Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 712 - The Best Thing In Life Is Counting Money

Panda Novel

After ordering Soulsqn to pull the puppet out, Lin Sanjiu placed it next to the heap of whatnots and began examining one of it.

The puppet was a dark-skinned male posthuman with an unknown origin. His soul had long departed, leaving only his body behind. Without a doubt, he was yet another poor soul whose life had been reaped by Puppeteer to serve as one of his puppets. Right now, since his master had severed their ties, he was merely a corpse. His two dilated gray eyes stared straight into the sky. The sand filled his nostrils, but he remained unmoving.

“He looks somewhat familiar,” Lin Sanjiu mumbled with a frown, “Where have I met him?”

“There’s nothing under the sand dune. Lord Puppeteer is gone,” Soulsqn’s entire body was caked with sand, and Lin Sanjiu had no idea why but she felt the flesh worm looked much more pleasant in this way. “I’m not an earthworm, why should I…”

“I knew it!” Lin Sanjiu shouted, cutting Soulsqn’s rant off. The flesh worm turned head and stared at Lin Sanjiu begrudgingly, “You just can’t wait until I finish, can you? Anyway, what have you got there?”

“I remember who he was,” Lin Sanjiu said as she inspected the man even closer, “I met him at the Salvation of God before. He was with a god known as Sanduria, and Puppeteer used him to control her.”

Soulsqn had no idea about that and she was not interested in the things that they went through in the Salvation Of God. “So?”

“All three of us were dragged into the Data Stream Library, so by right, his puppets, including this one, should be still in the Salvation Of God,” she said, her brows beginning to lose their strain, “The puppet that should’ve been in the Salvation Of God has appeared in here…”

‘Why? Is this his sort of tactical retreat measure?’

Lin Sanjiu was no stranger to this kind of spatial manipulation technique. During her stay in the Garden of Eden, she came across a posthuman named Qian Zhengguan, who possessed the ability to shift positions with anybody within a certain radius. Lin Sanjiu had used his ability once. Perhaps Puppeteer had this kind of emergency escape plan as his last resort as well.

On second thought, since he had sustained a great number of injuries after a consecutive fight and had gone into suspended animation due to the deprivation of oxygen, this indeed could be considered a dire situation. Taking his status and his ability into consideration, it was not surprising that he would have a back-up plan to save himself when his life was in danger.

Her apprehension abated somewhat when the thought surfaced in her mind. After all, she could not think of any other reason to explain why Puppeteer would suddenly go missing, and why his puppet would appear here.

Lin Sanjiu was already accustomed to being separated from her comrades. She retracted her gaze from the male posthuman body as she said, “Perhaps he has returned to the Salvation Of God. I suppose we don’t have to worry about him.”

An ox was taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue. Little did Lin Sanjiu know that the second the sentence tumbled off her tongue, it would bring her such a terrible disaster that she hoped she was dead. For the next full hour, Soulsqn never stopped talking for even one moment, drowning Lin Sanjiu’s brain and ears with her ear-grating yells.

Unlike humans, the flesh worm’s body could still carry out some kind of chemical reaction even though she was not breathing. In other words, she could rattle on and on without the need to breathe.

The veins on Lin Sanjiu’s forehead bulged while she closed her eyes.

“I have to get back to the Salvation Of God, and I must return to my clansmen at all costs. There’s no way you can stop me.” The last thing the flesh grub would care about was other people’s opinions of her. “You said there’s no way to return, but why could Lord Puppeteer go back? I don’t care. You have to bear the responsibility. You’ve gotta think of a way to return to the Salvation Of God.”

Lin Sanjiu felt like her head swelled to twice its original size right now. “Can you please f*cking shut up for even a second?! Let me take a look at these Special Items first. Who knows? Maybe there’s something that we can use.”

Using the Special Item as bait and after making some promises, the flesh form finally stopped her long tirade.

She took a deep breath and looked at the heap of resources before her. Although most of them had been buried under the sand, Lin Sanjiu still marveled at the sheer amount of resources the grand prize had given her. He was thoughtful. Not only had he prepared Special Items, but he had also squared away a load of resources that Lin Sanjiu did not think she might need. The nearest one was a half-meter long wooden crate. She opened the top one to see that it was packed with many tins of canned food, biscuits, cup noodles, and nutritional supplements.

Apart from this kind of food that had a longer shelf life, the grand prize had also prepared a container of fresh vegetables, meat, noodles, and a stockpile of processed food from different human worlds. Lin Sanjiu had forgotten how long it had been since the last time she saw crunchy green vegetables and red tomatoes. Even though she was less fond of greens, she still could not help but swallow a huge gulp of saliva at the sight of them.

When it came to sausages alone, Ji Shanqing had prepared eleven flavors for her. There was garlic, smoked, and lobster-filled, to name a few. There were a lot more other foods that Lin Sanjiu had never seen before.

Considering his thoughtfulness, it went without saying that he would never leave out storage for Lin Sanjiu to stock her food. Next to the mountain of food were ten refrigerators standing in rank and three sets of picnic stoves.

Lin Sanjiu stuffed all the food into the ten family-sized refrigerators and kept the three sets of picnic stoves and the wooden crate into her card. When the heap of food disappeared, a silvery gleam glowed and filled the air. Lin Sanjiu felt very familiar with the light. She swept the sand away, and as she expected, it was the [Ability Polishing Agent] that was taken away by the highest god. Next to the silver vial was the [Notebook], [All Birds Pay Homage To The Phoenix], and the [Truth Revealing Candle]. Lin Sanjiu picked up the wonderless white candle and sighed. She never expected that it would return to her after Hegel snatched it away from her.

Oddly, even though Ji Shanqing had accumulated many Special Items, especially after robbing Hegel once more, he only gave her some selected items. He did not return A Light Bulb Moment to her.

If getting back what she lost was enough to delight Lin Sanjiu, she was certainly astounded when she examined the other items she received from the grand prize.

[Tailored Learning]

After social order fell apart and mankind was forced into crisis, a famous educator was convinced that every battle with an opponent was a teachable moment from the heart. Besides driving the important point to one’s opponent that the world was cruel, the educator understood his opponent’s nature and gift so that he could inflict the most serious and targeted damage to give his opponent a lesson that they would never forget.

Even though it sounds a little cruel, this truly comes from the selfless love of a respectable teacher.

Instructions: This item looks like a retractable teacher’s pointer. You can extend and retract the pointer with a flick based on your own preference. The maximum length of the pointer is five meters, but it isn’t long enough because you won’t be able to reach the students sitting in the last row. Whip your opponent’s skin with the pointer and it can detect and analyze your opponent’s ability before dishing out a piece of appropriate teaching advice.

With this advice, you can adjust your teaching strategy. Isn’t this so much more efficient?

PS: The usage period is three years upon receipt as the famous educator was unfortunately killed by his students after three years.

“This is pretty handy…”

Lin Sanjiu held the lightweight metal retractable pointer and extended the pointer with a casual wave. With another flick, the pointer stopped at around two meters. It was easy to use and very sensitive. Lin Sanjiu looked around and noticed that Soulsqn was coincidentally facing away from her, squirming around in the sand.


Lin Sanjiu whipped the grub with the pointer.

When the large grub sprung up with a yelp, some white words appeared on the area of her skin that had been whipped. The words were so small that Lin Sanjiu nearly missed them.

“Psychosomatic ability detected. Please be advised to boost your psychic defense and use physical attacks on the target’s body.”

“Alright, although the description is a little too general, it’s quite accurate.”

Lin Sanjiu touched the retractable pointer lightly and converted it into a card. The flesh worm, which she had subdued under her feet, shook its muscular limbs, causing red sand to fly everywhere.

“What’s next?” Lin Sanjiu pressed Soulsqn to the ground while she glanced over at the remaining items. There was a pile of hardcover books beside the retractable pointer she had kept. The book cover had drawings with romantic, soft pastel colors. It was a nondescript drawing of a kid floating above a city. Strangely, her grand prize had left her with 20 of the same exact hardcover books.

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