Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 1113 - Once the Fanfare Dies Down

"Are all the wounds on Dr. Jiang healed?"

Everyone knew about the explosion in Jin City. It had caused too much of a ruckus. It was reported just about everywhere - on the Internet, television, newspapers, and the app's public account.

"They're all healed, Director."

Jiang Tingxu's injuries were mainly serious burns. After a few skin grafts and repair operations, she had already recovered.

It wasn't the same as before, and there were still some differences. However, no one would tear off her clothes to take a closer look, except for her husband!

"How about President Mo?"

At that time, Mo Boyuan had sacrificed his body in the flesh to protect the woman in his arms, resulting in broken bones in his arms and legs.

After almost two months, he looked no different from an ordinary person, even though he was not fully healed. As long as he didn't move too much or carry heavy things, his daily life was not affected.

As the ancient saying went, "It takes a hundred days for muscles and bones to heal."

"Almost there."

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The hospital director laughed loudly.

"Alright, as long as everything is fine."

After the small talk, they moved on to the main topic. The hospital director took the initiative to bring it up.

"Does Dr. Jiang intend to continue working in the emergency department or?" he asked.

"Does the hospital have any arrangements regarding this?" replied Jiang Tingxu.

"Yes. The laboratory, medical, or personnel department. If Dr. Jiang is willing, you can transfer to these departments at any time. Once the fanfare dies down, you can return to the emergency department."

There was a high probability that the departments mentioned by the director would not require Jiang Tingxu to come into contact with patients face-to-face.

This was a very thoughtful arrangement.

However, Jiang Tingxu ultimately rejected the offer.

"Director, would it be alright if I want to continue in the emergency department?" she asked.

If she transferred to those aforementioned departments, it would be very boring for her.

"Yes, of course," replied Director Chen. "The security in the emergency department has doubled as compared to before. They would patrol every ten minutes. Since yesterday, as long as someone enters our hospital, they have to register their identity."

This protocol would eliminate the possibility of some minor fans breaking in.

Most of the minor fans did not have consideration for others and were easily incited.

Truth be told, even the police stations were helpless against these fans.

Of course, if they needed to enter the hospital for consultations or treatments, they would not be held back.

This was already the most comprehensive arrangement.

If it went any further, it would probably cause a public outcry. By the time that happened, there would have been nothing else left to say.

Mo Boyuan felt a certain level of relief at this special arrangement.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Chen!" he exclaimed gratefully.

Although these arrangements sounded simple, it would not be as easy as he imagined if it were to be rolled out to the entire hospital.

The top hospital in Yun City could not be held up solely by Director Chen alone.

"It's nothing," he said. "I just mentioned it casually, and everyone agreed."

The biggest reason they were able to smoothly get everyone's vote was because of their status.

After all, no one would be willing to offend the Mo family over such a small matter!

Who knew in doing so, they might even be able to gain a favorable impression with the Mo family.

Moreover, these monetary arrangements by the hospital were not done out of their own pockets. It did not affect their salary at all!

"I heard that the hospital lab is looking for investment recently?" asked Mo Boyuan.

"Yes, that's right," replied Director Chen.

"How much more money do you need?" Mo Boyuan asked lightly.

Director Chen carefully did some calculations in his mind before answering.

"With $10 million invested, plus $5 million in the lab's capital, we're almost $30 million short."

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