Demon's Diary

Chapter 558: Magical Beas

Liu Ming immediately walked up step by step calmly. Relying on his strong physical strength and reaction speed, he easily reached the sixtieth step.

However, as he climbed higher and higher, the five colors glow under his feet became more and more thick, and the pulling force he suffered gradually became huge; it was changing every moment.

As he took one step, there was a huge pulling force. When he wanted to channel spiritual power to defend it, the huge force suddenly changed its direction and pushed forward. When Liu Ming adjusted his balance to deal with it, the huge force changed direction once again.

This kind of obstruction became more obvious after passing the seventy steps. It seemed that every ten steps, the power of enchantment would increase by 30%; the speed it changed would be even more unpredictable.

Even though Liu Ming relied on his powerful body comparable to the Crystallization Period Physique Cultivator, he still felt a little overwhelmed after he passed the ninetieth step.

His pace paused, then he suddenly made a gesture. His figure became bigger after a crackling sound. Black gas also rolled out from his body simultaneously. A roar of dragons and tigers sounded from the black gas.

At the next moment, Liu Ming only felt lightened all over, and the pressure from all directions was greatly reduced. After a slight smile, he easily climbed up the five steps.

When Liu Ming set his foot to the platform of the hundredth step, he could only feel the five colors glow under his feet fading away. The green light flashed on his arm, then he walked through the white light curtain.

Standing in front of the exquisite palace gate in close distance, he couldn’t help taking a deep breath and looking back. The figure of the people below had already become blurred under the obstruction of the white mist.

Liu Ming thought for a moment, and he immediately channeled Tiger Dragon Hell Prison to cover his whole body with a layer of less than inch size black gas. He then walked toward the gate.

As he walked into the palace gate, his vision was blurred by an intense white light before he could see anything clearly; it was accompanied by a rumbling sound near him.

When he understood what was going on, he was already in a hall, and his appearance had restored to his original appearance.

Obviously, there was some kind of enchantment here that canceled any kind of disguise technique.

At the same time, “swoosh swoosh“, several black phantasms pounced at one of them at the same time from all directions.

Liu Ming moved his arms without even thinking about it. He launched a few punches wrapped in black gas, setting off a black wave to the surroundings.

“Bang bang bang“, these black shadows were knocked far back under the huge force of the punch shadows. Two of them even had their heads exploded by the punch shadows.

As Liu Ming saw clearly, the identity of these black figures was a black giant wolf of tens of meters. Their bodies had black spirit patterns looming as if their bodies weren’t real.

After Liu Ming contemplated for a few moments, he cast his gaze at the giant wolves’ corpse whose heads were crushed.

As expected, the corpses turned into two clouds of black gas after exploding in a flash. There were two thumb-size gray beads on the ground.

Liu Ming sneered in sight of this. His figure just twisted, then he disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, the giant wolves just flipped up from the ground, then they saw a black shadow, leaving a series of black punch shadows in the air.

“Bang Bang Bang“!

The giant wolves had no time to react at all, and they were all exploded into black gas; gray beads scattered on the ground.

When Liu Ming reappeared in the hall, his Divine Thought swept away and confirmed that there were no giant wolves around. He immediately grabbed all the beads into his hands, picked up one of them and looked at them carefully. He muttered to himself,

“It turns out that this is the so-called Green Sky Pearl, but it is gray. It seems that the magical beast I killed just now is only the lowest level existence.”

At this time, Liu Ming started to recall the matters about the Green Sky Illusory Palace told by Shopkeeper Ye and others.

This illusion palace had appeared so many times before, so the people outside had already known about it.

According to Shopkeeper Ye, anyone who entered this palace would be attacked by many magical beasts stationed in the palace. This magical beast was made by Green Sky Illusory Palace by absorbing the energy of the outside world and transforming the energy into a body full of aura. They had different strength; the lower level was just at the Spirit Apostle early stage, and the powerful ones could even be compared to the Crystallization Period.

Every foreign cultivator that entered the Green Sky Illusory Palace, after killing these magical beasts, they would receive the magical beast’s remaining “Green Sky Pearl” which contained more special energy depending on the strength of the magical beast. The more special energy it had, the color was more gorgeous and abnormal. Thus, it was basically divided into six categories: gray, white, green, purple, silver, and gold.

As long as the foreign cultivator that entered the Green Sky Illusory Palace could stay in the illusion palace for three months, he would be transported to a huge altar before the palace disappeared. He could directly sacrifice these Green Sky Pearls in exchange for a variety of treasures that the Green Sky Lord placed in the palace to reward the younger generations. It was said that as long as the quantity of Green Sky Pearl was large enough or the quality was high enough, it wasn’t impossible to exchange it for a magic weapon.

This was one of the reasons why Liu Ming wanted to break into the Green Sky Illusory Palace without hesitation. After all, with his current strength, it would be no problem to clean up most of the magical beasts.

After Liu Ming thought it over, he looked at the whole hall carefully.

He saw that the hall was so tall that the top couldn’t be seen. There was some white mist above his head, obstructing his vision.

The hall was surrounded by green walls. There was nothing special on the walls, but each wall had a green stone door that seemed to lead directly to the adjacent hall.

Liu Ming walked to a random stone door, and he tapped in the air. The stone door trembled slightly before opening by itself.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked in with a flash.

As soon as he entered this hall, the door behind him closed.

Liu Ming calmly walked to the center of the hall, and the mist around him rolled down violently. Suddenly, five giant wild boars with a yellow glow appeared.

These wild boars were twenty to thirty meters long; they had a pair of extremely sharp golden fangs. From time to time, they breathed out mists and made weird howls.

Liu Ming raised his eyebrows. As he scanned with Divine Thought, these wild boars had the cultivation base of the Condensation Period.

These giant wild boars all stared at Liu Ming with their eyes flashing yellow. Suddenly, one of them screamed and rushed up.

Liu Ming’s eyes were cold. He flew back as he cast the small crimson sword.

His changed gestures quickly. The crimson sword condensed and turned into countless crimson sword shadows in the air, blasting at the giant wild boars.

After a burst of “clang clang“, the crimson sword shadows were deflected.

Liu Ming was stunned when he saw this. While continuing to control the crimson flying sword to launch an attack, he narrowed his eyes to observe carefully.

Seeing the yellow spirit patterns flashing on these giant wild boars, they certainly had special defensive enchantment. Their defense was so high that even the sharpness of the Sword Controlling Technique could not break their defense.

As he was coming up a plan, the giant wild boars no longer bothered about the barrage of the crimson sword shadows; they stomped their feet and sprayed clouds of green mist. After the green mist surged wildly, they charged at Liu Ming from all directions.

Liu Ming furrowed. He quickly formed gestures. Clusters of egg-size crimson flames were condensed on his fingers, then they were launched at the green mist.

Suddenly, the flames were all over the sky. Several crimson heat waves swept in all directions, stirring the unknown green mist violently. The green mist was even burnt out instantly.

Liu Ming took the opportunity to shake his sleeves and held two Heavy Water Droplets in his hands. After his figure blurred, he turned into countless phantasm and flew toward the wild boar.

After a roar of dragons and tiger, in the fish shadows, the few yellow wild boars were hit by the vital point in their head and exploded. Five faint green beads rolled to the ground.

Liu Ming picked up one of them and pushed open the green stone door on the other side of the hall.

Outside the Green Sky Illusory Palace, there were still Condensation Period powerhouses breaking into the palace.

A few days later, in a hall surrounded by dense smoke, the surroundings were silent as if nothing existed.

A handsome young man in a white brocade robe was standing in the middle of the hall at the moment. His narrow ears trembled slightly as if he was listening to the surrounding movement.

Suddenly, the young man’s expression moved slightly, and the strange green light in his eyes flashed. His figure then disappeared in blur.

The next moment, the surrounding smoke rolled violently, and a burst of crackling sound came out from it.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten beads rolled to the ground; there were both white and green.

After the boy quickly collected the beads, he disappeared into the hall with a sway.


In the other hall, a beautiful young girl in a red dress and a graceful appearance was sitting cross-legged, holding an upper grade spirit stone in her hand, and slowly regenerating spiritual power.

There was a token hanging around her waist with the word “Shen” engraved on it.

Not far from her, a huge black giant ape lay motionless on the ground. After a while, it turned into a black smoke and dissipated into the air; an egg-sized purple bead rolled down.

The girl saw a trace of joy in her beautiful eyes. As she waved lightly, the round bead was stored in the storage talisman around her waist.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Ming had been wandering in it for more than ten days, but he still felt a little lost.

The halls of the Green Sky Illusory Palace were connected to each other. It was like an endless maze.

Before that, he had spent several days walking all the way westward, passing through seventy or eighty halls, but he still hadn’t reached the end.

According to his speculation, this palace must be shrouded by some special enchantment, there would be no end no matter which side he went.

As for the altar that Shopkeeper Ye said to exchange treasures, before the palace disappeared, it wouldn’t appear to the cultivator in trial.

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