Divine God Against The Heavens

724 Ch 724: Nine Sun Divine Body

Ye Xiao could feel the dangerous vibe from the demon. It was something he had felt after a very long time. He knew if he didn't give his 100%, he was going to die here.


An extremely shocking power erupted from his body. The magma in the basin also started boiling and was seemingly being affected by Ye Xiao's aura. The surrounding became hotter and steamy vapour appeared, soon transforming into the fog. If this continued, in a very short time, this place will be covered in fog.

But nothing like that happened. Instead, fiery red energy started rising out from the magma and entered Ye Xiao's body, as if it was stimulating something inside him.

Ye Xiao had the Nine Sun Divine Body, however, he had yet to display the power of this physique. He knew his body contains a shocking power and if he were to use this power, his strength will be doubled at the very least.

This was the first time Ye Xiao was using the power of his physique. He was also quite curious about this unique strength and wanted to see what kind of power he'll erupt with.

Very soon, he felt something breaking inside his body. Maybe, this was the interlock binding the Nine Sun Divine Body inside, stopping it from going out of its owner's control.

The next moment, the temperature inside the basin increased by more than tenfold. To the current Ye Xiao, this kind of temperature was nothing, it was more to his liking and advantageous.

One can see red energy gathering behind him with a naked eye. The temperature kept rising. Very soon, an incomparably terrifying flame whirlwind condensed around Ye Xiao and crazily started surging inside his body. It was the same scene that appeared upon the awakening of the Nine Sun Divine Body. However, this time, the sun wheel mark on his forehead lit up beforehand.

After the flame whirlwind completely surged inside his body, the space above him seemed to have shattered instantly as shocking dense flames pillars descended on his head from the sky and quickly taking a shape of the sun as it started floating behind his body. It was also the time when terrifying pressure descended as the mountain wall broke into pieces and fell down.

However, the basin strangely seemed to be very safe. Some kind of mysterious energy seemed to be protecting the basin, and the source of this mysterious energy was definitely deep inside the basin. The mysterious energy was like an invisible circular barrier, taking the basin inside its womb.

Ye Xiao knew it was not the time to delve into whatever the thing was deep inside the basin.

Another pillar of flame descended on him and very soon, it also took the shape of a second son behind his back. With the manifestation of each sun, Ye Xiao could feel the strength inside his body increase by at least 30%. The increase in his strength right now was already about 60%. This kind of increase in strength could be said to be extremely staggering.

One by one, the pillar of flame descended from the sky. These pillars seemed to be descending from beyond this world as if it was coming from the space above. However, Ye Xiao knew it was only giving this kind of feeling to him right now, but it was not the truth.

After all, there was no space above the Great Star Continent. This world existed in a confined space that was out of the Heavenly Dao's reach because of some special reason that only the Ancient God of Samsara knew. There was no sun or moon looking after this world.

But the one after other descending pillars of flame was not fake. It was real.

Very soon, Nine Suns could be seen floating behind Ye Xiao's head. It made Ye Xiao look like some kind of supreme being. On top of that, Ye Xiao was currently in a fiery red armor which increased his assertive aura, making him look more domineering and tyrannical. He looked like some kind of King that ruled over a huge territory.

At this time, the demon had also finished doing whatever he was doing. His tyrannical aura was no less than Ye Xiao. At some point in time, without anyone knowing, a black armor appeared around his body. This black armor and his huge body made a perfect combination, making him look more horrifying.

Both of them didn't say anything. They knew this was the last attack. This attack will decide the winner and loser. They can not back down now.

The demon unfurled his wings. Along with the dark aura, the red space started darkening. The demon seemed to be submerged in the dark aura, and very soon disappeared from the sight. Suddenly, a long oval-shaped crack appeared in the dark aura and a complete red eye appeared, looking like a giant monster's eye.

This eye was very similar to the black third eye on his forehead. The only difference was the colour and the dangerous vibe it was exuding, making already unconscious people shudder in fear as if they had already felt the horror of this eye.

On the other hand, Ye Xiao closed his eyes and completely focused on the Nine Suns floating behind his head. These suns seemed to be a part of him, he could control them as he wishes. When these suns appeared, it brought a surge of new information inside his mind. He knew this information was a special ability brought innately by the Nine Sun Divine Body.

"Nine Sun Divine Beams!"

Ye Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and the nine suns shot out nine beams of terrifying scorching light at the demon's eye.

On the other hand, the demon was not to be outdone. A thick black beam of light was shot forward. This beam of black light was thick enough to collide against Ye Xiao's Nine beams of scorching light.


The moment the two attacks collided, a terrifying explosion occurred. The mountain shattered and the ground shook violently.

Only Ye Xiao's voice reverberated in the air: "Queen, bring everyone out!"

Then there was nothing. The mountain shattered and the basin was completely buried.

Outside the cave, a light flashed and all the unconscious people appeared. When the light disappeared, only an eight years old little girl was standing and all the other people were unconscious. This girl was completely different from a human. She had the body of a girl, however, her waist, shoulder, the back of the hand, thigh, and the skin above the backbone were all covered with yellowish scales. These scales were completely different from any demonic beasts or dragons' scales.

If Ye Xiao was here, he would have been shocked to see that the current Queen was looking exactly the same as what she looked after the one year he took her in.

There were only three whirlpools in the Land of Reincarnation. It can only be entered after crossing the Sea of Samsara which was also known as the River of Reincarnation.

One of the three whirlpools can let a person reincarnate into a Human, the second one could let a person reincarnate into a demonic beast, and the third one could let a person reincarnate into a demon. There was no fourth whirlpool that could let a person reincarnate into a different kind of being or a person from a different race.

However, Queen was exactly like how she was in her childhood. She was not a human, neither a demon nor a demonic beast. She was something else, completely different from any being that ever appeared in the Heavens.

After she saved everyone, she looked at the collapsed mountain and muttered, "He had become so much stronger in just eight years, not bad."

Queen had complete faith in Ye Xiao. She believed in Ye Xiao's strength and confidence in him, knowing in her that Ye Xiao will definitely win.

Or maybe, it was not just faith in Ye Xiao.

She was a being from the Primordial Era, no, she was someone who appeared even before the Primordial Era. When the Heavens were born, along with the Nine Ancestral Dragons, she was born.

What kind of battle or war had she not seen? She had experienced simply too many things and no one under the heavens could be said to be as experienced as her.

She is simply too far-sighted and could tell who'll win or lose with a single glance.

The moment Ye Xiao and Demon executed their attacks, she knew who'll win and who'll lose.


Although the mountain has collapsed completely and the basin was buried under the mountain, nothing happened to it. The rubbles of the collapsed mountain were blocked by an invisible barrier that didn't let it enter. This invisible barrier was created by a mysterious energy that originated from something mysterious deep inside the basin filled with magma.

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