Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 1094 - The Grasshopper after Autumn

Upon hearing her daughter-in-law grumble that she was hungry, Mrs. Mo's expression eased a little:

"Why didn't you eat before coming over? You can't not eat breakfast in the future. It's bad for your health," not forgetting to remind her.

"Yes, yes, yes. Today is an exception. It was too late to get off the plane last night, so I overslept this morning.

I promise I won't do it again in the future!"

Mrs. Mo then nodded:

"The kitchen is almost ready in preparing the dishes, let's eat."

There was no need to ask her biological son who also had not eaten breakfast. Anyway, with a daughter-in-law and a son, it was not important.

So, love would disappear, right?

This lunch was the best atmosphere in the family during this period of time!

Even Master Tan's face was full of smiles.

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"Tingxu, before you eat breakfast, you have to drink some soup to warm up your stomach. Here, let me help you."

"No need, no need. Mom, I can do it myself."

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Mo didn't accept the rejection at all and snatched the bowl from her daughter-in-law's hands.

Without context, it could have been misunderstood as an evil mother-in-law not allowing her daughter-in-law to eat!

Mrs. Mo didn't just serve the soup. In any case, Mrs. Mo didn't eat much during the meal. Instead, she kept putting food into her daughter-in-law's bowl:

"You've suffered during this period of time. Eat more to nourish your body."

What else could Jiang Tingxu Say?

She could only accept it silently, so much so that she was really full from eating.

Little Boy had his father and his helper, Auntie by his side, so he was obedient and didn't do anything naughty.

After the meal, Master Tan was in a very good mood, and it was rare for him to go out to look for his old friends.

Mr. Mo called Mo Boyuan to the study room. In the living room, only Mrs. Mo and the mother and son were left and the chattering sounds of children and the laughter of adults from time to time, finally, the previously quiet and terrifying atmosphere was completely washed away.

In the study room.

Father and son sat face to face on the sofa. The helper brought in a pot of tea, and Mr. Mo poured two cups for himself.

Someone did not hold back and picked up one of the cups and drank two mouthfuls.

"I heard that you kicked second grandfather's side of the family out of the Mo Group?"

It had to be said that the old father was quite decisive this time. In the past, he always held back a lot for the sake of being a member of the Mo family.

Hearing the joke in his son's words, Mr. Mo glanced at him:

"Didn't you plan this all along?"


Don't think that the old father know nothing. The Mo Group had been in the hands of the old father for decades, and there were a lot of spies.

Regarding this, Mo Boyuan didn't intend to deny it:

"Alright, I admit it. What about the project with Sofis?"

He had left in a hurry earlier, and Sofis' side didn't have the time to clean it up.

Mr. Mo sipped his tea:

"The grasshopper after autumn won't be able to survive for long."

How could Mo Boyuan not understand the deeper meaning in his words:

"You deliberately stayed behind?"

"Yes, I really want to see what they're going to do."

In any case, this project had been sold long ago, so the losses would not be too much. It was only one or two hundred million. It was not like they could not afford it.

"Alright, then you keep it."

As long as you're happy!

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Tell me, what's the plan for the other side?"

In Mr. Mo's words, he was referring to the matter in Jin City!

At this point, Mo Boyuan's face darkened:

"Very soon!"

Father and son, both as cunning as a fox. There were some things that did not need to be said clearly. It was fine as long as everyone understood it.

Mr. Mo put down his teacup and looked at his son in front of him. He had to say that he was rather gratified.

The eldest son was much smarter than the youngest son. If the eldest son were to inherit the Mo Group... Forget it. There's no point in talking about it now.

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