Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 455 - Waiting for the Fish to Take the Bait

No matter how enraged or angry he was, he couldn’t actually kill someone!

The society was ruled by law. To put it simply, the spiritual aspect of ruling by law mainly referred to society’s general recognition of and firm support for the supreme leader of the law. This cultivates a habit of consciously abiding by the laws and regulations, and the cognisance of resolving political, economic, social and civil disputes through legal or judicial procedures.

It would be a foolish move if he really did kill someone in private!

Moreover, Jiang Tingxu was a doctor through and through, how could she watch someone die right in front of her eyes?

However, Mo Boyuan was already long gone, he couldn’t hear anyone. His sense of reason was clouded by rage.

As for Xiao Liu, the amount of air he took in now was practically more than what he exhaled.

Seeing that it was useless to shout, Jiang Tingxu got up and quickly ran over to restrain the man.

“Your leg, get it off him! Do it!”

Mo Boyuan recovered his senses slightly. With his wife tugging at him, he finally released Xiao Liu.

Leng Tie went forward to check on him.

“He’s fine, just unconscious.”

On hearing that, Jiang Tingxu finally heaved a huge sigh of relief. Then, she shot a glare at the man in front of her.

“When did you become so impulsive? Where did your brain go?”

Did you forget to bring it with you when you went out today?

Few people in this world could make Mo Boyuan so angry, or even get him to kill.

If Xiao Liu simply betrayed them, Mo Boyuan wouldn’t have gone this far, taking into account their many years of friendship. But he crossed Mo Boyuan’s bottom line.

The underworld had always followed the rules left behind by their ancestors: Never bring harm upon your family!

To be able to lay their hands on a child, it could only mean that these people were completely heartless!

Mo Boyuan was dragged out of the room by his wife. The gatekeeper retreated sensibly.

“I’m sorry for being impulsive just now!”

Jiang Tingxu frowned.

“You did not let me down!”

Mo Boyuan felt a little guilty for a moment. After all, he was in the wrong and had no right to defend himself. So even if he was being scolded by his wife, he had to obediently accept it!

However, Jiang Tingxu didn’t actually scold him.

Would it help to scold him?

Besides, who said that Jiang Tingxu didn’t feel the same way he did?

Her reason was just stronger than her emotions.


“Alright, let’s get down to business.”

“Okay, wife, you talk, I’ll listen.”

Fortunately, he had put on a more serious expression now. Jiang Tingxu glanced at him,

“I’ve looked through the investigation data. There’s nothing particularly important. But based on my strong intuition, I think that Xiao Liu knows a lot of things.”

After all, Xiao Liu had been in the Mo family for more than 20 years.

And the people of the Mo family wouldn’t be able to plot against the family that easily.

So, there must be something more to this!

And now, the most important thing was to get to the bottom of this matter. Only then would they be able to uncover the series of events that followed.

As long as they knew what Xiao Liu had betrayed them for, it was likely that the many unsolved mysteries could be revealed.

If Jiang Tingxu knew that, Mo Boyuan naturally understood too. He nodded in agreement.

“That’s right.”

For that reason, they could not afford to have anything happen to Xiao Liu. After all, he still planned to look for all the openings from Xiao Liu’s side.


Mo Boyuan called out. Soon, Leng Tie emerged from the forbidden room.

“Young master?”

“Keep an eye on him. What happened today must be kept a secret. Everything will go on as usual.”

Atie instantly understood what Mo Boyuan meant.

“Understood! I’ll have that done right away.”

The young master was just waiting for the fish to take the bait!

Fortunately, Xiao Liu had previously taken some time off because of his mother’s death. He was then sent to the forbidden room right after his return, so not many people would have known about this.

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