Panda Novel

Since they crossed the swamp, they stopped wasting time and quickly moved up the mountain.

Although this mountain was not small, with their speed, they could reach the top in no time.

As expected, they were not the ones closest to the mountain, not long after they started ascending, they heard fighting sounds from above them.


Several huge rocks fell in their direction. Thankfully, because they were not the target, nothing bad happened aside from getting slightly stunned.

"They are really causing a huge scene." Rasputin quipped as he looked towards Ye Feng.

It was possible that many people were fighting, but it was absurd that many rocks were falling continuously.

Was there a Knight who liked to throw rocks as his weapon?

"Go, let's go and see." Ye Feng said naturally: "Since there is a show going on, let's watch it."

The location of the fight was not far from them, unless they took a detour, they could avoid meeting these people. Thus, since Ye Feng was confident in his own strength, there was no need to run.

Soon, the two parties who were fighting appeared before their eyes, the two men were fighting intensely and had not noticed them at all.

"What do we do? Wait?" Rasputin asked Ye Feng.

Although these two were focused on their intense fight, if they tried to go up, they would immediately change their target.

After all, they were fighting for the treasure at the top. No matter how intense the fight was, if Ye Feng appeared and tried to get up now, they would work together instead to force Ye Feng away.

"Let's watch here." Ye Feng showed a smile on his face, he said plainly: "We can make our move after they finish fighting."

Their battle was about to end soon anyway.

They had been fighting for some time, and because the two had a similar level of strength, they both sustained injuries.

This seemed to be an evenly matched fight.

"Berserk!" The one that looked like a middle-aged man shouted suddenly.

He had more injuries than the other party, there was even a deep wound on his left arm that exposed the bone, it could not be treated in time.

After he said that, his entire body inflated like a balloon, even his eyes started to turn blood red.

After using his secret skill, he charged at the enemy, wanting to end this battle quickly.

"Weightless spirit!" The short young man who fought against the muscular man had a magic staff in his hand, his face was quite ugly.

But it was clear that his incantation speed was too slow, once he finished chanting, the muscular man had already arrived before him.

The young man only had time to raise his staff to block the punch, but because he had already cast the spell, he did not resist the attack but floated backwards like a falling leaf instead.

Even so, his body was in poor condition, he felt like his organs and intestines had shifted position.

"Wind blade!" Several delicate wind blades shot out and sealed the muscular man's escape routes.

But the wind blades that were effective earlier seemed powerless now.

The muscular man did not care about his injuries, he punched again.

The young man who was reinforced with magic could not be hit so easily, he blocked with his staff and floated away again.

"That Magician seems to be setting a trap." Ye Feng squinted his eyes and said with deep contemplation.

Because of his secret skill, the muscular man seemed to have lost his rationality, although the trap was not that obvious, he should be able to see it if he observed his surroundings.

"What do we do?" Rasputin noticed it as well, he turned towards Ye Feng and asked: "Do we use this chance to deal with both of them?"

"No need, we will ascend after they're done fighting." Ye Feng shrugged, he held the Wind Spirit Demon Sword in his hand and said: "As long as they are not dumb enough to attack us, we can ignore them. These two are not a threat or obstruction to us."

At this time, the two who were fighting had not noticed Ye Feng, the young man was only blocking attacks while luring the muscular man to another location.

"Traction of the wind!"

Suddenly, the young man showed a smile like his scheme had succeeded.

He resisted the muscular man's attack while forcefully completing his incantation.

This magic was worth the time it took to cast, a tornado started to blow as the muscular man's body was turned around uncontrollably.

As a result, the muscular man stepped into a pit and lost his balance.

"This is the moment!" The young man quickly went up and stabbed the dagger in his hand into the muscular man's heart.

"Who are you?" Right when he was immersed in excitement after killing his opponent, he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

"We are just passing by." Looking at his alert expression, Ye Feng could not help but laugh.

Possibly because of Ye Feng's carefree attitude, the young man felt a huge pressure as his expression turned sinister, he used his magic against them.

"Since you ascended the mountain, you must be trying to steal my fortuitous encounter."

Probably because he had just killed someone and was still running on adrenaline, he fought with his full strength now.

"Wind blade!"

"Air current control!"

Air current control did not need any incantation to cast, he was using it to control his other spell.

He shot out three flying blades that instantly reached Ye Feng and Rasputin due to the amplification of the wind.

Clank clank clank—

They either blocked the flying blades or dodged them with ease.

"Are you sure you want to fight against us?" Ye Feng's expression turned solemn as he asked lightly.

"Cut the crap! Even if I expended a lot of energy earlier, you are still not my match!" The young man opened his mouth and had a twisted expression as he laughed sinisterly: "You think you are capable of stealing my fortuitous encounter? I will make sure your corpses stay on this mountain for good!"

Saying so, he cast his spell again.

"You must be tired of living." Ye Feng shook his head as he waved his hand. An earth wall appeared before him that blocked all the attacks.

At the same time, Rasputin took out his Longsword and charged at the young man.

Rasputin was not a Magician, he had to get into close range to display his full strength.

"Burst of speed!"

Rasputin shouted as his speed rose drastically, he arrived instantly before the young man and slashed with his sword.

The young man waved his magic staff as a wind blade flew towards Rasputin.

But Rasputin only shifted his body to one side and let the wind blade cut him lightly without lowering his speed. This time, he chose to stab instead, aiming for the young man's throat.

The young man wanted to retreat but found that he could not move at all.

His legs were tangled by vines.

"A Multi-Elemental Magician?!"

This was the final thing he said in his life.

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