Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 751 - : Foretell the Future

While Ye Hao was jumping around in pain, Boyuan had already taken out a band-aid from his pocket and handed it over.

“F*ck, Boyuan, you can foretell the future?”

Ye Hao quickly took the band-aid from Boyuan and picked up the half-full mineral water bottle. Twisting open the cap, he rinsed his wound and applied the band-aid on it.

“Thank you,” Ye Hao said very sincerely.

Boyuan gave a tight smile and said coolly, “No problem.”

This was the attitude Boyuan had always adopted towards outsiders. Towards family and close friends, he would be a bit nicer. But with his wife, he would be as lustful and shameless as he could be.

Initially, the three of them thought that they had already brought in a bountiful harvest, but they were flabbergasted when the crew pulled in the trawl net. It was filled with at least half a ton of fish and prawns. Even though they were worldly men who had seen their fair share of things, they were stunned by the sight. Their harvest now paled in comparison.

Ye Hao approached the boatman excitedly and asked, “Uncle, can you harvest so much every day?”

If that was the case, then it was like striking gold! Just this harvest could easily be sold for at least $10,000 or more!

“Well, I also wish there is this much every day! But actually, today’s harvest is not considered a lot, we can harvest three trawl nets of seafood on good days, a lot more than today. But as fishermen, our livelihood depends on God’s will, if the weather is favorable, most likely we can have a good harvest, if the weather is inclement, we would be lucky to come back alive. Anyway, it’s enough to support our families!”

It was a dangerous job with more perils than people could imagine.

During the fishing season, the fishing boats would go out to sea at 2 am. When out at sea, the thing that the fishermen dread the most was engine failure. When that happened, it was difficult to find a tugboat. And when a tugboat finally arrived, the fishing boat would have been adrift to nowhere. People on the boat would not abandon it unless it was necessary.

The trawl net was not cheap either. A trawl net cost more than $1,000. They would have to throw one or two nets almost every time they went out to sea because there were many reefs in the sea, bumping and tugging against them would damage the nets. If the damage was slight, they could get someone to repair it for $300. In addition, they would also need to pay nearly $1,000 for fuel and labor.

All in all, a trip out to sea, regardless of whether there was a harvest or not, would cost a few thousand dollars. It was not easy to earn a living.

As the boatman was talking, a crew member came over, “Uncle, Mr. Huang is here.”

“Okay, I’ll come over right away. Let him take a look at the goods first,”

said the boatman. Then, he looked at Ye Hao again, “Ye Hao, do you plan to sell these yourself or together with our goods? Mr. Huang gives a fair price. But of course, if you sell them in retail, the price will surely be higher. Ours are wholesale.”

The three snakeskin bags weighed a few hundred pounds. Moreover, at this time, the market would probably be closed already. Ye Hao called out, “Chi En, Boyuan, come over here for a moment.”

Both of them frowned as they walked over and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Uncle asked if we intend to retail the goods ourselves or sell it wholesale together with theirs to Mr. Huang, the guy who is here now to collect the goods. What do you think?”

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