

Andromeda's words drummed in Mo Yuning's ears as she shrank where she sat, waiting for the world to disappear.

"Wait... did you say, Tang Yan?" Gu Jun's voice rang out in disbelief.

"Yes, the very Tang Yan, Liu Xueyi's close friend," Andromeda blurted out.

Ever since she tried not to speak on the issue to avoid hurting her friend, hoping that perhaps Mo Yuning had stated her feelings to Gu Jun.

However, now all hope seemed lost when he mentioned this name—Tang Yan—and how he knew this person too!

Mo Yuning felt like someone just punched her right below her stomach; however, this time around, there was no pain or even discomfort from such an attack but rather a sense of dread which made her feel sick inside.

She could feel herself getting hotter by the second while sweat began dripping down her forehead despite being indoors.

Her heart pounded loudly against her ribcage while a cold shiver ran through her body making her tremble uncontrollably.

She couldn't breathe properly anymore because every breath came with difficulty and caused sharp pains along her chest wall.

She wanted nothing more than to run away and hide somewhere far away so she wouldn't have to face what they were talking about.

However, the same could not be said for Andromeda who was determined to free her friend from any deception. 

Call her stern, it did not matter to her. It would be better for both if they did not play with anyone's feelings.

Gu Jun turned to his side, his eyes settling on Mo Yuning as fear and doubt crept their way into his eyes. "Yuning?" he asked again in disbelief before turning back towards Andromeda once more.

He knew he was in no position to speak but, if she had someone, he wished she had told him. Sadly, the pain etched in his heart was more than that.

"Yuning," Gu Jun called out once more, this time his voice louder than the last. 

"Please, speak. I do not want to see him hurt further," Andromeda pleaded, her voice breaking at the last part. 

He was like a brother to her and he was always there whenever she needed it. 

Perhaps she was going over this the wrong way but she did not know how anymore. "Please."

At the last word, Mo Yuning's eyes watered as she lifted her eyes to meet Andromeda's and then nodded slowly. 

"Yes. I love Tang Yan."

Gu Jun shut his eyes, the pain descending over him afresh.

His hands clenched tightly together while tears stung his eyes. However, when he opened them up again, all traces of emotion vanished leaving only coldness behind.

Andromeda looked downwards while trying hard not to cry; however, when she saw what lay beneath those dark brown locks of hair—her own emotions—she felt something snap inside of herself which made her feel weak enough to collapse onto the floor where she sat beside Mo Yuning.

"But I also have feelings for Gu Jun."

Andromeda and Gu Jun snapped their heads at her at the same time. 

Andromeda could not tell if Mo Yuning was making matters worse or not. She could have left that part out probably. 

"I am sorry," Mo Yuning's timid voice came off in a whisper. "I was going to tell you after he asked me out and I said yes."

"But you didn't," Gu Jun finished for her and cast a side glance at her. "Did you?"

"I..." Her voice broke, unable to hold in her pain knowing she hurt him. He had been nothing but good to her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you and I couldn't... When I visited Liu Xueyi's residence with Tang Yan and Andromeda saw me, I knew I should have told you after. But it was hard for me."

"Not an excuse, Mo Yuning."

"I know, Andromeda. I saw the confusion in your eyes too," Mo Yuining added. "I am sorry."

"That's when you found out, huh?" Gu Jun asked, lifting his eyes to look at Andromeda. She was equally guilty and she knew it. "You didn't think to tell me?"

"I was going to but refrained from it. I wanted her to do so herself and then I had my own fair share of life problems and the thought that I could be mistaken? You also did not state fully you wanted her."

"I know, which is why I cannot blame her fully for anything. I mean I am no saint and all, so I understand."

Gu Jun turned back towards Mo Yuning who looked away from him as well as downwards once more as tears began falling down her cheeks again.

He reached over and placed a hand on top of hers before turning around again as he faced both women.

He took a deep breath while looking between them; however, he could see nothing but sadness within their expressions—their faces were wet with tears—and he felt like he could cry himself right there and then.

"I am really sorry, Gu Jun. I shouldn't have entertained these feelings and be upfront right with you. I should have faced you but I was a coward and didn't. Forgive me."

He managed to smile and responded. Even at this point when he was hurt, he was more concerned about her and her feelings.

"It's fine."

Mo Yuning nodded slowly whilst wiping the last few drops off her face using the back of her hand.

"I'm so sorry," she added but the tears wouldn't stop and with that, she stood up and rushed out of the room. 


The room fell into an eerie silence after Mo Yuning's abrupt departure, the sound of the door slamming shut reverberating through the air. 

Andromeda's eyes widened, her hand instinctively reaching out towards the closed door as if trying to pull Mo Yuning back.

Gu Jun's heart sank, his own pain momentarily forgotten as he watched her fleeing figure. Concern for her consumed him, even in the midst of his own emotional turmoil.

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