Divine God Against The Heavens

811 Ch 811: Ye Xiao V/S Ancient Samsara God (2)

Ye Xiao was looking at every cruel scene in front of him calmly. He saw his loved ones being killed one by one by those bloodthirsty people very brutally. The scene repeated in front of Ye Xiao continuously and every time, those people killed his loved ones in a more and more brutal way than before.

Suddenly, a strange force appeared all over Ye Xiao's body that began to affect his surroundings.

In Ye Xiao's eyes, those bloodthirsty people suddenly slowed down a lot, just like the old people, slowly.

However, Ye Xiao's body is still confined by some kind of force. He couldn't move.

Ye Xiao snorted coldly, his eyes shining with different brilliance. If a person looked into his eyes carefully, they'll see a hint of white light flashing into his right eye.

As for his left eye, it remained the same.

The white light in his right eye continued to change and very soon, it seems that there is a white flame burning in his right eye, as a breathtaking pressure erupted forth Ye Xiao's body, instant causing the invisible shackles on him to shatter.

At the same time, there was a sudden shiver in the air. The air fluctuated violently as invisible shockwaves swept over every corner of the city.


As if a sword has fallen on a metallic surface, a pleasant sound rang out that vibrated in the air for a while and cracks started appearing in the space.


As if a mirror has broken, countless cracks first appeared in the space before the space itself was broken. The next instant, the formation plate that the Ancient Samsara God was holding also exploded into his hand. A surge of energy burst out and Ye Xiao once again appeared in the space of World's Core, looking at Ancient Samsara God with a cold smile.

"This... How is this possible?" Ancient Samsara God was shocked. He had never imagined that someone would be able to break the illusion formation that he have created using the knowledge of outer Heavens.

"Eye of Illusion: Can create illusions profound enough for even Gods and Ancient Gods to be trapped forever. And it can also break all kinds of illusions, there is no illusion that Eye of Illusion can't break!"

Ye Xiao touched his right eye and muttered in a very low voice. He knew that the Eye of Illusion can break all kinds of illusions in Heavens, but he didn't expect to be able to break the illusion created by the knowledge of outside Heavens as well.

"Eye of Illusion?"

Although Ye Xiao had only muttered in a low voice, it was loud enough for Ancient Samsara God to hear. However, from his confused expression, Ye Xiao could say that he had never heard of such an eye. It also meant that Ancient Samsara God was unaware of the Three-eyed Clan.

Well, it was not that surprising though. Three-eyed Clan was a hidden clan and very few people knew about it. Moreover, the people of this clan didn't want to have to do anything with anyone from outside their clan, for they were afraid that the secret about their eyes would be revealed and it'll bring a disaster to the clan.


In the end, that really happened. The information about their eyes was somehow leaked that brought a disaster to their clan, completely obliterating them. Only the genius of their clan was able to escape alive, however, because he was also injured heavily, he died after leaving behind the legacy of the Three-eyed Clan that Ye Xiao obtained.

Along with this legacy, Ye Xiao also obtained the responsibility of reviving the Three-eyed Clan.

Well, that could only be done after Ye Xiao become an Ancient God. It'll happen far in the future. Currently, he was not even 200 years old and has already become a Ruler.

Well, this was all thanks to reincarnating into the Great Star World and using the Law Breaking Stone. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Ye Xiao to completely integrate everything he obtained in the World of Reincarnation and in the Inner World of the Ancient Samsara God into his real body and obtain such a high level of cultivation base in such a short period of time.

Who knows, it might have taken Ye Xiao more than five hundred years to reach this step.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath. Now, it was his turn to attack the Ancient Samsara God. His right eye once again flickered with white light and the Ancient Samsara God's surroundings changed instantly.

Ye Xiao had created an illusion and trapped the Ancient Samsara God inside.

How powerful an illusion would be is directly related to Ye Xiao's cultivation base. He was just a Ruler right now. Well, this stage of cultivation is enough for Ye Xiao's illusion to trap an Ancient God and make them suffer.

Ancient Samsara God found himself in a world filled with Ancient Devils. They were all cheering that they have finally dominated the entire Heavens and gained control over it. As for the people of Heavens, they have completely fallen into their hands. They made those people their slaves and could torture them whenever they want.

It was at this moment that a person from the group of slaves stood out and rebelled. He slowly created a force where tens of thousands of people helped him to massacre the Ancient Devils.

At first, Ancient Devils didn't take that man and his force seriously, however, soon they started regretting it. The man and his force's power increased at an astounding speed. They soon became a threat to Ancient Devils that Ancient Devils wanted to get rid of.

Just like Ye Xiao, Ancient Samsara God was also shackled by an invisible force and couldn't move. He could only see every scene unfolding in front of his eyes slowly. He saw the rise of Ancient Devils which made him very happy, however, soon his eyes turned red when he saw large-scale massacres of Ancient Devils.

No matter what, in essence, Ancient Samsara God was also an Ancient Devil. He could not help but want to help his fellow brothers by killing the man, however, he failed to even buzz from his original place.

He also understood very well that all of this was nothing but an illusion, however, the illusion looked so real that it caused the Ancient Samsara God to have a mental battle. Soon, he lost all his rationality and forgot that he was trapped in an illusion. He started thinking the illusion is reality and soon delved deeply into the illusion, forgetting his real self.

It was at this time that the invisible shackle on his body broke and he found himself free to move. However, he was so deeply lost in the illusion that he started fighting the force of that human instead of thinking of ways to break the illusion.

He was Ancient Samsara God who wanted to dominate the entire Heavens and rule over each and every person of Heavens. And this could only be possible when he could comprehend the 100% Profound Meanings of Life and Death. Only at that time could he truly become eternal and could control the life and death of all the people of Heavens.

Maybe, this was the reason why even among the Ancestral Dragons, no dragon was born to control the power of life and death or with a complete understanding of Life and Death's Profound Meanings.

Even among the four supreme laws, there were only two ancestral dragons born with a complete understanding of the Profound Meaning of Space and Destruction. As for other Profound Meanings of Creation and Time, no dragon was born with complete control over these two laws and their Profound Meanings.

Moreover, till now, no one was able to comprehend these two supreme laws, let alone their Profound Meanings.

In so many eras of Heavens, there were many people who were able to comprehend the Law of Space. There were even one or two people who were able to comprehend the Law of Destruction. However, their comprehension never advanced. Let alone the Profound Meanings of Space and Destruction, none of them were able to comprehend these Laws to their perfect level. They could only comprehend around 50% of these laws.

There were also two or three people till now who have heaven-defying talent and were able to comprehend the Law of Creation. Although it was only 1% to 10%, there is no doubt that they were able to comprehend this law.

However, Heavens and its Dao never allowed a person to comprehend the Law of Time.

Talking about the Profound Meaning of Life and Death, although no ancestral dragon was born with a complete understanding of these two Profound Meanings, there comes many people who were able to understand these two Profound Meanings.

But without any doubt, none of them were able to truly comprehend them to 100%.

Ancient Samsara God was the first one to put everything in line to achieve this goal, no matter the price he has to pay.

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