

Time seemed to crawl in the sterile confines of the hospital room where Liu Xueyi had spent countless hours tending to his ailing son.

Despite the pressing concerns for his child's health, there was an indelible thought that continued to nag at him—the suspicion surrounding Zheng Ying.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, even though the report on her whereabouts from the previous day revealed nothing suspicious.

Restless and tormented by his thoughts, Liu Xueyi decided to reach out to Xu Fang, hoping for some clarity.

He dialled the familiar number, his hand trembling slightly as he pressed the phone to his ear. It was time to unravel the enigma that surrounded Zheng Ying.

"Fang, I can't shake this feeling that something's off, besides my son's health. Can you look into where Zheng Ying has been all these years?" Liu Xueyi's voice trembled with a mix of worry and frustration as he absentmindedly plunged his free hand into his pocket.

Xu Fang's voice carried a note of caution on the other end of the line. "I will, but you must also realize that while you're focused on one person, don't neglect Andromeda's presence in your life."

Confusion gripped Liu Xueyi as he tried to comprehend the meaning behind Xu Fang's cryptic statement.

"What do you mean? Are we still on track, or should I abandon everything now?"

A heavy sigh escaped Xu Fang's lips, amplifying the silence that hung between the two men on the call. "You do remember that today is the start of the Annual Fashion Show, right?"

Liu Xueyi's eyes widened in sudden realization. "Shit!"

Gently admonishing, Xu Fang continued, "Andromeda was there for you, supporting your company, while you were absent. She deserved your presence when she was honored."

The weight of guilt settled upon Liu Xueyi's shoulders as Xu Fang's words pierced his conscience.

He had neglected Andromeda's achievements, too consumed by the shadows of his past. A profound sense of regret welled up within him.

Xu Fang's voice held a note of caution as he pressed on, "Don't let your past overshadow your current relationship. Andromeda is your girlfriend now, while Zheng Ying is your ex. It may be difficult to navigate, but you must find the right balance and provide Andromeda with an explanation. Don't give her reason to doubt your commitment."

Liu Xueyi sighed, his guilt mingling with a determination to make things right.

"You're right... as always. I can't let go of my feelings for Andromeda. She deserves someone who loves her unconditionally, and I want to be that person."

"Good. I'll take care of the company as promised. You focus on your personal life, alright?"

"Definitely. Thanks," Liu Xueyi responded, a mix of gratitude and apprehension lacing his words.

With the call concluded, Liu Xueyi was left with an uneasy feeling. Time was of the essence—he needed to hurry home to Andromeda or make it to the fashion show contest.

He dialled another familiar number, anticipation coursing through his veins as he made his way out of the hospital.

After several rings, the call connected, and he spoke urgently into the receiver, "Jian Xiaofei, can you hear me?"

"Sir! Good evening, Mr. Liu. How may I help you?" Jian Xiaofei's voice greeted him with professionalism.

"Give me a detailed report. Where is Andromeda, and tell me everything that transpired during the fashion show. I'm on my way there now."

"Hmm... Sir, I'm afraid we've already closed for the day. You won't make it in time before Ms. Kai leaves," Jian Xiaofei explained, a touch of regret lacing his words.

Liu Xueyi's heart sank, the urgency palpable in his voice. "Damn. Can you buy me some time? Stall her, if possible."

Jian Xiaofei hesitated, understanding the stakes involved. "I can try, but there's a risk she might become suspicious."

"Andromeda," Liu Xueyi whispered softly, his mind filled with regret and determination. "Alright, I better hurry home and prepare myself. Thank you, Jian Xiaofei."

Ending the conversation, Liu Xueyi's footsteps quickened as he rushed towards the parking lot, his mind buzzing with a mix of anxiety and determination.


Andromeda stepped into the foyer, her heart still pounding from the exhilaration of the fashion show.

She could hear the distant echo of applause in her ears as she closed the door behind her.

As she turned around, her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her—a tall figure standing by the doorway, holding a bouquet of her favourite flowers, a box of decadent chocolates, and a smile that could melt the coldest heart.

"Liu Xueyi," she whispered, her voice filled with surprise and delight. "You're here."

Liu Xueyi nodded, his eyes shining with remorse and longing. "I'm sorry, Andromeda. I know I missed out on an important day for you. I should have been there."

Andromeda's brows furrowed slightly, but she quickly composed herself.

She understood the demands of Liu Xueyi's work, his commitments, and the sacrifices he had to make especially now with his son.

Taking a step closer, she reached out to touch his arm and rubbed lightly in a reassuring manner.

"It's alright, Xueyi. I know how busy you've been. How was your day, though? Tell me about it."

A flicker of hesitation crossed Liu Xueyi's face, but he quickly recovered, painting a picture of an ordinary day when he was entangled in responsibilities, downplaying the main problem, not wanting to burden her with his own battles.

Andromeda listened attentively, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding.

When Liu Xueyi finished speaking, Andromeda smiled gently. "I appreciate you sharing that with me. It means a lot."

"Sure. But today, let's focus on us."

Andromeda nodded. "I missed you, and having you here now is more than enough."

At that moment, Liu Xueyi felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had expected anger and disappointment, but Andromeda's forgiveness and compassion were more than he deserved.

His heart swelled with love for this incredible woman who understood him like no one else ever could.

Touched by her words, Liu Xueyi reached out to cup Andromeda's face with one hand, his thumb caressing her cheek.

The weight of their unspoken emotions hung in the air as their eyes locked, Andromeda's lips curled into a soft smile, and without a word, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, longing kiss.

The world around them faded into oblivion as they lost themselves in the warmth and sweetness of that kiss.

When they finally pulled apart, their breaths mingling, Andromeda took Liu Xueyi's hand and led him inside the house.

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