Demon's Diary

Chapter 703: Fierce Battle with the Celestial State Powerhouse Part 1

At the moment Venerable Kui Mu died, the black dragon also dissipated and returned into a black broken dagger.

When Liu Ming saw this, his heart sank.

A powerhouse from the Real Pellet State world was killed in front of this woman without any resistance. Think of the scene where Venerable Kui Mu turned around after seeing the woman's true face and she was able to see through his totem mystic arts, this great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe was undoubtedly a Celestial State powerhouse!

"Although I'm the great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe, I also have half of the beastkin blood. With this Sky Beastkin's blood essence, my beastkin bloodline will be able to evolve greatly, and this is the opportunity to advance to the Celestial State intermediate stage! Hmph, If it were not for the limited time for this puppet, even if all the cultivators in the secret realm join hands to deal with me, I can easily deal with all of you." The snake-haired beauty looked at the place where Venerable Kui Mu disappeared and murmured.

Although the voice was not loud, in this silent enchantment, it still appeared exceptionally clear, which made Liu Ming's heart even more chilling.

This woman said these words unscrupulously, it means that she will definitely not let anyone be alive.

In fact, this great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe got to know about Thunder Beastkin and Iron Beastkin's plan through some means. Although she wanted to get the Sky Beastkin's blood essence, she was quite afraid of the strength of Thunder Beastkin and Iron Beastkin. Therefore, she sent out a puppet avatar whose mind was controlled by her to mixed into this secret realm.

However, Liu Ming had also learned about these temporary puppet avatars in Taiqing Sect's classics that although they were very useful at critical times, they had many restrictions. Their strength was generally up to half of the original or even lower, and there are very strict time constraints.

But even so, Liu Ming, who had been seriously injured, couldn't resist the slightest.

At this time, the snaked-hair woman seemed to remember something, then she turned and looked at Liu Ming on the ground. As her figure became blurred, she appeared above Liu Ming.

"Tsk tsk, I almost forgot about you. Speaking of which, it is such a pity that such a good aptitude will be wasted. If you hadn't been a human cultivator and hadn't discovered the secret of the Sky Beastkin's blood essence, I will consider bringing you back to my sect. However, in the current situation…" After the beautiful snaked-hair woman sighed lightly, a trace of murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

As she spoke halfway, she lifted 1 hand lightly, and a green fireball appeared in her palm.

The green fireball was shining bright. The cold flame even distorted the surrounding space.


The fireball turned into a green flame light and shot toward Liu Ming.

Although Liu Ming didn't say a word, he had already been secretly channeling the remaining spiritual power into the silver leather armor made by 8 tentacles sea beastkin. Under the current situation, he didn't think much. 8 silver tentacles suddenly stretched out from his back and all tapped on the ground at the same time. Liu Ming was immediately pulled away for 80 meters.

The snaked-hair beautiful woman didn't expect Liu Ming to do this with all his bones being broken. After a slight daze, she immediately chuckled and tapped forward with 1 hand.

The green flame suddenly changed its direction, and it was sped up by several times. After just a few seconds, it caught up with Liu Ming and hit him.

As soon as the green flame light touched Liu Ming's body, it immediately turned into a raging green flame.

Liu Ming only felt a tingling painful sensation. The dense green silks penetrated into his arms and thighs like small snakes and continued to spread upwards.

The 8 tentacles sea beastkin could no longer maintain the beast armor form under the green flame. It immediately fell off Liu Ming with a "squeak", turning into a mini-octopus form again and fell to the ground. Its body was burned

At this moment, Liu Ming no longer had any resistance, letting the thousands of snakes devour his body. He just tried to open his eyelids and bite the tip of his tongue, otherwise he would pass out.

Even so, some random scenes still flashed in his mind quickly. There was the youthfulness when he first entered Savage Ghost Sect, the high-spirited moment when he entered the Spirit Master, the longing for the outside world when he left the Yunchuan Continent, and the shocking blow he used when facing the Siren King…

Thinking of his path from Yunchuan Continent step by step carefully, thinking of his short but wonderful path of cultivation…

Even if his strength was far superior to his peers, he was still so invulnerable in front of the Celestial State powerhouse. It seemed that he was going to die here today.

Just when Liu Ming closed his eyes with all hopes gone, the more than 100 purple spiritual crystals trembled surprisingly, making bursts of rumbling sounds in his mind.

A pure demonic qi burst out from the demonic spiritual crystals, and Liu Ming, lying on the ground, felt that his Divine Thought had become blurred. He had lost control of his entire body.

At the next moment, Liu Ming, who was wrapped in green flames, suddenly flashed with a black light in his eyes. He jumped straight up and roared to the sky.

The loud roar resounded through the entire secret realm. The snake-haired woman was shocked as well.

Then the woman's face changed drastically, and an expression of disbelief appeared in her eyes.

At this moment, black demonic qi billowed out of his body. The broken bones in his body instantly healed up instantaneously as the black demonic qi spread.

After Liu Ming opened his eyes again, his pupils were full of brutality.

This time, he was demonized by himself without the help of Luo Hu.

Under the horrified gaze of the great elder, 'Liu Ming' stretched his neck, making a burst of crackling sound. At the same time, a demonic qi rolled on the countless small snakes, making them dissipate in green smoke.

The billowing demonic qi continued to spread, gradually forming a huge demonic qi vortex.

At the center of the demonic qi vortex, Liu Ming slowly rose into the air, coldly looking at the great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe not far away.

"Hmph! Pretentious! I didn't notice that you are actually a human demonic cultivator. No wonder you always wore a mask." Seeing this, the snake-haired woman was startled in her heart.

The kid's casual glance just now actually made her feel frightened.

At the same time, Liu Ming's consciousness trapped in the demonized body was overjoyed and secretly worried.

The realm and power of the demonized body were beyond his control. It was still the same as before. He had no way to control the current body. The demonized body could only face the avatar of the Celestial State powerhouse on its own.

But Liu Ming wasn't sure if he could win. Even if his strength could be improved by several levels after being demonized, the gap between the 2 realms was like an insurmountable gap.

If he could control this demonized body himself, then his first choice was definitely to rush to pick up Kui Mu's storage ring and use the great shift secret talisman to flee right away.

He believed that he could still do it after demonization.

Just as Liu Ming was thinking and worrying quickly, the 3 purple demonic patterns on his forehead flashed. His figure became blurred and disappeared out of thin air.

The snake hairs suddenly grew several times, turning into more than a hundred green snakes of 10 meters long and biting in the air somewhere.

Hissing sounds were endless!

In the air shrouded by the sky full of green snakes, a black light flashed, and a figure emerged.

Under the channel of the great elder, the countless small green snakes spat venom at the figure.

'Liu Ming' only extended his both arms, and the rolling black demonic qi turned into monstrous black demonic flame, is just a pair of arms, and immediately the black demonic qi on the body surface suddenly becomes blurred, and it turns into a black and faint monstrous magic flame, burning the sky full of snakes into flying ashes at once.

Then the Demonized Liu Ming just pressed in the air with 1 arm.


A big black hand the size of 80 meters appeared out of thin air, and it slammed at the great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe.

Seeing the demonic palm pressing at her, the expression of the snake-haired woman changed slightly. She smiled coldly, lifted 1 hand light, and once again launched a yellow giant claw phantasm to resist it.

A strange scene happened again.

As soon as the giant yellow claw phantasm touched the demonic palm, it collapsed layer by layer without any resistance.

"What, true demonic aura? You're not a demonic cultivator, but a demon?" The snake-haired woman was shocked. Her figure dodged with a flash, then she appeared in the nearby sky.

In the Middle Sky Continent, the demon was already a legend, true demonic aura was already very scarce. Even the true demonic aura in some demon clan ruins was very little.

The person, who could use such a power true demonic aura, could only be the demon.

Facing the fierce shout of the great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe, 'Liu Ming' still had no expression on his face. Purple spirit patterns flashed crazily on the face. He tapped his foot in the air abruptly, then he appeared before the snake-haired woman with a gust of rampaging wind. He launched a series of quick punches which instantly transformed into a black fist shadow.

After learning the demon identity of Liu Ming, the snake-haired woman didn't defend the punches directly. Instead, she turned and dodged back in a hurry.

Even 'Liu Ming' was launching fierce attacks with claws and punches like a hurricane, but he still couldn't hurt the great elder of the Golden Savage Tribe for a while.

But the snake-haired woman was also forced back under the stormy attacks. She didn't know how to deal with such a rampaging offense.

After all, Huang Ying was just a temporary puppet avatar. Not only it couldn't exert a portion of her real cultivation, it didn't bring any of her main magic weapons.

The snake-haired woman seemed extremely embarrassed for a while!

TL: Can the demonized form hold until the avatar expires?

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