Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 277 - Suspected Shen Peiyi

Well, there was no need for that.

After being scolded by his wife, the man finally became much more obedient and did not dare to provoke her again.

But he wondered since when did this girl start to scold people. Moreover, she seemed to be disliking him whenever she saw him.

Did he just realize it?


The two of them were not eating at a slow pace. One of them was in the entertainment industry while the other worked in the emergency department of the hospital. Sometimes they couldn’t even eat when they were busy.

That was why they had practised their eating speed a long time ago.

However, even though both of them were fast, they didn’t look rude. Instead, they looked rather elegant.

After finishing their meal, the two of them went straight to the storeroom.

The storeroom was cleaned and tidied up quite often, so they did not expect to see a room full of dust everywhere.

It was not as big as what they said, but it was not small either. It was at least 80 square meters, and rows of shelves were neatly arranged.

“Dear, maybe you go this side and I go another?”

It would be much faster if they searched separately as there are so many things in the room.

“Okay.” She agreed with him.

Many of the things on the shelf could be seen at a glance, so they ignored them.

They started searching from both ends and gradually converge in the middle.

In the end, they realized that they weren’t there. They weren’t on the shelf.

“Let’s look in the cabinet next to us. It’s still early, we don’t have to rush.”


Although she answered, she was still anxious. She started to think of certain things.

For instance, those people who kept sending her messages throughout these years must be someone who knew her well.

In that class, other than Su Muxue and Shen Peiyi, other female classmates were in their friend circle.

They had a good impression of Mo Boyuan. Some of them even confessed to him in person.

Therefore, after she married Mo Boyuan, she was picked on by them at several banquets. However, in the end, they were all repulsed by Su Muxue.

It wasn’t that Jiang Tingxu had never suspected her two best friends, Su Muxue and Shen Peiyi.

However, since Su Muxue was having an affair with Tan Yiming, and it looks like both of them were interested in each other, so she could almost rule out her.

As for Shen Peiyi, she dispelled most of her suspicions previously. Shen Peiyi seldom met Mo Boyuan. Moreover, Shen Peiyi usually didn’t reveal anything from her expression. Shen Peiyi would usually agree when Su Muxue scolded Mo Boyuan behind his back.

But ever since she read that letter that was written many years ago, she started to regain the suspicions that had been dispelled.

It would be better to look for the letter first.

These suspicions were just suspicions at the moment.

Jiang Tingxu was looking through the cabinet, but she could not find what she was looking for. This cabinet was filled with trophies, and certificates that Mo Boyuan had received since he was young.

Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she had to admit that there were people who grow up to be outstanding.

At this moment, a man who was also looking through the cabinets on the other side of the room said, “Come here, I found it.”

A cardboard box was removed from the cabinet. On top of it was the student record that they were looking for.

When Jiang Tingxu saw it, she was stunned.

She remembered before the college entrance examination, the whole class bought their student record. Jiang Tingxu’s record was the same as Su Muxue’s and Shen Peiyi’s.

When they were young, those good sisters or brothers seemed to like buying the same thing. They were thinking that this was a good way to show that their relationship was the best.

The letter in Mo Boyuan’s hand changed from a ball of crumbs to an entire sheet spread out on the floor.

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