

The early morning air was crisp and cool as Liu Xueyi raced through the sliding glass doors of the hospital, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and urgency. 

The bright lights and sterile smell of antiseptic hit him as he entered, and he quickly glanced around the bustling reception area, searching for any signs or directions that would lead him to his son's ward.

He approached the reception desk, his voice trembling with anxiety as he addressed the nurse behind the counter. "Excuse me, I'm looking for the ward where my son Zheng Ling is. Can you please direct me?"

The nurse, a kind-looking middle-aged woman, smiled sympathetically. "Of course, sir. Zheng Ling is in the Pediatric Oncology ward on the third floor. Take the elevator to your right, and when you reach the third floor, turn left and follow the signs. You won't miss it."

Grateful for the information, Liu Xueyi nodded his thanks and hurried towards the elevator. With each passing floor, his heart pounded louder, and his mind raced with thoughts of his beloved son. 

Zheng Ling was only six years old, his young life full of innocence and laughter. The thought of him being unwell filled Liu Xueyi with an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Anxiety and fear gripped him tightly as he navigated the labyrinthine hallways, searching desperately for the ward where his son, Zheng Ling, was being treated. 

As the elevator doors opened on the third floor, Liu Xueyi anxiously followed the signs directing him to the Pediatric Oncology ward. 

The corridor seemed to stretch on endlessly, and he quickened his pace, his footsteps echoed loudly in the otherwise quiet environment, each stride filled with a sense of urgency and trepidation.

Finally, he arrived at the entrance to the ward, his breath catching in his throat. He pushed open the heavy door, revealing a sight that further heightened his concern. 

Children of various ages, some with bandaged heads or pale complexions, occupied the beds that lined the ward. The hushed murmurs of worried parents filled the air, creating an atmosphere of shared anxiety.

Liu Xueyi's eyes quickly scanned the room until they fell upon a woman sitting beside a bed, her eyes red from tears. He recognized her instantly as Zheng Ying. 

The second he laid his eyes on her, his heart clenched watching the tears roll down her cheeks. A mixture of relief and sadness washed over him as he approached her.

"Zheng Ying," Liu Xueyi called out softly, his voice choked with emotion. 

He snapped his head to the side where his son, Zheng Ling lay on the sterile white bed, his once vibrant eyes now filled with exhaustion.

Tubes and wires snaked around his frail body, connecting him to machines that monitored his every breath.

"What happened? Why is Zheng Ling here? He was okay yesterday."

Zheng Ying looked up, her face pale and weary. She wiped away a tear before responding, her voice trembling. 

"Xueyi, Zheng Ling woke up in the middle of the night, complaining of severe pain. We rushed him here, and after some tests, the doctors discovered that the cancer has spread. It's affecting him badly, and they admitted him immediately for treatment."

Liu Xueyi's heart sank, his hands trembling as he reached out to grasp Zheng Ying's. 

The news hit him like a sledgehammer, the weight of his son's illness settling heavily upon his shoulders. He fought back tears, trying to remain strong for both Zheng Ling and Zheng Ying.

Her voice came out in barely a whisper. "I'm... I'm hanging in there, Xueyi. I can't bear to see him like this."

Liu Xueyi's heart clenched as he thought of his innocent child who was fighting a battle against cancer.

Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill over. 

He had only known his son yesterday and now he was made to go through this.

While his pain was strong, Liu Xueyi could not help feeling sad for Zheng Ying.

"I know. It's heartbreaking to see him suffer like this," Liu Xueyi replied, his voice choked with emotion. "But we have to stay strong for him. He needs our love and support now more than ever."

Zheng Ying nodded, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. 

"I've tried, Xueyi. I've tried to be strong for him, but sometimes... sometimes it feels like I'm crumbling inside. I can't bear the thought of losing my precious son. He is all I have."

Liu Xueyi's voice trembled as he spoke his own anguish palpable. "I understand, Zheng Ying. It's natural to feel overwhelmed in a situation like this. But we can't give up hope. We have to fight for Ling, just like he's fighting for his life."

A flicker of determination glimmered in Zheng Ying's eyes, momentarily overshadowing her pain.

She had never expected him to be this concerned when she called him this morning with so much worry in her voice when she cried.

"You're right, Xueyi. We can't let despair consume us. Ling deserves every chance at life. We'll do whatever it takes to help him through this."

Liu Xueyi nodded and when he spoke, his voice was filled with unwavering resolve. "We'll find the best doctors, explore every treatment option available, and never stop searching for a cure. My son is a fighter, and we'll fight alongside him."

Zheng Ying nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and hope. 

"Also, I want him transferred to a private ward and have my friend also check in on him."

"Sure. Anything. We just need to wait for the doctor's return with the possible hope for a cure," Zheng Ying assured him. 

"That's a step. All will be well."

Liu Xueyi's mind ran a mile in a second, thinking of how to go about this. At that moment he could not bother himself with doubting her actions and reason for returning. 

Saving his son was first and foremost. 

Right now, he knew he would be needing his family's link to help in locating all of the best doctors and have them tend to his son.

If that happened, there was no way Liu Houyi and Liu Jinchen would not find out about the new heir.

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