Divine God Against The Heavens

609 Ch 609: Drop Of Golden Blood

The Eye of Heavenly Dao was nowhere to be seen. Only a big hole was left in the sky.

When Ye Xiao saw this scene, he could not help but be greatly shocked.

"This... Did I do this?"

Ye Xiao was confused and could not believe that this hole in the sky was something that was done by him.

But the truth was something that could not be denied no matter what, mainly when he knew that the culprit was really him.

It has to know that he was ready to die under the attacks of the Eye of Heavenly Dao, but in the next second, he felt extremely comfortable energy flowing inside his body before coming out and enveloping him. When the comfortable energy flowed out of his body, Ye Xiao could feel the change in the nature of the energy.

It was as if the previous comfortable energy had suddenly become extremely violent, all Ye Xiao could feel was the aura of destruction.

Before he could do anything or clear his confusion, he felt the violent energy shooting into the sky like a light beam and when everything calmed down, the previous Eye of Heavenly Dao that was gathering destructive energy in front of its pupil was nowhere to be seen.

All that was left was a big hole in the sky. Through the hole, all he could see was endless darkness.

Ye Xiao then started thinking of the previous shriek, he had felt someone crying painfully out loud and this cry was so terrifying that it not only reverberated throughout the entire Well of Hell, it had also killed all the lives of the Well of Hell. Because of this, Ye Xiao had also started bleeding from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Where does that painful cry come from?

Looking at the big hole in the sky, Ye Xiao suddenly had a terrifying guess in his heart: "Could it be that the cry I heard was from the Eye of Heavenly Dao?"

Ye Xiao could not help but think what he was thinking was true or not. If it was true, then the Eye of Heavenly Dao was definitely not as simple as just an Eye of Heavenly Dao, it must be a living being itself that could feel pain.

What exactly was the Eye of Heavenly Dao?

Ye Xiao looked at the big hole in the sky and thought. Suddenly, his gazes fell on the circular corner of the big hole in the sky. There seemed to be traces of golden liquid.

Ye Xiao was still thinking about what that golden liquid was, when suddenly as if some kind of mysterious force has acted, the golden liquid started gathering at the middle of the big hole before condensing into a single drop of golden liquid.

Ye Xiao could feel the overbearing aura coming out from this single drop of golden liquid. This drop of golden liquid seemed to be giving off a holy aura, it was so holy that it made it like there was nothing in the entire universe more holy and sacred than this drop of golden liquid.

Moreover, Ye Xiao could feel the traces of every kind of Law he had comprehended in this drop of golden liquid. At the same time, there seemed to be traces of thousands of such laws.

Ye Xiao could not help but be astonished. He did not know what exactly was this drop of golden liquid, but... but why does it feel like it has something to do with the Eye of Heavenly Dao.

"No way!"

Ye Xiao suddenly exclaimed when he thought deeply. After thinking for a while, only one word appeared in his mind.


Yes, the word that appeared in his mind was Blood. If he was not wrong, then this drop of golden liquid was actually the blood of the Eye of Heavenly Dao.

"This... This is simply too much to be believing. I can not believe it..."

Ye Xiao could not help but exclaim in his heart. But what happened next caused him to open his eyes wide and do nothing. He was so shocked that he could not even move from his place. It was as if he was petrified on the place and had lost the ability to move.

Actually, what happened was nothing much. The drop of golden blood of the Eye of Heavenly Dao dripped down from the sky and directly landed on his forehead. In the next moment, all kinds of enlightenment flashed in Ye Xiao's eyes and mind.

The drop of golden blood did not stop, it dived down in the depth of Ye Xiao's soul and arrived in front of the Divine Nascent Soul.

The next moment, the Divine Nascent Soul opened its small mouth and swallowed the drop of Golden Blood.

The drop of Golden Blood did not disappear here, it actually went to the Domineering God Crystal and was absorbed by it.

In the next second, a terrifying wave of energy burst out from Domineering God Crystal that later directly entered the Inner World of Ye Xiao, starting to give birth to more and more galaxies.

At the same time, Ye Xiao's aura also started becoming more and more profound. At the same time, it started becoming more and more terrifying. There was no living being alive in the Well Of Hell, but even so, the entire Well Of Hell once again started trembling violently. It was as if the Well of Hell was supported by a single pillar and countless monsters and beasts were rampaging throughout the Well Of Hell, running at the same time, causing cracks to appear on the pillar and pillar losing the ability to support the Well Of Hell.

Yes, the Well Of Hell was shaking so hard that made it look as if it would be destroyed at any time.

The pressure that made the entire Well of Hell shake violently actually came from Ye Xiao's body.

A holy aura was exuding out from his body and at the same time, a golden curtain of light had already surrounded him.

Ye Xiao had already entered in the state of comprehension. That one drop of golden blood was enough for him to sense many mysteries of the Heavens. His comprehension of every single law he had comprehended started to become more and more profound.

He even successfully comprehend one out of four Supreme Laws: the Law of Destruction.

At the same time, he had also comprehended the Law of Darkness that complemented the Nine Hell Serenity Dragon.

The Law of Darkness was one of the Great Laws, just like the Devouring Law.

At the same time, his cultivation base once again started increasing, nearing the Middle Dao Tribulation Stage of the Dao Manifestation Realm.

Well, these were the changes in Ye Xiao.

On the other hand, the sky started cracking, taking the big hole in the sky as its center. The shaking of the Well of Hell grew stronger and stronger as time passed.

One year later, the Well of Hell had fallen in complete darkness. At the same time, the sky already had countless cracks that seemed to be at the point of shattering.

It looked as if the sky will shatter at any time like the shattering of glass.

Two years later, the sky crumbled, and very soon, it affected the Well Of Hell.

Five years later, the Well of Hell was nowhere to be seen. In an empty dark space, only a golden platform could be seen. And on top of this golden platform, there seemed to be a golden ball of light. Inside this golden ball of light was Ye Xiao who had yet to wake up from his state of enlightenment.

There were no longer ten Supreme Platforms and nine Golden Bridges. There was only a single platform and it was the tenth supreme platform. Somehow, the other Nine Supreme Platform and Nine Golden Bridges have disappeared without living behind any trace.

Eight years later, the tenth supreme platform also started disappearing from a corner, turning into the golden fragments of light and dissipating into the dark space.

Of course, the process was extremely slow.

Ten years later, more than half of the Tenth Golden Platform had disappeared, living behind the other smaller half where Ye Xiao was standing.

It was also at this time when a surge of terrifying aura burst out from Ye Xiao's body and spread in the endless darkness.

But there was no fluctuation in the space. Nothing seemed to happen.

When the terrifying burst aura retracted back into Ye Xiao's body, Ye Xiao's cultivation base has already been stabilized at the Middle Dao Tribulation Stage of the Dao Manifestation Realm.

It was at this time when the golden curtain of light surrounding Ye Xiao disappeared slowly. And when it completely disappeared, Ye Xiao finally opened his eyes.

Ye Xiao's eyeball had turned golden, the same as the pupil of his Divine Nascent Soul.

The moment he opened his eyes, two profound rays of golden rays flashed past.

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