Divine God Against The Heavens

789 Ch 789: Ancient God Levelled Lion

Ye Xiao could understand what the Ancient Earth God was trying to say, after all, he had gotten more than a hundred Crystal of Darkness in his hands before. These Crystal Of Darkness came from the Evil-eyed Lions and he had already felt some kind of law inside them.

When he absorbed those crystals, he had ignored the power of law inside it as he didn't dare to touch them even with his Divine Sense. It is because those traces of laws would have done more harm to him than good.

The Ancient Earth God didn't stop. He continued to say: "We have tried many times to kill those five Evil-eyed Lions, but we failed. Su Mutong is still sealed and in deep slumber, otherwise, he would have long come up with an idea to deal with the Evil-eyed Lions."

"After hundreds of years of research, we came to a conclusion that no one from living inside this world could kill those five Evil-eyed Lions, only an outsider can. We have been waiting for an outsider to come for hundreds of years and finally, you entered."

"You are only an Exalted Ruler, I don't know how you can kill those Evil-eyed Lions, but we know the fact that only you can do this."

"Also, those five Evil-eyed Lions... They have been doing something very strange lately. We don't know what they are..."

Before he could complete his sentence, the gate to the Main Hall was pushed open and a god hurriedly ran inside with a terrified face.

"Lu Yang, what are you doing. Don't you know it is forbidden to come inside the Main Hall without permission!" One of the Ancient Gods stood up from his seat and shouted at the God who entered the Main Hall with a terrified face.

That God couldn't be careless right now. He hurriedly said: "Seniors, there is an emergency. We just received the news that those five Evil-eyed Lions have actually fused with each other. Now, there are not five God Levelled Evil-eyed Lions, but one Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion. And that Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion is on its way here to attack us!"

"What did you say?"

"How is this possible?"

"No, it can't be. It is impossible. Every single God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion is a different entity. How can they merge together?"

All the Ancient Gods stood up from their seats. Before there were only Five God Levelled Evil-eyed Lions and they were already helpless against them. But now, those Evil-eyed Lions actually become one with each other and rose to the Ancient God level. This was definitely not a good news.

They didn't know what should they do.

"Has the end of this world arrived?"

"An outsider has already entered this world... Sigh! Looks like it is already too late. Only if we had more time!"

"What should we do now?"

"What can we do? We can just go and face that damn Evil-eyed Lion head-on. We can only try to stop that Evil-eyed Lion even if we have to put our lives on the line. We can't let this world be destroyed. Su Mutong is still in deep slumber and is sealed. Only if we kill the Evil-eyed Lion can the seal will break and he'll wake up. We have to try our best."

"Yes, you are right. It is just that I don't understand how did those five Evil-eyed Lions merge with each other? How did they accomplish something like this."

All the Ancient Gods were worried. They had serious expressions on their faces. In these eons of years, they had never been worried like this even once. Because of the Law Breaking Stone, although they are not the natives of this world, their fate has been linked with this world. If the Evil-eyed Lion were to destroy this world, they would also die.

Because of the worry deep in their hearts, they even forgot about Ye Xiao being here. All of them had already stood up from their throne-like chairs, they anxiously prepared to leave the Main Hall and go out.

At this time, Ye Xiao opened his mouth: "Actually, there is an answer to how those five Evil-eyed Lions can merge with each other and become one!"

The Ancient Gods stopped in their tracks. If there really was an answer, then they might be able to find a way to once again separate the five Evil-eyed Lions.

"What? Hurry up and say it!" Ancient Earth God couldn't maintain his image because of the seriousness of the current matter and his anxiousness.

Ye Xiao nodded and said: "As you've told me before, Ancient Samsara God contracted with an Ancient Devil and then tempered with the bodies of those five Evil-eyed Lions. After the Evil-eyed Lions come back to life once again, they gained the ability to separate a small portion of their bodies and create new Evil-eyed Lions. And these new Evil-eyed Lions are just like Ancient Devils, with no body and soul. After their death, they just turn into the black fog and disappear in thin air."

"If we think like this, then those five Evil-eyed Lions must not have only gained a single ability to separate a small portion of their body and create a new Evil-eyed Lion. They must have also gained the ability to fuse together. It is just that it took them about a thousand years to adapt to their bodies after coming back to life."

"After all, their bodies were dead for many eons. Their bodies must have become stiff and there must be many problems in their bodies. After coming back to life, they couldn't directly stabilize their bodies and control them well. They needed time to adapt to their bodies."

"And only after adapting and completely gaining control over their bodies could they become one by merging with each other. This way, their cultivation also become one. And this merging is not as simple as one and one is equal to 2, instead, every time they fused with each other, their strength must have doubled. This way, after five of them become one, they advanced to Ancient God Level."

After hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone nodded their heads after some deep consideration. What Ye Xiao just told them was just one of many possibilities, but for now, only this possibility can answer how the five Evil-eyed Lions became one.

Ye Xiao came up with this idea because of his own experience. In the original world, after cultivating a Layer of Nine Dragons Universal Circulation Technique to perfection, he has to become one with them in order to continue cultivating the next Layer of his cultivation technique. And after becoming one with them, not only did he gain all of their abilities, but his power also soar to the next level.

All seven Ancient Gods started thinking over this matter carefully. The current situation was very difficult, if this world were to be destroyed by the Evil-eyed Lion, then they'll also die.

No matter what, they have to stop this.

"Actually, as far as I can see, what you all are thinking is completely wrong." At this moment, Ye Xiao once again opened his mouth, surprising all seven Ancient Gods.

"What do you mean?" Ancient Earth God frowned and asked.

"What I mean is, the fact that you are thinking this world will be destroyed by the Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion is completely wrong!" Ye Xiao replied with a smile on his face.

"Why do you say so?" Another Ancient God asked, his face also had a serious expression.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and said: "Think about it carefully. This world is the Inner World of Ancient Samsara God. He had his own reasons and ambitions for abandoning his Inner World and the Divine Domain, but he didn't completely abandon them. Because of the Law Breaking Stone, these two worlds are still connected with Ancient Samsara God. These two worlds are still the source of power for the Ancient Samsara God."

"Since this is the case, it also means that Ancient Samsara God is still alive. If he was dead, these two worlds which are completely connected to him would have also died long ago. And all lives inside these two worlds would have been dead by now."

"Think about it, Five God-levelled Evil-eyed Lions were brought in this world by Ancient Samsara God, and he even tempered with their corpses using the power of an Ancient Devil. He must have wanted to achieve something, but not at the cost of his Inner World. Why would he want to destroy his own Inner World which is also a source of his power? If this world is really destroyed, doesn't it mean that the Ancient Samsara God will become a cripple?"

"As you guys have already said, Ancient Samsara God has a great ambition of comprehending the Profound Meanings of Laws of Life and Death to 100%. But he would never do this at the cost of becoming a cripple!"

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