Demon's Diary

Chapter 700: The Center of the Secret Realm

After Venerable Kui Mu got the hit, he turned back into the giant green wolf and flew back without hesitation.

Seeing this, Liu Ming couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, and he got close to the Twin Head Python with a flash. He flicked his finger and launched 8 wind blades at the tail wound.

A few crisp sounds!

Most of the wind blades slashed on the scale armor and were broken into pieces. Only 2 wind blade seemed to happen to pierce into the wound!

The Twin Head Python was in pain, and it whipped its tail at Liu Ming, making a burst of crackling sound in the air.

Liu Ming swayed and turned into 3 phantasms to dodge it, then he made gestures with both both hands. A golden flying sword appeared and wrapped him with golden light.

"Body and sword fusion!"

Liu Ming whispered, and he turned into an astonishing sword light about 100 meters in size. With just a blink, it had already struck at 7 inches down to the snake's neck.

Twin Head Python apparently realized that it was not good, so it didn't care about pursuing Venerable Kui Mu. It suddenly turned and spouted several crimson fireballs and purple wind blades at the golden sword light.

At the same time, Liu Ming, who was in the sword light, sneered; he was still charging at the fireballs and wind blades.

The next moment, Twin Head Python's initially aggressive body rolled, and a bump was quickly moving from the tail to the neck of the snake. At the same time, a tearing sound could be heard.

Twin Head Python suddenly uttered a heart-piercing hiss, and the huge body and 2 heads suddenly swayed wildly as if it was enduring some kind of intense pain.

"Poof", the giant red head shook, and a golden eyeball burst open immediately. A half-foot-sized mini golden puppet warrior rushed out of it.

Liu Ming previously hid the yellow turban soldier symbol in the wind blades and launched it inside the tail wound of the Twin Head Python, waiting for an opportunity to activate it. It turned into a puppet warrior that destroyed the interior of the giant python before rushing out.

At this moment, the golden sword light had penetrated the wind blades and fireballs, and it flashed past the neck of the giant python in an instant.

Even though the giant python tried to twist its body desperately, a big wound was still open up at the 7 inches below the neck. Blood rushed out immediately.

Venerable Kui Mu in the distance had already transformed back into human form. Seeing that the giant python was under heavy injuries, he immediately waved his hand. The dagger on the tail disappeared.

A fluctuation occurred around the space of the purple head, and the black dagger flashed out.


A bloody hole appeared out of thin air on the purple head.

Twin Head Python wailed, and the 2 large heads fell down heavily on the ground. The 3 golden eyes turned into blood red instantly. Its gigantic body was even twisting nonstop.

At this moment, the golden sword light turned around, releasing a dazzling golden light.

"Puff puff", the golden sword light just circled the giant python's neck twice, and then the 2 huge heads fell down.

Then the sword light burst into dense sword qi, killing the 2 souls hiding inside the 2 heads.

The huge body could no longer move after twitching a few times in the blood pool.

At this moment, the golden light faded, and Liu Ming's figure reappeared nearby. He sighed and landed slowly beside the headless python corpse.

He retrieved the yellow turban soldier talisman in the air, then he took out several gray tokens and a storage talisman from Twin Head Python.

Liu Ming didn't take a closer look and keep away these things first. He quickly landed on the ground, took a golden yuan pill and adjusted his breath to recover.

In the distance, Venerable Kui Mu saw that Liu Ming had beheaded the giant python, and he was delighted. After thinking slightly, he moved and appeared not far away from Huang Ying.

The woman was still lying unconscious on the ground with her eyes closed.

After checking her condition, Venerable Kui Mu took an elixir, stuffed it into her mouth and launched several palms at her back. Only then the woman looked slightly better.

Venerable Kui Mu took another glance at Liu Ming, and he also drank a clear spiritual fluid from a green jade bottle.

Then, he made a gesture. A green light was quickly gathering at his broken arm as he chanted.

Countless granulation sprouts grew crazily on the wound, entwining at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, an intact arm was formed.

After a while, Huang Ying woke up. She glanced at the mess around and the headless python corpse not far from the ground, then she looked at Venerable Kui Mu and Liu Ming who were sitting cross-legged. She immediately said embarrassedly,

"I'm really useless. I was defeated so early. Fortunately, 2 powerful friends are still able to kill the opponent."

"This is all the credit of Brother Liu. If he didn't use the body and sword fusion technique all of sudden, it wouldn't be so easy." Venerable Kui Mu opened his eyes and said with a slight smile.

Liu Ming smiled slightly when he heard the words, but he did not speak. He continued to recover his spiritual power.

"It seems that I'm really fortunate to be able to encounter Brother Liu." Huang Ying sighed, and she also took an elixir and sat cross-legged..

After half a day, the 3 had mostly recovered under the effect of the elixir.

At this time, they had gathered all 16 tokens.

The 3 were naturally overjoyed.

"What do you guys plan to do after getting out alive?" Venerable Kui Mu asked suddenly.

"Eh, being in a dangerous place inexplicably and luckily not dying, it can be considered a gain. This time, I will naturally consolidate my cultivation in a retreat!" Huang Ying sighed and said.

"I'm just a casual cultivator, so I don't have anything specific to do. Let's get out of here first!" Liu Ming said with a laughter, obviously not wanting to say more.

"Right, we aren't safe yet. Let's go and take a look at the Sky Beastkin's blood essence that the 2 Celestial Powerhouses have spent countless efforts on it!" Venerable Kui Mu nodded with his eyes flashed.

So after some simple preparations, they went toward the enchantment in the middle of the secret realm.

After 15 minutes, in the center of the secret realm, 3 escape lights of different colors came one after another, and they stopped in the air.

It was Liu Ming and the other 2.

Liu Ming squinted his eyes slightly at the open space under his feet. The nearby area was just a seemingly ordinary endless grassland.

It was just that these plants appeared to be withered and yellow like they didn't absorb any water for a long time.

"How could this be?" Venerable Kui Mu's face was very ugly. He scanned with Divine Thought and found nothing here.

Huang Ying frowned as well.

Liu Ming closed his eyes tightly, without moving, obviously thinking about something.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, turned to them and spoke with a faint smile, "Sky Beastkin Tokens."

When Venerable Kui Mu and Huang Ying heard these words, they immediately understood it.

Then the 3 of them took out all the tokens. At the moment when all the 16 tokens appeared, an inexplicable fluctuation emerged in the sky.

A burst of whistling sound!

After the 16 gray tokens trembled, they flew into the sky one after another and combined into an extremely mysterious image.

This image just spun in the air, then it rose into the sky. After a muffled sound, a white light beam shone in the grassland below.

"Boom!" .

The moment the white light beam touched the ground, it suddenly turned into circles of white fluctuation that spread around.

The grassland suddenly became fuzzy and distorted, and the scene changed suddenly. A giant semi-circular crystal light curtain appeared out of thin air. It was as large as a hundred acres, and it was filled with rolling gray mist. Their Divine Thought couldn't see what was inside.

Around the light curtain, there were 16 1000 meters enormous pillars, forming a circle that enclosed the crystal light curtain in the middle.

Upon closer inspection, the top of each stone pillar was engraved with a strange beastkin figure; some resembling a lion, some resembling a cheetah, some resembling a crocodile, and some resembling a giant python. The postures were all different, but they were lifelike.

And in the heart position of each pattern, there was a small groove the size of a fist. Judging from the shape and size, it was very consistent with the previous gray token.

"This is where the center enchantment of the secret realm. Just insert the gray tokens we got into the grooves of the stone pillars, then we can enter it. The essence of the Sky Beastkin should be inside." Venerable Kui Mu said with excitement; he could no longer conceal the fire in his heart.

Liu Ming nodded and waved his hand above.

The tokens that formed the image in the air separated silently, turning into gray lights that went into the grooves of the 16 stone pillars one after another.

Every time a gray token was inserted, the beastkin pattern on the surface of the corresponding stone pillar shone. A crystal light was emitted from it at the light curtain in the middle, making the calm gray mist in it tumble violently.

When the last token was inserted into the groove, everything in the sky suddenly changed. The original clear sky suddenly became densely covered with clouds, and from time to time there were mixed sounds of thunder and lightning.

In the next moment, as the gray gas in the light curtain rolled violently, the crystal light curtain also shook violently.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound!

The huge crystal light curtain suddenly shattered after being smashed by a thick thunder.

The gray mist rolled out, drowning them within seconds.

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