From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 752 - Apologize and Ask for Forgiveness (2)

Sure enough, there were several cameras in the laboratory room.

The cameras monitored everything in the lab from all angles.

This meant that Jian Yiling had the full version of their apology video.

And thus, if they were to take a part of the video out of context and post it onto the university forum, Jian Yiling could easily post the full video.

Now, none of the female students could laugh anymore.

The original incident had already made them suffer a lot of accusations and criticisms from their peers. In this scenario, if they were to take a video out of context, their peers would dislike them even more.

“Jian Yiling… Did you do this on purpose?” One of the female students asked Jian Yiling.

“The cameras are here to prevent people from stealing my experimental data,” Jian Yiling responded. However, she still did not look at these female students.

She didn’t have the ability to read the future. Therefore, she did not know what the female students planned to do.

However, when female students realized that Jian Yiling may release the full video, they began to feel nervous.

And thus, a few of them quickly apologized to her. This time around, their voices were much more sincere and genuine.

“Jian Yiling, we’re very sorry. Our apology just now was insincere. Please let us apologize to you again.”

“I don’t need your apology. Please leave.”

“But, Jian Yiling… We…”

The female students did not know what else to say to Jian Yiling.

“Jian Yiling, what do you want us to do for your forgiveness?” One of the girls asked Jian Yiling cautiously.

“Apologies don’t cost anything,” Jian Yiling replied.

“Then… Then…”

The female students looked at each other before they suddenly raised their hands to slap themselves.

They assumed that Jian Yiling wanted to see some action.

And thus, they slapped themselves to show their sincerity.

Two of the female students slapped themselves particularly hard. Therefore, their cheeks immediately turned red.

After the slapping, the female students asked Jian Yiling: “Is this okay?”

“I didn’t ask you guys to slap yourself,” Jian Yiling replied. She was not interested in seeing them slap themselves.


After realizing the slaps had been in vain, the female student’s expressions became particularly unpleasant.

“Please leave my laboratory. You’re disturbing my work,” Jian Yiling said one last time.

When faced with Jian Yiling’s cold eyes, the female students realized that Jian Yiling could become angry at any moment.

And thus, they hurriedly left the laboratory.

After leaving the laboratory, the female students were worried that Jian Yiling would upload the full video onto the campus forum. Therefore, they decided to write a long apology letter to post on the forum.

The apology letter was well over a thousand words.

The letter was filled with words and phrases that suggested that they genuinely regretted their previous actions. Furthermore, they sincerely wanted Jian Yiling’s forgiveness.

After that, they also printed a copy and brought it over to Jian Yiling. This was to ensure that Jian Yiling would read their apology letter. They really did not want the full video to be posted online.

Jian Yiling took a glance at the apology letter before she threw it into the trash.

At this moment, Jian Yiling had no time to listen to these girls’ apologies.

She recently assigned herself several heart operations.

She hoped that she could make further progress in this area.

At this moment, Jian Yiling received a phone call from the congressman.

The middle-aged man spoke to Jian Yiling in fluent English.

He expressed his sincere apologies for affecting Jian Yiling’s life and work.

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