Looking at the girl before me shining brightly, I couldn't help but ponder about what was happening here.

'What is going on?' I asked myself.

Suddenly, Lirienne started shining brightly under the silver light of a pillar that was descended upon her from the skies.

The amount of mana that was provided right now was something that I wasn't expecting.

'It is too dense. What is this?'

My [All Seeing Eye] and my [Child of Mana] trait enabled me to see what was happening around me, and it was something that I could not understand.

There was simply one answer to that, but it didn't make any sense.

'System. Is she going through enlightenment?' Looking for confirmation, I asked the system. Most of the time, it would not answer, but when I knew the answer inside, it would.

<Yes, host. As you have suspected, Lirienne is going through an awakening.>

The system's sound echoed inside my head, confirming my thoughts.

'But, why? Why is she entering an enlightenment stage now?' I asked.

<Host. I am unable to read other people's emotions, as you know.>

Hearing the system's voice, I understood that I had forgotten to sever the connection before thinking.

'I know.' With that answer, I severed the conversation and started thinking about what could have possibly caused her to be enlightened right now.

'Is it because of Selanne? Did something happen?' I thought.

No matter how I looked at it, comprehending what Lirienne was thinking seemed impossible.

'This girl is too eccentric.' Almost all of the people around me had their own type of agenda of being abnormal, but when it came to these things, Lirienne was the most mysterious one.

Since Aliya was rather 'normal' in terms of her own traits, it was easy to understand and have a conversation with her.

Since I had known Diana from both childhood and from the game, she, too, was still somehow understandable.

But that was not the case for Lirienne.

Neither did I know about the details of her past, nor I knew what was going on inside her mind. She was a girl that had a different type of thinking process and values than normal people, and the only thing I could use was the fact that she was a villain in the game.

"Sigh…..I guess waiting is my only option. Thankfully, I made her rent this room for the whole night. If not, things might get slightly troublesome."

With that thought, I stood there and started meditating on my own.

Knowing that Lirienne was now going through the process of enlightenment, the only thing I could do was to wait and protect her from something else happening.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the mana around me and tried to comprehend more, though surely I was not aiming to be successful at all….


Lirienne had a dream.

A dream where she was walking under the moonlight.

The cold breeze of the moon welcomed her as she looked around. There was no one aside from her.

Lirienne wandered through the lands of the moon, her silver mana radiating a soft glow that illuminated her path. The cold breeze enveloped her, whispering secrets only the night could hold. The landscape around her was surreal, with ethereal flowers blooming and casting gentle luminous hues across the land.

As she walked, Lirienne felt a deep sense of tranquility, a connection to the moon's serenity and solitude. It was as if the moon itself was guiding her, showing her the way to a profound understanding. The moonlight seemed to reflect the thoughts and emotions within her, mirroring her inner journey.

It was dark, but the moonlight lit her way. It guided her, showing her the path she needed to take.

As she walked following the light, she soon passed the small cliff and climbed on top of it. And the moment he reached on top of the cliff, the scenery around her changed.

Now, it was a scenery that was filled with light.

Small animals that she had no knowledge of wandered around the lands…..Big animals that looked ferocious….Ethereal-looking plants that looked like they were the ones that owned this place…

A scenery of life welcomed her.

The light that was shining under the sky of the night was feeding the flowers; it was guiding the animals….It was giving the life around…

In the distance, a woman's ethereal voice echoed through the moonlit expanse. "Lirienne, child of the moon, your path lies not in the shadows but in the light that you carry within."

The words echoed around the place, but Lirienne knew the voice actually echoed inside her soul.

"Embrace your true purpose and let it guide you."

As the voice echoed once again, Lirienne couldn't help but look around, trying to locate the source of the voice. "Who are you?" she called out, her voice barely above a whisper.


A chuckle came as an answer. A chuckle filled with sorrow and slight emptiness it was.

"Who I am…." The voice sounded lost…. "I am nothing but a name that has been forgotten." The voice replied.

However, Lirienne could feel the emotions flowing through his heart. For some reason, he could feel that the soul sounded regretful. Immense amounts of sadness welled inside her heart.

Lirienne listened intently to the voice, her heart heavy with the emotions it carried.

'A name that is forgotten… Why do you sound so sorrowful?' She thought inside her heart….It was the first time that the girl whose life was filled with the feeling of vengeance was feeling an emotion of others.

The voice sighed, its ethereal tone swirling around her like a gentle breeze. "In this vast universe, there are countless souls, countless beings who once walked the lands and left their mark. But as time passes, memories fade, and names are lost to the sands of time."

As the words that were deciphered echoed inside her heart, Lirienne could feel her heart feeling with sorrow. It was something that she could not understand. More and more questions arose, but one of them outweighed the others.

'Why? Why is it that important to not be forgotten?' She wanted to ask, but she didn't.

She was a girl that lived her life for vengeance…For the sake of making others repay for what they have done to her….So, she couldn't understand the sorrow inside the voice….Was it really just because they were forgotten?

"My child... Your life is precious, and it should be lived for more than just revenge," the voice continued, its sorrow deepening as it perceived Lirienne's inner turmoil. "Vengeance may seem like a path to closure, but it will only lead to an endless cycle of pain and suffering."

As she spoke those words, the surroundings changed.

First, a tiger-looking animal attacked a lion because it wanted to eat the meat that the lion had acquired.

However, in the process, the lion reached its demise, and following that, the small cub that resembled the dead lion came.


A roar of anguish filled the surroundings as the lion sat there and waited for his mother to stand up. But it never did.

And seeing this, the lion couldn't stand that any longer as it trailed the smell of tiger it could sense. It trailed and trailed until it found the tiger that had taken his mother's life.

Now, that tiger had another bunch of children and was old.

But the lion didn't care and took his revenge, attacking the tiger. He killed the tiger before the small cubs' eyes and left.


And at that moment, another roar filled with anguish came.

This cycle continued for a long time, as the feeling of vengeance ruined the life of everyone present.

The cubs continuously trailed each other as they never gave up.

However, soon the scenery changed.

The scenery returned back as it was filled with the cubs once more. But this time, the lion whose mother was killed decided to let it go.

Let things go as, rather than trailing the murdered lion, simply made a new family and gave them happiness.

"My child. Can you see it now? What does the path of vengeance do for thy?"

"Life is fleeting, my child," the voice whispered, "and it is meant to be filled with moments of joy, love, and understanding. Your heart is burdened with the weight of vengeance, but it is capable of so much more."

The words sounded more and more burdened like the voice was the one that had lived such a life.

For some reason, tears streamed down Lirienne's cheeks as she felt the truth of the voice's words pierce through her hardened exterior.

Even though she couldn't comprehend what those words were for, even though she could not truly believe that the path of vengeance was wrong, the emotions she was feeling were so strong that she couldn't stop her tears.

"Don't waste your life for the sake of your vengeance, my child….Never forget….In this realm of light, there will always be a night. Just as light and darkness coexist, life and death are intertwined. Embrace the journey, and know that even in the darkest hours, the light of the one for your destiny will shine…."

The voice spoke, the regret in its voice evident.

"Don't ever forget my child….. A moon's purpose is never to create the light…."

The scenery changed, the bright light of the sun appearing on the sanctuary.

"The moon's purpose is to reflect the light of the sun to those for the night when the light of the sun could not reach them. It is your purpose to stand beside the one that spreads the light of the sun."

As the voice spoke those words, the moon's radiance intensified, enveloping her in a comforting embrace. Lirienne knew that she had taken the first step towards healing and finding her true purpose.

With the guidance of the ethereal voice, she now understood that her true path. As she walked under the moonlight, Lirienne felt a newfound sense of hope and determination in her heart.

And at the end of her dream, a figure took the place of her sun.

It was a figure that became the light for her.

A figure of a young man with Black hair and Crimson Eyes….

With little steps, she walked through her light, her moonlight guiding her.

However, as she walked further and further, on top of the cliff that Lirienne climbed, a figure could be seen.

It was a figure whose face was covered with a veil.


A small drop of tear fell to the ground as the figure wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her robe.

Under the moonlight, from the sides of the robe, the figure's pointy ears could be seen….


Hope you liked this chapter.

Writing this one took quite a long time, but I am feeling thrilled for some reason. I think this one was pretty good.


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