Li Zhuojia visited him on the first day.

This made Qin Hongzhi overjoyed.

When Li Zhuojia arrived at the Qin Residence, Qin Hongzhi greeted him with great joy.

“Mr. Li, I…”

Just as Qin Hongzhi was about to speak, he was interrupted by Li Zhuojia.

“I already know the purpose of your search for me. And thus, I will be straightforward and say that the rules of Lahaisen Hospital will not be broken. Therefore, as usual, sixty percent of your assets will be charged as medical expenses.”

“Is there no negotiation at all? I can give you guys 500 million dollars. It’s definitely more than one hundred percent of someone else’s assets.”

Li Zhuojia smiled as he replied politely: “I’m sorry. We’ve already discussed this before Mr. Qin Hongrui’s operation.”

“So no negotiation at all?”

“Nope,” Li Zhuojia replied.

The joy that had just surfaced on Qin Hongzhi’s face faded away.

It was replaced by anger and disappointment.

Li Zhuojia continued to speak: “That’s all I have to say. Mr. Qin, please take a good think about it. Feel free to contact me later. I will take my leave now.”

Li Zhuojia was not sensitive to Qin Hongzhi’s feelings.

After saying what he had to say, Li Zhuojia got up and left.

He didn’t even listen to Qin Hongzhi when he shouted at him.

Previously, Qin Hongzhi was happy that Li Zhuojia was visiting him. However, his hopes were completely dashed after this visit.

After searching for a bit more, Qin Hongzhi’s attention fell back onto Huiling Medical Research Institution.

Qin Hongzhi attempted to contact the director of the medical research institution. However, he discovered that the identity of the director was rather mysterious. Even his men were unable to find out the details of the other party.

Furthermore, the institution’s attitude was very clear: They would respect the wishes of their researchers. This meant that they would not force their researchers to take on any additional tasks.

During this period of time, Qin Hongzhi also approached Qin Chuan’s mother. He wanted to ask her about the treatment she received at the Institution. After talking to Qin Chuan’s mother, he determined that Jian Yiling and the Huiling Medical Research Institution could handle such a task.

And thus, Qin Hongzhi attempted to find a way to negotiate with Jian Yiling again.

To his dismay, he did not even manage to get to meet Jian Yiling.

Qin Hongzhi was annoyed and helpless. He was the Head of the Qin family! However, he had to ask a little girl to help him! To make matters worse, he was currently being given the cold shoulder. And yet, he couldn’t even complain about it!

He had tens of billions of dollars of assets under his name. However, it was likely that he was unable to live the remainder of his life.

Furthermore, his own children and his first lover spoke to him coldly. All of them disapproved of his ways.

Qin Hongzhi thought about this sadly.

All of a sudden, he felt like he aged more than ten years overnight.

However, he still did not want to negotiate using the equity of the Qin Group.


It was Jian Yuncheng’s birthday again.

Wen Ruo attentively prepared a gift for Jian Yuncheng.

She spent a few days drawing up an ink painting. It was a painting of mountains.

On the day before his birthday, the painting was framed and sent to Jian Yuncheng’s office.

When he saw the painting, Jian Yuncheng’s gaze fell on it for a long time.

When Huo Yu walked into the office, he laughed at Jian Yuncheng: “Your cousin is really good at painting. This painting is quite amazing. If you like the painting, you should hang it on the wall directly opposite your desk. Then, you’ll be able to see it when you look up.”

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