Femdom Island

154 Alliance and Feralia

"Nikol, don't believe this woman, I'm doing everything because I love you, my son," Arti said with her cheeky smile turning into a lovely one confusing Nikol.

"You lied to me because you love me? You made the girls I loved kill each other because you love me?" Nikol said with his whole body fuming with anger.

"If that's what you call love, I don't really want to do anything with you, damn selfish woman," Nikol said as he averted his eyes.

He wanted to kill Arti as soon as he can, but deep down he was hesitant to do that because at least in name, she was supposed to be Nikol's mother.

As soon as Leviathan heard Nikol's words, she gave a smile to Arti and quickly hugged Nikol from behind.

"This boy really likes me, so you can take your dirty stench and go back to the heaven dimension," Leviathan expected Nikol to stay put but he quickly broke her hug and look at her with his eyes narrowed.

"I belong to no one, I'm loyal only to the people I feel like being loyal and you're definitely not one of them,"

Leviathan wasn't shocked hearing his words since she was the little rebel inside Nikol's eyes, as soon as she suggested being loyal to her words but seeing Arti smiling pissed her off a little.

"Did you forget our deal? Do you want me to kill those girls?" She asked with her eyes looking dangerously at Leona's army intimidating her.

Beastkin people were completely out of the circle, they had no idea what was happening.

"Do you think I will let you kill those girls? You might have restrained me when I was weak, but now I will beat your ass and wipe the floor with it," Nikol showing his dark purple long nails said without showing any hesitation.

"Ohhh! pretty impressive almost 10% of your power is back," Arti said like she was seeing the result of her works.

"Is that so? Appreciate it while you can because next will be you," As soon as he said that, Nikol charged in Leviathan's direction.

His idea was to catch her by surprise and kill her before she could even react.

Nikol gritted his teeth as he faced off against Leviathan. He knew he might be outmatched considering the strength of the chain but he couldn't back down since he couldn't believe Leviathan. He knew those empty promises were nothing but ideas to both of them trying to deceive each other so he had to risk his life, if he wanted to save Usha and the other girls.

Leviathan loomed over him, her white hair glinting in the sun with her azure eyes looking at Nikol with a complicated feeling.

"You should have stayed out of this and loyal to me, little brother," She growled.

"You can't possibly hope to defeat me."

Nikol raised his fist and claws, determined not to show any fear and move forward until his hands pierced the woman.

"I won't let you harm anyone else," he said, his voice steady and brave.

All the beastkin that were watching this had no idea, at first they tried to help Nikol but Arti stopped all of them since she knew Leviathan won't harm Nikol. She was confident in it more than anyone because she knew what their real relationship is.

Leviathan let out a deep, rumbling laugh. "Foolish boy! but you're cute just as you were in the past," She said.

"You have no idea what you're up against."

The two circled each other, Nikol trying to find an opening, Leviathan toying with him until Nikol reacted to her. Suddenly, Leviathan struck on her first try, sending Nikol flying with a powerful blow without even showing any mercy, which worried Arti a little bit.

'Is she going to give pain to him, I didn't think she would go that far'

Arti thought, but still, she didn't want to interfere because things weren't too dangerous for either of the parties.

Nikol struggled to his feet, his body aching. "Is that all you've got, mad woman?" he taunted, trying to hide his fear.

Leviathan bared its teeth. "You're starting to annoy me, just like you did in the past," She said.

"I think it's time to end this."

As Leviathan charged at him, Nikol's mind raced. He had to think of something, anything, to turn the tide of the battle. But as hard as he tried, nothing came to him.

"Stop it, Leviathan, what are you doing? Don't forget who he is,"

Arti also interfered this time, and she wasn't the only one, the alliance girls including Alva, Emily, Zenda, Lydia and Eva also came out thinking she was about to finish off Nikol.

"Nikol, we came for you!" They cried out.

Nikol turned to them, a look of surprise and relief on his face.

"I knew you girls won't forget me." He couldn't help but mutter as he wanted to see them after all the things he had to go through.

But unlike what he expected Suddenly, Nikol felt two hands going around his neck and hugging him.

"Nikol, don't you recognize me?" A familiar female voice muttered those words near Nikol's ear.

Nikol paused, confused about what was happening since he knew who that voice belonged to.

"No way! Nooo way! Leviathan, you're-" Nikol couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The woman in front of him gave a small smile and suddenly the white colour of her hair changed into brown colour, while her facial features and eye colour also changed rather quickly including her own body, making a version that looked like an authentic office lady,

"Yes, Nikol. It's me."

Nikol's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at her, unable to process the reality of the situation. He had always imagined what it would be like to finally meet his sister again, but he never thought it would happen like this and the woman, who was tying him and sexually torturing him was none other than his sister.

"What's going on?" Nikol demanded, his claws still drawn thinking it might be an illusion.

"Why did you bring me here and why didn't you tell me you were my sister from the beginning?" He didn't know what is true and what is not, after looking at Leviathan's face which looked exactly like his sister, Viola.

"I wanted to see you, Nikol," his sister replied.

"I've been watching you in the past too and now, I wanted to meet you face-to-face."

Nikol's mind was reeling. He couldn't believe that the woman in front of him was his sister. But then, something happened that he wasn't expecting.

The alliance party entered the battlefield with their weapons pointing at Leviathan.

"Nikol, get away from that woman, she's trying to trick you," Alva shouted while running in his direction.

"She's not your sister, your sister is a kind woman, who took care of you, don't you remember?" Emily supported her words, as she didn't want Nikol to make a wrong choice because of his feelings.


"I told you not to come here, annoying pests,"

Leviathan's eyes blazed with a fit of fierce jealousy, and she tightened her grip on her hand. Just like she promised the girls, she had no idea of showing any kindness to them this time as she decided to finish everyone with a single blow,

"You are mine, Nikol, and no one else's. I will not allow this girl to take you away from me!" She shouted showing her words were serious.

Beastkin girls with animal-like features, stood at the sidelines, watching the scene unfold with interest and confusion without knowing what they should do. Arti, the fairy responsible for everything observed the events from a distance, taking in every detail with a discerning eye and muttered to herself.

"A few more women and his seal will break, but I should be careful not to break it fully, so no excess sex for him,"

While she drowning in her own dreams, Nikol stepped forward, his claws drawn out of his hand, his eyes never leaving Leviathan.

"I will not let you hurt anyone. I love them, and they love me. You must accept that." He still had doubts, but things became clear to him as he calmed down. He saw how his sister looked at him when he mentioned a girl's name while they were on the earth, and right now she had the same look which convinced Nikol a little that she is actually his sister.

Leviathan lunged forward, her tail aimed at alliance girls. Nikol stepped in front of them, parrying the blow with his own agile movements. They clashed in a fierce battle, sparks flying as their hands clashed with each other.

The Beastkin girls cheered them on, fascinated by the display of skill and bravery and Leona felt like this was her destiny. Arti watched silently, her face impassive as she weighed the balance of power between the two siblings.

Lydia felt like they were being a dead weight to Nikol.

"This isn't right! We came here to protect him, but now the opposite is happening," She said with her eyes looking at the two figures, that were fighting non-stop, but it was rather clear that Leviathan wasn't even taking Nikol seriously, but the same cannot be said for Nikol.

"We must do something to help him," Zenda looked around for a clue, but then she noticed something.

"Let's ask for help from her," She said while pointing at Arti, who was clearly enjoying this turn of events.

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