What is the thing that differentiates a villain from a hero?

There are countless types of villains that were created by the writers….

Some of them are just broken, people….

Some of them did not have any other chance aside from walking on the path of destruction….

Some of them lost someone dear to them…

Some of them were stepped on….

Some of them had their pride crushed….

We can continue this list further, listing many more reasons as to why one could become a villain.

But does that mean every person that has such past needs to become the villain? Does that mean every person that the world chooses to inflict pain needs to become the destroyer?

Does that mean we, humans, do not have any choice?

No. In fact, we have.

And this is the thing that differentiates a villain and a hero.

A villain and the hero both had looked into the abyss. But, when it stared back, the villain would be the one that would blink.

Then, again, when you want to reveal a villain to the world, the only thing you need to do is to bring them onto the verge of despair, leaving them with only one choice, driving them onto the edge, and making them look into the abyss.

Then, they are going to reveal themselves…


With a loud roar, the arena was filled with darkness.

The darkness made it unable to see anything inside.

As the darkness enveloped the arena, an eerie silence fell over the crowd. No one could see what was happening inside, and the suspense was almost palpable. It was as if the very air was charged with malevolent energy.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?"

"Darkness? What is this magic?"

"Wait, something feels weird…. This man is making me want to vomit."

Though Callius just stood there in the midst of darkness leisurely.

'You sure took your sweet time to reveal yourself, you pathetic dog.' He thought as he locked his [All Seeing Eye]'s with Declan observing his transformation inside the darkness.

An immense amount of dark mana was getting sucked into the young boy, showing that the contract he made was a lot stronger than the ones he had encountered.


Suddenly, a burst of sinister laughter echoed through the darkness, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. The laughter seemed to come from all directions, filling the arena with an unsettling feeling.

"Hehehe... You thought you could defeat me so easily, Callius?" The voice was unmistakably Declan's, but it was different, distorted as if it belonged to something else entirely. "You thought you could look down on me, wasn't it?"

It was a voice that felt heinous. It was a distorted feeling sending shivers to the surroundings and the people watching.

Even the referee, who was the instructor, was frozen in his spot. After all, aside from the sound, an immense amount of pressure was being released from the darkness itself.

With a surge of power, the darkness began to recede, revealing Declan's true form. His once human appearance was now twisted and demonic, his eyes glowing with a malevolent light. His body was surrounded by a dark aura, and his presence was suffocating.

"Ahh….It is because of you….Because of you! YOU COMMONERS SHOULD ALL DIE! Ahh….Now your face is filled with despair, isn't it?" Declan spoke proudly.

However, when he turned his head to look at the one he was addressing, he couldn't see what he wanted. Callius just looked at Declan pitifully.

"After all, you also couldn't exceed my expectations." With that slow mumble, he raised his blazing fists. "I thought you would be different, but it seems you weren't."

After all, he was eager to test his fighting prowess.

However, Declan lost himself more and more the more you heard what Callius was saying. He wanted to see him in despair; he wanted him to feel pathetic, feel small.

That was the reason he revealed his demon powers. Because he couldn't stand it, even though his mother always warned her to wait, he couldn't.

But now the source of this situation was out there looking at him more pitifully. That made Declan more and more mad.

Declan growled, his demonic features contorting with anger. "I don't need your pity! I will destroy you and prove that I am the strongest!"


His demonic power surged once again, and he charged at Callius with a newfound ferocity. But Callius was ready.


With a confident smile, he unleashed his full strength, a blazing inferno that engulfed Declan in flames.

However, Declan stood there without getting affected by his flames. After all, his strength had passed the mark of 5-star and reached 6.


Name – Declan Blackwood

Age – 15

Class – Fallen Prince of Wind

Mage Rank – 6-star

Knight Rank – 2-star

Attributes – Wind, Dark


As the inferno raged around him, Declan stood unyielding, unaffected by the flames. His demonic features twisted into a sinister grin, revealing his thirst for power. The darkness within him seemed to amplify, empowering him beyond what Callius had expected.


With a burst of dark energy, Declan lunged at Callius, his movements swift and unpredictable. His wind magic swirled around him, creating a vortex of power that threatened to tear Callius apart.


But Callius was not one to back down. He met Declan head-on, his flames clashing with the dark winds.


The arena was filled with the sounds of their clash, the air crackling with energy as their powers collided. Callius moved with agility and precision, his flames dancing around him like a deadly ballet. But Declan's movements were just as swift, his dark aura granting him an eerie grace.

With each exchange, Callius could feel the pressure mounting. Declan's strength was unlike the one he had faced before. However, he was expecting such a thing already.

He had battled with 5-star Knights and Mages beforehand and beat them on his own. But this time, he didn't need to do such a thing. After all, this place was the academy, where a lot stronger people lurked; thus, he only took this opportunity as a training experience and tried to improve himself against a lot stronger opponent.


Declan disappeared into the darkness, reappearing behind Callius with blinding speed. He struck with a powerful blow, sending Callius flying across the arena. But Callius managed to regain his footing, his flames cushioning the impact.


Declan's attacks came relentless, and Callius found himself on the defensive. He dodged and weaved, trying to find an opening, but Declan's dark magic seemed to be everywhere at once.

The difference between their levels was evident. Even though Declan could not even utilize his 6-star mana properly, the amount of raw power output was enough to overwhelm him.

Adding his demonic features into the equation, it was a lot more overbearing.


The arena trembled as their powers clashed, creating shockwaves that shook the very ground beneath them. The audience watched in awe and fear, witnessing a battle of epic proportions.

But as the fight raged on, Callius could feel his strength waning. He had given it his all, but it seemed that Declan's power was inexhaustible.


With a powerful gust of wind, Declan sent Callius sprawling once more. This time, when Callius tried to stand, he felt a searing pain in his side. He looked down to see a deep gash, blood flowing from the wound.

"You see, Callius," Declan said with a malicious grin. "In the end, your flames are no match for the power of darkness."

He looked like he had won the fight, but Callius just smiled in response.

"I really would have liked to fight with you just a week later, but sadly we can no longer do that anymore." He said with a smile.

Declan's eyes widened in confusion as he tried to comprehend Callius's words. But before he could respond, Callius's smile widened, and he spoke again. "You see, I made a promise to someone that I won't let anyone get in the way of our duel. But it seems like you couldn't hold on until then."

Before Declan could react, Callius moved with incredible speed, closing the distance between them. With a swift motion, he swung his flaming fist toward Declan, who managed to block the attack with his wind-bladed hands. The clash of their powers sent sparks flying in all directions.

"Hehehe... you're still so confident, even when you're on the verge of defeat," Declan snarled, his demonic features contorted with rage.

The arena trembled as Callius and Declan clashed, but this time, Declan seemed even more ferocious and relentless. He pushed back Callius with sheer force, overwhelming him with the dark energy he wielded.

With each strike, Callius felt his strength waning, and the pain from his injuries intensified, though the smile never left his face.

It really looked like he was having fun, and in fact, he was.

'This guy….It has been a while since I had pushed myself this far with my body.'

He had already released the constraints of bracelet on his aura and his body the moment Declan revealed his Demon form.

Since he was going to attempt breaking through, pushing his body's limits would also tamper his endurance and his strength which were falling behind.


Then, Callius summoned all the fire magic he could muster, unleashing a torrent of flames at Declan.


It was a spell that consumed the last bit of mana on his core, squeezing everything.

But to everyone's surprise, Declan seemed unscathed by the inferno, his demonic powers protecting him from the searing heat. He laughed maniacally, reveling in his newfound strength.

"You're finished, Callius!" Declan taunted, his voice twisted with madness. "Your flames are nothing compared to the power of darkness!"

Though, the only thing he got was a sneer.

"As expected, you have made a deal with 'him'. Thank you for the information." Callius mumbled as he raised his hand.

However, Declan decided to finish the fight.

He lunged forwards to Callius, whose mana was depleted and was standing still; his arms were filled with Dark-colored wind blades.


Though, as his arms were about reach Callius' heart, something unexpected happened…..

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