Emperor's Reckoning

465 Prey and Hunter

"Lord Var! Please excuse my respectful welcome!" said Garuda as he bowed to his waist toward the old man.

"Lord who?" Jin was confused and he tilted his head slightly while looking at his father-in-law.

"Lord Var," answered Priscila.

"Yeah I heard that, but his name is Noark, isn't he?" asked Jin toward his wife.

"Noark Treas Var, it's his last name."

"Oh... ok, just like you, Priscila Treas err..." (Shit, I dig my own grave!) thought Jin before he heard the popping noise of his wife's veins.

"Hmm..," Noark didn't bother that Priscila was punishing Jin behind his back as every scream the man made was the jiggling of soothing bells to his ears.

"Oh... so this is what I look like on the poster, man they work fast, haha!" laughed Lyon as he was looking at his own bounty.

(What?! Since when did he?!) the lead attacker of the city was flabbergasted in horror as he unknowingly took a step back. He was right in front of him but he couldn't see his movement at all. (He was crossing his arms a moment ago!) thought the lead attacker.

Cecile cooly put her head on his shoulder before looking at the image of her husband imprinted on the poster.

"Hmm..." she hummed.

"What is it?" asked Lyon (Her hair smells so good).

"This can either be a good thing or a bad thing," muttered Cecile.

(Bad thing? Chance!) thought the lead attacker as he might just as well found one silver lining of hope. He opened his mouth with his eyes brightened, if he didn't take action now, he won't see the sun tomorrow.

However, before he could utter one word his shoulder was grabbed before his body face the other way. Without even manage to process the figure that caught him, his throat was choked as his feet left feathers.

"I saved you three, then you tried to attack my city?!" Garuda's eyes were glaringly yellow as veins bulging could be seen forming between his furrowing eyebrows.

"No... wait Ga- Sir Garuda wait!" his desperate call was pitiful as tears couldn't help escaping out of his eyes. The pride of the cultivator was nowhere to be seen. Despite bringing such a huge fleet, the man was powerless against the angered father.

"What! Do you still have something to say?! After pushing my daughter down whilst protecting my city?!" his grip tightened as his mind erupted with killing intent.

"I do!" shouted the man before he made a smile, "You are too benevolent, Garuda."

He flicked his finger before a returning jade stone was in his grasp. He wasted no time before destroying the stone and kicking Garuda's chest away from him.

"You!" shouted Garuda but it was all too late. The jade light engulfed the man as he mercilessly left his two dead brothers and the huge fleet.

"As long as I'm alive I can build it all again! Hahaha!"

"Being benevolent is different from being a fool," muttered Lyon before he followed up with a smile.

The jade light skyrocketed to the sky, piercing it under everyone's eyes. The townfolks were dismayed by the fact that the attacker left with their limbs still intact whilst the archers were betrayed by their master.


Noark, Jin, and the rest of the passengers of the bird suddenly turned their eyes sharp except for Cecile as her auburn hair fluttered from a gentle acceleration of his husband.

"Dragon is the king of the sky, True Dragon, is the king of dragons," commented Cecile before she let out a smirk.

(He is going to chase that?!) thought Yunesia as she saw yet another unbelievable thing that Lyon was going to do.

Another streak of jade light was piercing the sky as the townsfolk immediately noticed them. However, the latter was bigger and had a lot more bursts than the first one. The unbelievable speed caught them out of breath.

"What is that?!"

"Something crazy is happening there miss.. er.." the uncle that was selling skewered meats had black lines whilst looking at the jaded-haired woman who was still contemplating about eating the meat or not.

Garuda looked up astonished and his mouth was gaping looking at the young man catching up against the returning jade stone. "What an unprecedented speed!"

"Shouting my name like that, ruining my blissful moment, you think you can still be alive after that?"


A hand reached out before the jade light dispersed in an instant. His body moved forward due to the inertia but his neck came to an absolute halt due to the unshaken choke. The attacker opened his eyes wide as he looked at those jade eyes that Lyon exuded from his.

(What... the... HELL... ARE YOU?!) he couldn't utter a word that could describe the young man in front of him.

Lyon dragged his body as he stood at the center of attention from all the archers, townfolks, and onlookers. Hovering in the air as his sarong fluttered. He put one of his hands behind his back as his domineering aura exuded out without him even trying.

"I am Lyon Torga."

"The man that Treas wanted, but let it be known, I'm not alone," Lyon pulled the man before throwing him backward like he threw some sort of trashbag.

Cecile smiled before she opened her arms and leaped forward as her eyes turned golden. Hundreds of fists happened in one single second as they could only hear a clap before a splurt firework of blood adorned the town's sky.

"You know by now that you don't stand a chance, so I give you guys a chance to live."

"You see," Lyon crossed his arms, "I'm not used to playing the prey, so that's why."

Cecile chuckled (He is going to make him puke blood).

"Spread the word! I put a bounty on Treas! That old bone's head! The prize?" Lyon smirked.

All of the archers were trembling as he heard what Lyon had just said. The madman was actually contending to the most influential family in the mortal world.

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