Demon's Diary

Chapter 324: Out of the Tower

Translator: Sissy That Walk

As the power poured in, the patternofsand on the stone tablet gradually came to be faint golden light, which became brighter later on.

Liu Ming got faster heartbeats confronting the situation while he grittedhis teethand kept pouring powers into the tablet.

After a moment, he had almost ran out of one-third of his energy that the whole hourglass had much the same turned into a golden sun in the Sea ofDivine, from which emitted dazzling golden light!

At the time Liu Ming suddenly heard a "weng",next secondhewascovered by darkness and presented once again at the gray space.

Liu Ming was absolutely both surprised and delighted of seeing the scene before. However, before he was ready to do something, a golden light came over close to his brow, followed by a loud "bang". Then the giant stone tablet rose before him.

The stone was as gigantic as ever, however, it had restored to its original formation of white on top and black bottom with the golden hourglass blurred between the colors, from which silversandof sand started to fallgrainbygrain.

It seemed thateverybreath corresponded toeachgrain.

Liu Ming couldn't help laughingthen.

Although he knew nothing about the mysterious space, he finally mastered the method of enteringinto itanyway.

It was really a comfort to him.

He then glanced at the hourglass on the stone tablet, estimated the time and sat cross-legged in front of it, waiting quietly.

About an hour later, the lastgrain ofsilver sand in the hourglass droppedandthe whole hourglass reversedonce again.

Liu Mingturnedupon the altar after hearing a "weng".

His eyes opened and his sense triggered without any delay.

In the Sea of Divine, he found the tablet stood there in black and white.

"I know it!" Liu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he meditated about the reason why this Round Sky Stele cropped up!

After turningeverything related over in his mind, he finally came to the conclusionthatit must had something to do with thegiganticface appeared in the spaceof Divine.

The face was exactly alike his, which wasout of questionthat it should be incarnated by things that had intended to usurp his body.

It seemed to be sealed up as it tried desperately to rush out after blocked by the white light curtain.

He didn't know it before. What he knew was it musthavehad succeeded once, and that was why it could objectify him, and then tookadvantage of his serious injury to possess him.

Yet it did not succeed this time whileitwas killed by the seal.

This was certainlysomegoodnewsfor Liu Ming.

But then again, how many of the kind of thing were sealed in this mysterious space.

There seemed to be more than one on the grounds of the weird dream he had had before.

If that was the case, he was still in danger of being usurped, which made thesearching of a spirit weapon to restrain the seizure a necessity.

Keeping it in mind, Liu Ming was depressed unconsciously for quite a while before coming to his mind. Thenhe happened to see a small mass of black gas in the Sea of Divine.

This was what the face left. Whereas he had no idea of what it was, it couldn’t be any good.

Hence Liu Ming sized the black gas up, sweeping away withhisspiritual power, only found it was just a dead thing of no consciousness. He thenwasreassured and was about to dislodge the black gas out of his body with a tremendous spiritual power.

Then there came a "bang" sound.

At the moment of his spiritual contact, the black gas unexpectedly burst and melted into countless black silk, dissipating in the Sea of Divine.

Liu Ming was startled, who then hurried to scan around with spirit in the Sea ofDivinebut found nothing.

He got alarmed. Then he employed several othersecrettechniques successively to sweep the whole body inside and outside several times but fruitless, as if the black gas had never existed.

He had no choice but gave up temporarily afterfourmore hours of searching.

Luckily, the black gas was so weak that he could wipe it out after borrowing a Yang-attribute spirit weapon, combining with the exhaustive search of the fire of True Yuan inside and outside his body again.

Liu Ming felt at ease as hemade a solid plan to counter this black gas.

Hethendrew back his spirits, gotout a pillthat helps to restore his cultivationfrom his armsand took it, set about recovering at ease.

An hour and a half later, Liu Ming had almost recovered when he got up from the ground.

He wavedat theimmobileskeletonscorpion lyingbesidethe altar andwentaway.

Not long after,beneaththesix floor of the SuppressingDemonTower, Liu Ming flashedout fromawhite halo.

TheSubmergeSeal lingereda faint light on him, while he was relieved to find that everything was as the same as before, in which there was no one else nearby.

Heturned aroundto take alook at the white halo behind, andthensuddenlygroped for something in thesleevewith one hand,of which drew outthe golden daggerThen he strove to chop toward thespace crackwith the utmost of his strength.

In an instant,somegolden sword lights emerged one after the otherlikeshockingdragons,splittingtoward the white halo.

At first, the white haloseemedas if nothing had happened, however,after thelights gotmore and moreintense,there cameaterrifyingwave, inwhichfinally came the buzzing sound anditbegan totrembleviolently.

Liu Ming then severely chopped out,turned around andleftawayat once.

He turned into aball ofblack gasamoment later, whichrushed out of the ground,movingout of the ground more than ten feet awayafter several flickers.

Theplacehecame outbangedright away withcountless grains of sand splashed from it,came to bea huge sand pit a moment later.

Mutterringto himself,Liu Mingswung hissleevestospring up a fierce gale,by which the devilpitwasfilled upwithsand rolling around.

Everything he had done, of course,was becausethe place he had been to,was definitelyconnected with somewheresecretoftheSuppressingDemonTower. Besides,theelderman killed byGiantFoot on the altarwasseemedto be someone of great importanceinYuanMo Sect.

Liu Mingwas not supposedto be found out that he had been there, otherwise he would definitely get into trouble.

He checked the nearby area again, then he formed a sign with one hand as he found nothing unusual to summon a dark cloud, making its way toward where the sixth floor of the transmission Matrix located.

Half an hour later, Liu Ming fell down from the air and walked to the nearby transmission Matrix.

Han Li was sitting in the light curtain nearby.Right next to Han Li, the Giant Python kept its body unmoved.

The youngladopened his eyes as Liu Ming coming, asked eagerly:

"Brother Liu, you've had a long day. It must have been quite a haul for you to come back after such a long time, you must have obtained something valuable."

Liu Ming cracked a smile, waved his hand to shoot out a black crystal core.

The youngladwastrulydelighted to grab the crystal core. He checked it up and ensured with great joy.

"Yeah. This is indeed the core of the Fiendish Python! So we’ve successfullyfulfilled this mission. By the way, the body of the Fiendish Pythonserves asrarematerial, if Brother Liu is in need, you can take some andI’ll bringthe rest back."

"Then I shalldon't stand on ceremony." Liu Ming was quite pleased.

With a flash of golden light in his hand, he cut off a large piece of abdominal skin from the Python. Then he walked to the python's head to dig out a fist-sized eye. And finally he knocked off several huge tusksfromthe Python’s mouth and ceased satisfactorily.

"You’re soappreciative!"

"The abdominal skin was the most suitable for refining close-fitting soft armor, which is also the best material for high-rank talisman. The eye is beneficial to improving eyesight and clearing internal heat, if it is for alchemy, you can get manifold rare pills. As for the teeth, they’re scarce materials for spiritual tools or exceptional spiritual weapons." Han Li put on a natural and unrestrained smile, flickered his sleeves, from which a yellow talisman rushed to the rest body.


The python disappeared after a roll of white cloud in a blur.

And the storage talisman came back the moment of the young beckoned.

Liu Ming commended no more on that except a chuckle.

Han Li made no detailed inquiry about how Liu Ming killed the escaped black snake. They meditated at the edge of the Matrix after chatting with each other for a few words, waiting for three days to be delivered out of the tower.

Time went by, and it was the evening of the third day!

A temporary Matrix had already set up near the Suppressing Demon Tower, in which Liu Ming and Han Li flashed out together as the air undulated.

Lookingaround, Liu Mingcouldn't helpshowing a surprisedexpression.

In addition to several other temporary Matrix and transmitted disciples of Yuan Mo Sect, there was Xiao Yuebai, the only Alchemist in the nearby.

Everything had disappeared including the Liquid Levels and the master of Yuan Mo Sect.

"Brother Xiao, what happened?" Han Li was startled and questioned.

"Nothing but some affairsofthe Sect. Senior disciple Xu and other juniors have dealt with it. Brother Liu, Junior disciple Han, how was your trip?" Xiao Yuebai smiled reluctantly and showed his solicitude for them.

"Be at ease, senior disciple. We have killed the Fiendish Python! Thanks to Brother Liu's help this time, otherwise I would not have been able to get out of the tower. By the way, this is the demon core of the Python!" Notwithstanding Han Li sensed Xiao Yuebai’s abnormal response, he truthfully answered Xiao and threw Xiao the black crystal stone.

Xiao Yuebai was somewhatastonished while he got the black stone. He then swept his spiritualpower inside, exhaled softly and said to Liu Ming:

"This is exactly the crystal core of the Fiendish Python. Thanks for your hard work, Brother Liu. And sorry for that the masterplannedtohostyouproperlyafter you came out of the tower, but something urgentcame up, I'm afraid we can't keep you here."

"Since you have something important to deal with, I won’t botheryouanymore! Ileft my sectfor a long timealready, and was intended to get backafter I delivered mypromise. But may I ask you one more question. What happened? Is there anything I can do for you?"Liu Mingreplied genuinely and sincerelywithout hesitation.

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