Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 268 - Announcing His Wife to the Whole World

The man on the stage seemed to sense the panic from his wife, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious. Jiang Tingxu’s heart instantly jumped out of her throat.

That stinky man wouldn’t say anything, right?

Yes, definitely not!

After all, everyone knew that once a male artiste admitted to a relationship, he would definitely suffer a lot of losses. In fact, some fans might even turn their love for their idol into hate!

However, Jiang Tingxu still did not understand the trap set by the dog man.

The initiator of this matter was not the fans or the media, but the dog man himself!

Deliberately not providing any cover at the airport early in the morning was basically self-destructing.

Moreover, more than ten hours had passed since morning. It seemed that Movie King Mo himself and Sheng Shi had not made any clear response. It was effectively a tacit admission.

Mo Boyuan tapped the microphone a few times with his finger. The thousands of people in the stadium fell silent for a moment.

“So, this is what you want to know?” A deep voice reverberated throughout the entire stadium.

The fans held their breaths. After hearing Mo Boyuan’s words, they began to nod vigorously.

The man chuckled twice. Then, he looked at the host at the side:

“What did they ask?”

After Liu Liu received the cue from her partner, Teacher Lin, she took two steps forward. The elegant smile that she had on her face previously was now gone, indicating her failure in managing her expression.

“They asked two questions: First, Movie King Mo, do you have a girlfriend?

Second, was the mark on Movie King Mo’s chin left by his girlfriend?”

After she finished her narration, Liu Liu turned around and returned to stand beside Teacher Lin.

Yes, she felt safer next to Teacher Lin!

The fans weren’t the only one who were curious, everyone present was curious about Movie King Mo’s answer.

It was the scoop of the century!

Jiang Tingxu closed her eyes nervously. She couldn’t help but squeeze her son’s hand a little harder.

Of course, the little one noticed it. However, because the little one was also curious, she didn’t say anything. Anyway, it didn’t hurt very much.

Suddenly, all the lights were turned off, and the entire stadium turned dark.

And just when everyone wanted to scream, Movie King Mo’s deep voice sounded:

“No girlfriend.”

Hiss, that’s good, that’s good. It was impossible for Movie King Mo to have a girlfriend. There would be no way to keep it a secret!

Just as everyone was about to have a sigh of relief.



But what?

Once the word ‘but’ appeared, it meant that there was something that everyone was unwilling to know or believe in.

A very small number of smart fans even wanted to open their mouths to persuade the person on stage to stop talking and to let everyone continue believing what they wanted to believe.

Because once he opened his mouth, many of their hopes would be completely shattered!

What Mo Boyuan wanted to do had never been stopped halfway.

This time was no exception.

Since he had already made up his mind, he would not change it. Moreover, the arrangements for the following days were almost done.

“Hmm… as for the mark on my chin, besides my wife, who else do you think has the ability to do that?”

F*CK, how cruel!

It was indeed true that he did not have a girlfriend.

That was because his girlfriend had already become his wife!

No one had expected Movie King Mo to announce it like that!

According to the usual practice of the people in the industry, they should at least delay it for a period of time, then slowly ease into it, before finally announcing it on Weibo, right?

Who does it like this?

Announcing it on the spot!

How could everyone accept this?

It simply couldn’t be digested!

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