Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2116 Magical Beast City

Still, Davis found the silence constricting while flying together with them, so he couldn't help but speak after crossing the Alstreim Family Territory.

"Bylai, don't you feel that statue of me you placed on the Mortal Hex Emperor Palace is inappropriate?"

"How so?" Bylai's lips curved into a smile.

"Because... doesn't it remind you of the time when you were treated like a slave? If people were to converse about the statue, the sculptor would also naturally be brought into the topic and your circumstances at that time-"

"I don't care." Bylai giggled, causing Davis to raise his brows.

"Really…? I don't mind you scraping that statue of mine. Actually, you're the only one I would allow to shatter that statue since you're the creator."

"Being seen as an enslaved Dragon Queen and confessing to you, my enslaver, in front of millions of people. Is there anything else humiliating than that in my life?"


Davis dryly laughed, causing Bylai to shake her head.

"I'm not taking a jab. I'm just saying the things I see are different. After experiencing something like that, my thoughts are clear as though my horizons have been widened, so the people talking about my short slave history are not a problem. However, if they want to do it in front of my face, then they must be prepared to die."

A murderous gleam flashed past Bylai's eyes as she grinned while Davis blinked.

"Of course."

"Although I was forced to create that statue by Isabella, I poured my heart into it. Besides, the way you people treat slaves is really hilarious, allowing them to have the freedom to the degree that they would be considered disciples of a sect who were grounded because they made some lousy mistake."

"Well, that's because you didn't commit the blunder of targeting Isabella. You were only there to appease me. Otherwise, things would've been different."

"I can see that..."

Bylai giggled, causing Davis to smile brilliantly before he turned to look at the fiery woman.

"Zestria, you-"

"I can see what you're getting at, Davis, and no, I don't have any resentment over our complex situation at that time. Our family circumstances caused us to be at odds, but we did resolve it when we let go of our differences and slept together. I forgot that I even had resentment long ago. Hehe~"


Zestria giggled, causing Davis to purse his lips.

He thought they were really mature, able to talk about their slightly dark past in their glorious life without becoming all distraught and angered. He shared a few more things about what had happened in these few weeks before they arrived at the destination, entering the Magical Beast Sanctuary Territory.

They arrived at the Magical Beast Sanctuary within a minute, where they saw beautiful floating palaces adorning the skies. Magical beasts and humans alike teemed in the city below them. However, most of the humans were just magical beasts in human form. As for real humans, they were in the extreme minority, probably having been tamed, enslaved, or married.

Since the Magical Beast Sanctuary seemed to be on the peaceful side, he was inclined to believe that it could be the latter, but it was not his problem either. Slaves existed everywhere, even in the Alstreim Family. Unless it offended his sore eyes, he possessed little to no inkling to help regain their freedom.

"In any case, Everlight's not showing up… It's strange..."

"True. Even the other eleven Guardian Clans would show up upon sensing Zestria and my undulations, but they seemed to be rather busy this time. Or are they doing this purposefully?"

"It couldn't be… unless they want to lose the veil of protection Davis's presence brought them..."

Davis, Bylai, and Zestria appeared confused before they decided to no longer be polite and surveyed with their soul sense.

"Who dares!?"


The next moment, an array of thousand magical beasts zoomed into the clouds, their tall and wide figures blocking the skies as they stopped above Davis and the Dragon Queens. However, the moment their eyes caught sight of the three figures, their angered expressions left, replaced with a pale shade as they began to shudder.

Davis saw that it was the Twelve Guardian Clan's magical beasts. However, not one of them was the leader of their clans, and Everlight wasn't there either but briefly came to know why as his soul sense caught sight of a closed-door meeting within a huge palace.

Indeed, the palaces here were all extra huge because they were specifically built to host magical beasts with huge physiques, not humans. Still, his attention wasn't on the structures but on the Twelve Guardian Clan Leaders who had assembled in their magical beast forms in the huge hall.

There was a dark-red vicious-looking toad with a gaseous aura flowing around, reeking with blood. A carnelian-colored fiery snail that surged with carnelian flames left lava in its wake, and beside it, there was a winged centipede with wind blades flowing around its wings.

The winged-centipede was not the only insect as there was a starry-eyed dragonfly with beautiful violet wings, a four-legged beetle with heavy gold-like pincers, a gray mantis with silver scythes as its arms, a beautiful purple moth with its wings stretched out, creating a speck of purplish-white dust that scattered around its body along with an obsidian butterfly whose mesmerizing wings shone with a purple light, full of darkness.

Furthermore, there was a horned cow with incredible strength swelling from the earth, a two-tailed cat with a dark aura surging from its body, a razor-sharp teethed black-furred dog that had its canines jutting out of its mouth, and lastly, there was a real wolf with gray fur adorning its body while it possessed pure white wings that charmed its beholders.

She was none other than the Light Sky Wolf known as Everlight.

As for the other magical beasts who were surrounding Everlight, they were from the Blood-Jewel Eyed Toad Clan, Carnelian Flame Snail Clan, Two-Winged Wind Centipede Clan, Starry-Eyed Dragonfly Clan, Lustrous Gold Pincer Beetle Clan, Ashen Scythe Mantis Clan, Purple Breeze Moth Clan, Dark King Butterfly Clan, Undaunted Earthen Cow Clan, Two-Tailed Phantom Cat, and Razor Fang Hound Clan.

It was not the first time Davis saw these magical beast clans, as their subordinates had protected the Alstreim Family without expecting almost anything in return.

Nonetheless, including the Light Sky Wolf Clan, they constituted the Twelve Guardian Clans of the Magical Beast Sanctuary.

Everlight and the other eleven magical beasts were the leaders of the Magical Beast Sanctuary, but in that power, Everlight and her Light Sky Wolf Clan enjoyed a special position because they were the founders of the Magical Beast Sanctuary and, with their healing ability, earned the trust of the Guardian Clans to be the Sanctuary Guardian, a position similar to the sole adviser of external affairs.

But at this moment, they were all directly in confrontation with a lion that was fifty meters tall and eighty meters long. It possessed a dazzling and mesmerizing ocean blue mane that flowed like water within a fountain while its body was covered in deep blue fur with water swirling around it.

It possessed a refined aura to itself, but its expression was one of arrogance.


The ocean blue mane lion struck the palace with its giant twenty-meter tall tail, causing the palace to tremble heavily.

"Hmph! I don't care if your Magical Beast Sanctuary is under the protection of the Alstreim Family's Emperor of Death. You twelve sly group of magical beasts arbitrarily stopped having connections with us and now even refuse to send the tributes of this year that should've been supposed to come a few months ago. Who are you trying to fool!?"


Peak-Level Emperor Beast Stage undulations billowed inside the giant palace, raging with tidal waves of water as its prowess reached the fifth level of the Ninth Stage. Furthermore, this ocean blue mane lion's voice sounded male, instantly allowing Davis to know that it was one of the three hegemons of the Grand Viridian Beast Mountain Range, the Torrential Wave Lion, Shakhan.

Davis's soul sense quickly searched for the other two hegemons of the Grand Viridian Beast Mountain Range, the Devilish Flame Fox and the Cyan Soul Rat. However, no matter how his soul sense surveyed the vicinity and even the surrounding thousands of kilometers, he couldn't find such individuals.

'So it's only this lousy lion…?'

Davis raised his brows, his figure moving past the thousands of magical beasts who had gone into a kneeling posture with their giant bodies, trembling in his presence.

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