From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1335 - Notice from Xunyu

Not long after Qin Yufan left, Jian Yiling and Zhai Yunsheng received a notice from the Xunyu Natural Science Research Association.

Even though they hadn't been in contact with Xunyu for two entire years, their membership status was still retained.

Xunyu asked them to come to a meeting location in Beijing.

It seemed like what Qin Yufan was worried about had happened. Qin Chuan actually decided to contact them through the Xunyu Natural Science Research Association.

"Sister, this is definitely a trap. Please don't go.

After relating this to Qin Yufan's words, Jian Yunnao firmly believed that Jian Yiling and Zhai Yunsheng should decline the invitation.

"I think Yunnao has a point," Jian Yichen agreed with Jian Yunnao. He had an uneasy feeling.

As Jian Yichen occasionally involved himself with such things, he knew about the Xunyu Natural Science Research Association.

Even though they were known to be a research association, Xunyu had a lot of power behind their association. They also had cutting-edge technology, money, and widespread influence across every country and industry.

To be an ordinary member of this organization only required a person to have knowledge and talent.

However, such a person at most could only be a B- rank member.

If someone was an A-rank member, his abilities and power were recognized by Xunyu. By achieving this rank, that person could do a lot of terrifying things with Xunyu's influence.

Jian Yunnao and Jian Yichen desperately attempted to convince Jian Yiling not to go.

"If a member refuses the notice issued by Xunyu without any reason, they will be punished," Jian Yiling explained.

After all, nothing could be accomplished without rules and standards. Even though the Xunyu Natural Science Research Association typically did not have requirements for its members, if someone senior gave an order, the members had to comply. If not, the consequences were very serious.

"What? Why can't you say no?" Jian Yichen said anxiously. "Clearly, Qin Chuan is behind this matter. If you guys do end up going, he's definitely going to bully you two! Are you planning to jump into this trap?"

Jian Yunnao nodded his head in agreement: "Yiling, we will help you think of another way. You shouldn't go. It's too dangerous!"

"It's okay. A Sheng and I can manage this," Jian Yiling said calmly. There was a determined look in her eyes.

Even though in their eyes, she was their adorable and fragile sister, she also had many powerful identities. Those identities could help her during times of need.


In Qin Chuan's study, Qin Chuan was seated in front of a desk that had a thick pile of documents. Sheng Yingying and Qu Zhen stood in front of him.

Ever since Zhai Yunsheng's comeback, the two of them felt incredibly restless.

"Mr. Qin, both Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling are aware of your relationship with Xunyu. Are they going to take the bait?" Sheng Yingying asked. She was quite worried about this.

If she could think of this, so could Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling.

"Well, even if they don't take the bait, we have nothing to lose," Qu Zhen commented.

Qu Zhen and Sheng Yingying wanted to use Qin Chuan's relationship with the Xunyu Natural Science Research Association to get rid of Jian Yiling and Zhai Yunsheng.

Qin Chuan's face was expressionless as he listened to Sheng Yingying and Qu Zhen.

At this moment, his housekeeper walked in to tell Qin Chuan that the guests from Xunyu had arrived.

Not long after, a few dignified and solemn-looking people walked into Qin Chuan's study.

These guests from the Xunyu Natural Science Research Association previously appeared at the birthday party Qin Chuan threw for Mo Shiyun.

The one in the lead was the middle-aged man from last time.

"Mr. Qin," the middle-aged man greeted as he bowed deeply to Qin Chuan with respect and courtesy.

"Will there be any problems with tomorrow's matter?" Qin Chuan asked.

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