Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 240 - Your Family’s Adults Are Too Assured

It was indeed a very vivid image. The image that came to mind… It was really too impactful.

Doctor Liao, who was in the other corner, was so shocked that his hand suddenly trembled, and he threw out all the cards that were on the cards.

Jiang Tingxu also laughed out loud, and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

Every time Doctor Guan mentioned this matter, he would gnash his teeth in anger.

At the door, a little boy with a backpack and who looked like a schoolboy stood there for a long time.

Jiang Tingxu was the first to see the person.

“Ahem, little friend, what’s wrong?” She asked.

The little boy walked over and stood in front of Jiang Tingxu. He opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. He pointed at his throat.

“Something stuck?”

The boy nodded.

She picked up the flashlight on the table.

“Come, raise your head gently. Let me have a look.”

Just as the boy began to move, Jiang Tingxu spoke again.

“Slow down, slow down some more. Don’t be afraid.”

“Okay.” It was a very quiet response.

The little flashlight shone a few times and she finally found it.

“Doctor Guan, do me a favor.”

Guan Xiaodong quickly stood up and stretched his neck to take a look.

“Is this a fish bone? Is it easy to get?”

“It’s not very deep. I’ll try using tweezers first. Help me shine the flashlight.”

“Okay, give it to me.”

With someone helping, Jiang Tingxu felt much more relaxed.

“Little boy, it might hurt a little. I need to pull your tongue. Can you bear it?”

The little boy nodded again and agreed.

Jiang Tingxu began to use the tweezers to try it for the first time. She was about to grab the fish bone, but the child couldn’t bear it.

“Sob… sob… sob… it hurts.” Tears instantly poured out.

Of course, it hurt to have his tongue forcefully pulled.

She could only give up temporarily.

“Then let’s rest for a while.”

After all, he was a child. Once tears flowed out, it was like a tap that couldn’t be closed.

Jiang Tingxu patted the child’s back gently.

“Don’t cry anymore. Later, when the fish bone falls down, it will be even harder to pick it out.”

When he heard this, the tears in the little boy’s eyes suddenly stopped and his breathing automatically slowed down a lot.

He was obviously frightened.

However, what she said just now wasn’t to scare, but the truth.

“Come, open your mouth. Let’s try again.”

If it really didn’t work, they might have to send the ENT department to do a laparoscopy.

The boy slowly opened his mouth and raised his head.

“Yes, open your mouth wider. Let’s take it out in one go this time.”

The moment she pulled his tongue, the little boy couldn’t help but tremble. However, he forcefully held back his tears and didn’t cry out in pain.

The fish bone didn’t slide. It was still in the same position as before, so this time, she found the position very quickly and accurately.

Before the boy could react, the fish bone was taken out.

“Kid, you did great!”

Guan Xiaodong also gave the boy a thumbs up.

At first, he was too nervous and wanted to cry. Now, he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Kid, where’s your parent?” Guan Xiaodong patted the child’s shoulder and asked at the same time.

The little boy shook his head.

“I came by myself,” he said to the two of them.


“So you didn’t register?” Unwilling to give up, he continued to ask.

“Brother, what should I register for?”

“Aren’t the adults in your family too assured?” No, to be more precise, they were too irresponsible. The child had a fish bone stuck in his throat and came to the hospital on his own, but what about his parents?

They didn’t even see the slightest shadow of them.

Fortunately, nothing major happened. Otherwise, the parents would regret it for the rest of their lives.

Jiang Tingxu looked at the school bag on the child’s back and made a guess.

“You just came from school, right?”

“Yes, I did.”

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