Demon's Diary

Chapter 641: Beast Armor Tactic

The man in the gray robe didn't turn his head. He just waved his hand, then he disappeared in a flicker.

Liu Ming collected the jade talisman, then he left the Spirit Cauldron Peak and flew toward the Scriptures Pavilion again.

But before Liu Ming flew far, a white cloud suddenly chased behind him.

Liu Ming raised his brows and immediately slowed down his speed. Looking back, he saw a 17 years old girl above the white cloud. It was Tian Jing.

After Bai Yun suddenly accelerated, he came to Liu Ming's body.

"Senior Fellow Apprentice Liu, why did you go so fast? I can't catch up with you." Tian Jing was patting her chest with a flush face. After taking a few breaths, she said crisply.

"Why is junior sister chasing me until here?" Liu Ming was surprised, but he still asked calmly on the surface.

"This… Senior Fellow Apprentice Liu, you can guess for yourself." Tian Jing blinked and said with a grin.

"If junior sister has nothing to look for me, then I'll leave first as I have urgent matter to deal with." Liu Ming didn't have time to entangle Elder Tian's granddaughter, so he cupped his fist and planned to leave.

"Hey, senior fellow apprentice, don't rush to leave. You're so good at alchemy. Why don't you share alchemy experience with me…" The girl hurriedly yelled when she saw this.

"It's just a fluke that I'm able to pass the alchemy assessment! If Junior Sister Tian really wants to improve your alchemy, you should ask the senior fellow apprentices of the Spirit Cauldron Peak. I still have something to do, so I can't accompany you."

When Liu Ming heard this, he refused immediately. Before waiting for the girl to say anything, he immediately made a gesture and blasted away in a green sword light.

Tian Jing's cultivation was not high; she was just at the Condensation Period intermediate stage, so she couldn't catch up with the speed of Liu Ming's body and sword fusion. Seeing this, she stomped her feet a few times, turned around after furiously and flew back to the Spirit Cauldron Peak again.

Not long later, Liu Ming finally returned to the Scriptures Pavilion again.

"Congratulations to Brother Liu, in just a few days, you got the alchemist qualification." The fat deputy disciple, after scanning the cauldron pattern of the identity token on Liu Ming's waist, was taken aback. He immediately came forward to congratulate him.

"Not at all, I'm just lucky." Liu Ming said modestly, then he went straight to the shelf holding the elixir recipes.

This time, when Liu Ming shook the identity token again to unlock the enchantment on the elixir recipe, a golden light blasted out from it. Suddenly, the gray spirit patterns on the elixir recipe disappeared in a flash, and his contribution points were deducted by 100,000 points.

Then Liu Ming hurriedly sat cross-legged, put the elixir recipe on his forehead, and began to read carefully.

The reason why he did not choose the elixir from other Crystallization Periods, but chose this elixir specifically, not because this elixir required less contribution points, but because the main ingredient of this elixir was the local specialty of the Middle Sky Continent. As long as he searched for it himself or bought it at a high price, he didn't have to worry too much about finding the raw material.

For other Crystallization Period elixirs, although the success rate was higher, their ingredients were often out of stock as soon as they were available. Therefore, those weren't Liu Ming's best choice.

After Liu Ming hurriedly bid farewell to the fat deputy, he flew back to his cave house in a black escape light.

"You must be Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu, right? I'm Xuan Wu." Liu Ming had just landed, he saw a man in green clothes standing in front of his cave house. The man immediately turned around when he heard something.

This man had a long face that was covered with black pocks. He looked a bit ugly.

"Mister is?" Liu Ming frowned slightly. The unsightly man in green clothes was a Crystallization Period cultivator. Judging from the aura he exuded, it seemed that his cultivation had reached the intermediate stage of the Crystallization Period.

Although he was not familiar with the disciples of Fallen Serene Peak, he had basically seen the Crystallization Period disciple, but he had never seen this person.

"Haha, I'm just reporting my name. Junior fellow apprentice may still be a bit confused. I'm the disciple of Elder Yu, but I have been working outside the sect for a few years. Although you and I belong to the same peak, junior fellow apprentice may not have heard of my name." The man in green clothes said with a laugh.

"It turns out to be Senior Fellow Apprentice Xuan ." Liu Ming immediately bowed respectfully.

Of the 30 disciples currently remaining in Fallen Serene Peak, the Crystallization Period disciples only accounted for a small portion which was about a dozen of them. Most of them were the direct disciples of the elders. Yin Jiuling used to only have Xiao Wu as his disciple, and Liu Ming had just recently became his direct disciple.

"Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu doesn't need to be polite. I've heard your name for a long time. You and I will see each other often in the future, so we can exchange more cultivation experiences. Ah, I was too excited seeing junior fellow apprentice that I almost forgot to my task. Master's Senior Yin has just announced that you are now at the Crystallization Period, so this cave house is no longer suitable for you. Therefore, Master's Senior specifically chose the No. 8 cave house that is close to the peak for you. Junior fellow apprentice just need to go on your own later." Xuan Wu slapped his forehead and said as he suddenly remembered something.

"Thank you senior fellow apprentice for telling me. I will personally pay respect to Master later." Liu Ming was overjoyed. The closer the cave house to the peak, the thicker the yin qi in it. It was great for consolidating his current realm.

"Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu is polite. But Master's Senior Yin has already said that you need to consolidate your current realm, so you don't have to visit him." Xuan Wu smiled again when he heard the words.

Liu Ming naturally thanked him again.

Afterward, Xuanwu chatted with Liu Ming again before leaving.

After watching him leave, Liu Ming immediately entered the cave house, briefly packed his belongings and flew toward the new cave house.

On Fallen Serene Peak, all the disciples' cave houses were mostly the same. After registering his token at the stone door, the door slowly opened.

Liu Ming immediately entered the cave house. He looked around and found that the size of the cave house was almost the same as the previous No. 8 cave house. There were 3 large rooms inside and outside, and a small courtyard was attached. The key was the concentration of natural aura and yin qi that had significantly increased by more than 1 level.

After he nodded in satisfaction, he arranged the new cave house. He placed Bone Scorpion and Demon Flying Skull in one of the rooms, allowing them to absorb the surrounding yin qi, then he practiced on his own.

After all, now that he had advanced to the Crystallization Period, the supporting role of Bone Scorpion and Demon Flying Skull was obviously not enough. They needed to improve their strength as soon as possible.

However, Bone Scorpion and Demon Flying Skull were currently at the Condensation Period later stage. If they wanted to go further, they also needed to advance to the Crystallization Period.

But to advance spiritual pet, unless it was born with a unique bloodline or had a great opportunity, its difficulty is much more difficult than that of a human cultivator. Besides, such an advancement that crossed the realm would often attract a different kind of tribulation.

This was no trivial matter. Without any clue, he could only put this idea behind him temporarily to see what opportunity the 2 spiritual pets would have in the future.

Soon after, Liu Ming sat in the middle of a secret room in the cave house. After thinking for a moment, a broken ancient book with a yellowish cover appeared in his hand after a flash of black light.

When he had just sorted out the objects in the Sumeru Ring, he accidentally found this object. It was the ancient book with demonic texts that he obtained after killing Yin Yang Strong Demon.

This classic book obviously had a lot of origin. With his previous cultivation, he couldn't clearly see the demonic texts on it. After a long time, he almost forgot about this thing.

However, seeing the surface of this broken ancient book, 1 or 2 black and purple primitive texts flashed from time to time. The process kept repeating. Every time different texts would appear. It was clearly a kind of high level enchantment.

Seeing this, Liu Ming's face flashed with excitement.

Now he has advanced to the Crystallization Period, maybe he could see the texts clearly.

After Liu Ming made up his mind, he immediately turned the first page gently. The purple-black demonic text on the page was fluttering, A black light also rolled out from the page at the same time.

With a "buzz" in Liu Ming's ears, his Divine Thought was suddenly in a trance.

This enchantment was so mysterious that it made him suffer a lot previously.

But Liu Ming's cultivation was different from before. After snorting, the 153 spiritual power crystals in his Spiritual Sea flashed. A tyrannical spiritual power surged out madly toward his head, easing the buzz in his head by more than half. His eyes shot out 2 substantive lights that directly pierced through the black light on the ancient book.

The purple and black demonic texts that appeared on the ancient book suddenly became clearly visible. After flickering, they rearranged themselves neatly.

Liu Ming was overjoyed, and he immediately read page by page.

Although he recognized the demonic texts above, it was still very difficult to comprehend because of the jerky and incomprehensible language.

As a result, it took almost a day to be able to read rough this ancient book once.

After closing the book, Liu Ming's face showed contemplation.

In this ancient book, there was an ancient mystic arts called "Beast Armor Tactic".

According to the record, this mystic art came from the "Battle Beast Sect", a sect that focused in physique cultivation long ago in the Middle Sky Continent.

Liu Ming had never seen the name of this sect in the previous ancient books, but according to the records of the demonic texts, this Battle Beast Sect was likely to be a fairly famous sect in ancient times.

This Beast Armor Tactic was 1 of the 3 mystic arts of the Battle Beast Sect. Later, it fell into the hands of the demon for some reason, and it was recorded in the demonic texts.

As soon as Liu Ming saw this mystic art, he immediately remembered the Beast Possession Technique that was performed by the No. 2 of the Black Spirit Association in the Great Xuan Kingdom Palace. It was similar to the Beast Armor Tactic, but the later was obviously much more powerful.

According to this book, this Beast Armor Tactic could transform the spiritual beast that had been forcibly injected with spiritual power into some kind of armor that could increase the physical body of the user. It was similar to the effect of the beast possession.

Once this Beast Armor Tactic was learned, it could not only enhance the physical strength of the Beast Armor User, but the defend would be enhanced greatly too. If it was trained until the last level, the cultivator could even have the talent of spiritual beast; the power was almost infinitely strong.

😮, can the armor still transform back to the spiritual beast? What spiritual beast will he choose then? Bone Scorpion? Demon Flying Skull? The little octopus? Or he will catch a rare spiritual beast for it? Hmm…

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