Demon's Diary

Chapter 677: Five Light Queen Bee

"Well, since you all have no opinion, I will brief about the specific plan on the way. After all, there is still some distance before we reach the five light beehive. What's more, there are various beastkin in this Pig Dragon Mountain. If we are late for a few days, we will miss the weakest period after the queen bee lays eggs." After the masked woman said a few more words, she turned into a black wind and flew away.

"Sister Hua's wind escape technique has become mysterious since we met a hundred years ago." The woman wearing the cloak chuckled lightly, then she stepped on a white cloud and followed behind in a crystal light.

Wu Kui laughed boldly, and he turned into a brilliant colorful light that chased after them.

Among the remaining few people, the brawny man of the savage tribe let out a giant eagle that was 30 meters huge and sat on it while the man in a green robe turned into a black mist and rolled away.

Liu Ming flicked his sleeve and released the golden sword. After making a sword gesture again, he turned into a golden light and rose into the sky.

Half a day later, everyone had entered the depths of the Pig Dragon Mountain vein. The trip was safe all the way, but a large swamp appeared in front of them.

Looking around, there were patches of miasma formed by huge gray fog over the swamp. At the same time, it was mixed with the smell of rotting weeds, and there was even sticky and disgusting moisture floating in the air.

Liu Ming frowned. It might not be so simple to pass through this swamp.

The others seemed to be equally aware of the eerie aura permeating here, and they all stopped in front of the swamp.

"If I didn't guess it wrong, this place should be the famous Black Miasma Swarm. The miasma here can not only block Divine Thought, but it will also disrupt the field of view of more than 20 meters away. There is also a giant beastkin insect here. Although this beastkin insect is low in strength, their number is great, plus they have a strange poison which made them pretty troublesome to deal with. The woman wearing a cloak suddenly said.

"But if we detour to the other two peaks, I'm afraid it will waste a lot of time, and it may be even more dangerous." Another man in a green robe frowned, then said.

"Hehe, let me deal with the miasma in this swamp." At this moment, the brawny man with a bull mask smiled and made a gesture to fly in front with the giant eagle.

Then he spouted out a bloody gale from his mouth.

Liu Ming was moved in sight of this.

A faint bloody flickered around the brawny man's neck. Upon a closer look, it was a tattoo of a bloody giant tortoise.

Obviously, this person was also using a kind of totem mystic arts, and the level was not low.

As soon as the bloody gale was blown, it turned into a bloody wind beam that rushed to the miasma ahead.

Tazy mist above the swamp was instantly scattered by the wind beam. A thousand meters in front, 10 giant dragonfly-like beastkin insects could vaguely be seen.

These dragonflies were 10 meters in size. The pair of transparent wings were constantly waving, making a buzzing sound. The 2 red eyes were knuckle-size. The fangs in their mouth were rubbing against each other. As soon as the mist was blown away, they flew toward everyone in a buzz.

Seeing this, Wu Kui directly went forward, took out a weapon, and waved forward ruthlessly.

A large piece of golden light rolled out!

As soon as those giant dragonflies were hit, they were sliced into tiny pieces as if they had encountered a nemesis; they didn't even have a chance to defend.

As Liu Ming's pupils shrank, he finally saw what Wu Kui was holding. It was a golden feather fan.

"Thanks for the effort, let's go then." Hua Qingying was overjoyed. After thanking, everyone flew toward the path that was cleared by the gale.

The brawny man was flying in front, constantly blowing away the miasma with the gale wind. If any beastkin insects came out, they were slain easily by Wu Kui and the others.

After a half-day journey, everyone walked out of this Black Miasma Swarm.

Next, they encountered several batches of beastkins that ranged from the Condensation Period early stage to the Crystallization Period later stage, but they were all easily dealt with by the Real Pellet State cultivators.

2 days later, under the lead of Hua Qingying, they came near a certain mountain in the depths of the Pig Dragon Mountain.

"Everyone, if the previous information is correct, the fight light beehive should be 1000 meters ahead." The masked woman suddenly stopped and spoke to the others solemnly.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go over there as soon as possible according to the original plan." Wu Kui said immediately.

"Of course. But in order to avoid any mistake, we should hide our aura and observe near the hive first. It's nothing wrong to play it safe." Hua Qingying said cautiously.

The others of course agreed to it.

Although Wu Kui curled his lips, he didn't say anything.

So everyone used their mystic arts to hide their figures, then they continued to fly forward.

After Liu Ming tore a concealing talisman, his body turned into a faint phantasm as he followed up.

For everyone, the 1000 meters journey only took a moment.

But what surprised everyone was that bursts of sound came not far away.

Liu Ming and the others were shocked, and they all scattered away and hid in the nearby clouds without the need to communicate.

As soon as Liu Ming hid his figure, he immediately poured spiritual power into his eyes and looked toward the place where the crackling sound came from.

In the distance, on the mountainside of a black and green giant peak, there were 3 people who had strange looks. At first glance, they were the Beastkin Clan cultivators, fighting fiercely with a group of fist-sized giant black bees.

1 had long ears but sunken eyes; the other had brown feathers all over his arms.

The last beastkin cultivator had gray hair, but there was a faint murderous intent coming from his forehead.

"Hmph, I didn't expect someone to be ahead of us. But there are only 2 low level Real Pellet State and 1 Pseudo Pellet State. They actually dared to touch the five light queen bee; they are simply insane." Wu Kui's voice suddenly sounded from the white cloud.

"It's great, just let them test the queen bee's strength for us first. If these beastkin cultivators get lucky, then we will kill them and snatch the treasure." The masked woman's chuckles also sounded in the ears of the others.

Liu Ming's eyes flashed a few times, and he didn't say anything. He looked into the giant cave near the battle between the 3 beastkin cultivators and the giant bee.

It seems that it should be the hive of the five light bees. Do these beastkin cultivators know that there is a terrifying queen bee inside?

At this moment, the 3 beastkin cultivators had already cleaned up all the five light bees with a flame breath and wind blades.

The Pseudo Pellet State beastkin cultivator took out a storage talisman and smashed it to pieces.

A white light flashed, and something blood red was splashed around the floor, emitting a thick bloody smell. At the same time, the 3 beastkin cultivators hid behind the nearby rocks.

"Eh, these beastkin cultivators are also here prepared. They even prepared the blood of the green leaf rat to lure the bee swarm to leave the hive and slowly kill them." The woman in a cloak was surprised.

Hua Qingying snorted softly, reminding everyone to be careful and not make noises to avoid being discovered.

Only a few moments after the blood was splashed, a buzzing sound came from the cave.

A huge adult five light bee flew out. Its size and aura were incomparable by the previous group of ordinary giant bees.

The next moment, a brown chain appeared out of thin air, firmly locking the body of the giant bee. Simultaneously, a gray light flashed and slashed the adult bee in half; it was a joint attack from the 2 Real Pellet State beastkin cultivators.

But just when the 3 Beastkin Clan cultivators planned to collect the corpse of this adult bee, a soaring spiritual pressure burst out from the hive!

Immediately after a few buzzes, 2 larger bees with five colors spirit patterns on their wings flashed and blocked the 3 beastkin cultivators.

The 3 were shocked. They immediately took out their spiritual weapons, but the 2 giant bees didn't mean to attack. They were just fluttering their wings in the air.

"I thought that except for the queen bee, they are only ordinary beastkin bees. I didn't expect that there would be 2 of the Real Pellet State!" The masked woman took a deep breath and spoke to the party solemnly.

"Hmph, with me in your party, even if there are more of these two Real Pellet State beastkin bees, it will only increase some effort." Wu Kui snorted.

Just when the 3 beastkin cultivators were shocked and immediately began to retreat, a larger giant bee surrounded by purple mist also flew out from the cave.

After a transformation, the purple mist suddenly dissipated and disappeared, then it was replaced by a purple giant bee of 40 meters huge. It was full of gorgeous five colors spirit patterns.

This bee was not only ferocious, but its lower body was several times larger than the upper body, giving people a very clumsy feeling. As soon as the bee appeared, an airwave suddenly rolled out of its body. The nearby space was buzzing and distorting due to it.

The 2 beastkin cultivators staggered back with a horrified face under the pressure.

The Pseudo Pellet State beastkin cultivator even collapsed to the ground instantly.

Seeing this, Liu Ming's eyes twitched slightly!

This purple giant bee seems to be the five light queen bee, but how is its aura so terrifying!

TL: Even Liu Ming is scared? Could it be at the later stage?

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