Demon's Diary

C.1183: Missing

“Master’s Junior Liu should also know that Siren King, who ruled the Sea Region back then, was attacked by the Sea Region Royal Family more than a hundred years ago, then he escaped with injuries. However, after he disappeared for a while, he suddenly reappeared a hundred years ago. It is said that he has reached the Real Pellet State later stage. After reappearing in the Sea Region, Siren King immediately made the Sea Region Royal Family surrender with great might, rebuilt the Sea Emperor Palace, then he began to invade and annex the islands everywhere… Now more than 70% of the islands in the Sea Region are ruled by the Sea Emperor Palace. With the joint efforts of the human sects of the Yunchuan Continent, although we barely maintain our independence, the situation is getting worse and worse. It is estimated that this situation will not last long.” Zhang Xiuniang sighed and said slowly.

“I didn’t expect Siren King to return to the Sea Region, and he has already cultivated to the Real Pellet State later stage. This is strange…” Liu Ming’s face changed slightly, and he murmured.

“Does Master’s Junior Liu know the reason why Siren King’s cultivation has improved so much?” Zhang Xiuniang asked in surprise.

“Although I don’t know the specific situation, I can roughly guess it. Let’s put it this way, I encountered a space fissure in a different space that was connected to the mineral vein on the seabed, then I was teleported to the Middle Sky Continent. At that time, Siren King was also present, so he should have been teleported to the Middle Sky Continent and encountered some beneficial events, thus his cultivation level was improved.” Liu Ming pondered for a while and said slowly.

“It turns out that Master’s Junior Liu has been teleported to the Middle Sky Continent!” Zhang Xiuniang and Xue Can were shocked when they heard the words, they both obviously knew the continent where the human race originated from. They both looked envious.

The Middle Sky Continent was not only the origin of the human race, it also had exceptionally thick spirit. The cultivation resources were also extremely rich there. Compared with it, the Sea Region could only be regarded as a barren rural corner.

“Master’s Junior Liu can have such an adventure. It’s really enviable. Please forgive me for asking, but may I know your cultivation right now? It should be… not just Crystallization Period right?” Zhang Xiuniang had a psychic sword physique and was extremely sensitive to aura. She had also seen many Crystallization Period cultivators in the Alliance, and even the 2 Pseudo Pellet State pillars of the Yunchuan Alliance. The aura that Liu Ming exuded seemed to be no less than them.

“Hehe, I became a Taiqing Sect disciple by chance in the Middle Sky Continent, and now I have cultivated to the Real Pellet State.” Liu Ming said with a smile.

Zhang Xiuniang’s body trembled and her mouth opened slightly. Her mouth stayed open for a long time.

“This… Master’s Junior Liu… no, Senior Liu…” Xue Can stood up in a panic and was a little incoherent.

In the Sea Region, the Real Pellet State cultivator was an unattainable existence. For thousands of years, only 1 Real Pellet State cultivator had emerged. This person was Siren King.

Although they were disciples of the Yunchuan Alliance, how dare they sat down in front of the Real Pellet State cultivator?

“You 2 don’t have to be like this. Just sit down. I still have something to ask.” Liu Ming said calmly.

“In front of the Real Pellet State cultivator, there is no seat for us.” Zhang Xiuniang smiled wryly and said respectfully.

Liu Ming shook his head and waved his hand lightly.

Zhang Xiuniang and Xue Can felt a gentle force on their bodies, and they sat down involuntarily. They looked at each other with a hint of horror in their eyes.

“I already know about the Siren King. Just now, I heard that you want to establish a stronghold on Dual Pincer Island?” Liu Ming thought for a while and asked again.

“We can’t help. In order to fight against the invasion of the Sea Emperor Palace, the Alliance can only send people to some places that have not yet been occupied by the Sea Emperor Palace to gather human cultivators as much as possible. Dual Pincer Island has a vast area. It has a lot of spiritual veins, and there are many human races and alien race cultivators. So, the Alliance executives sent me, Junior Fellow Apprentice Xue Can, and Senior Fellow Apprentice Han Li to gather the casual cultivators on the island.” Zhang Xiuniang took a look at Liu Ming and explained.

“Han Li… why don’t I see him?” Liu Ming’s eyes flashed. He had fought against this person once in Yuanmo Sect, and they also broke through the monster holding tower together, so he had some impressions.

“Senior Fellow Apprentice Han went missing a few days ago when he was out on a mission. There is no news until today. He may have been taken captive by the Sea Creature Clan… or has already fallen.” Xue Can said in a low voice.

“In order to stop our Yunchuan Alliance, the Sea Creature Clan has done everything they can. Assassinations even happen frequently.” Zhang Xiuniang also said resentfully.

Liu Ming’s face turned grim. It seemed that Sea Creature Clan’s oppression of human cultivators was beyond his expectation.

“Dual Pincer Island has complex forces, and the Sea Creature Clan has been eyeing it for a long time. They want to win over the alien race cultivators on the island and take the opportunity to expel the human cultivators from the Dual Pincer Island. I’m afraid they had been planning today’s scene for a long time. If Master’s Junior Liu did not appear in time, I’m afraid that Sea Creature Clan’s plan has succeeded.” Zhang Xiuniang glanced at Liu Ming gratefully and said so.

Liu Ming nodded and looked at the 2 unconscious Sea Creature Clans on the ground. He grabbed, released a black air to wrap one of them and cast the soul-searching mystic art.

After a while, he withdrew his hand, and the Sea Creature Clan man’s body was tilted. He was completely dead.

He did the same to the other Sea Creature Clan man.

“Did Master’s Junior Liu get any important news?” Zhang Xiuniang asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Xue Can also looked focused.

“En, it’s like what you said. The Sea Creature Clan has mobilized a lot of people to a nearby place called Phosphorescent Island, and they are going to take down Dual Pincer Island and several other nearby islands in one fell swoop.” Liu Ming opened his eyes and said slowly.

“Phosphorescent Island, I know this place. It’s only more than 5,000 miles away from Dual Pincer Island. It was originally an uninhabited deserted island, but I didn’t expect it to be the lair of Sea Creature Clan.” Zhang Xiuniang’s expression turned serious when she heard this.

“There is one more news. Mr. Han Li did fall into the hands of the Sea Creature Clan, but he is still alive and is being imprisoned in this Phosphorescent Island.” Liu Ming continued, then he launched 2 golden lightning arcs from his fingers to burn the Sea Creature Clan corpses into ashes.

They were overjoyed again after hearing this.

Zhang Xiuniang and Xue Can looked at each other. After a moment of hesitation, they cupped their fists at Liu Ming and said,

“Just now Master’s Junior Liu eliminated the Essence Absolute Clan with you great might, so it shouldn’t be a problem to unite the forces on the island. But if these Sea Creature Clans are eyeing the Dual Pincer Island, I’m afraid that the Alliance’s stronghold here will also be destroyed soon. Can Master’s Junior help us to rescue Senior Fellow Apprentice Han Li and eradicate this Sea Creature Clan lair so as to deter other alien race forces?”

Xue Can also looked at Liu Ming expectantly.

“Although I have been away from Yunchuan for many years, I came from the Savage Ghost Sect. Since Yunchuan Continent is in crisis, I will naturally not stand by.” Liu Ming said happily.

Zhang Xiuniang felt relieved when they heard the words, and they hurriedly thanked him.

In the following time, they gathered the Yunchuan Alliance disciples on Dual Pincer Island at the moment and prepare to go to Phosphorescent Island.

Half an hour later, under the overt and covert attention of the various factions on Dual Pincer Island, hundreds of human cultivators flew mightily toward the Phosphorescent Island.

On the surface of a blue sea, the blue sea water reflected the sparkling light under the sunlight, making people feel refreshed and happy.

At this moment, a piercing whistling sound came from the air.

A dozen flying boats shrouded in yellow light curtains passed by. On each flying boat, there were 30 Yunchuan Alliance disciples.

On the deck of the foremost flying boat, Liu Ming and Zhang Xiuniang stood side by side, the sea breeze made their skirts flutter.

Xue Can was not here at the moment as he was arranging for the upcoming battle.

“Xiuniang, I have something to ask.” Liu Ming said suddenly.

“Master’s Junior Liu, please say.” Zhang Xiuniang said respectfully after smoothing her wind-torn hair with her fingers.

“More than a hundred years ago, me and Ye Tianmei of your sect went to Bieyuan Island. Then, we accidentally encountered Siren King and were captured. I was teleported to the Middle Sky Continent, but do you know what happened to Fairy Ye? Did she return to the Yunchuan Continent safely?” Liu Ming asked slowly with a flash in his eyes.

“After Master’s Junior Liu disappeared, it is said that Savage Ghost Sect also sent people to search for the whereabouts of Master’s Junior, but there was no result… As for Master’s Junior Ye, she escaped from the Sea Emperor Palace, but she didn’t return to the sect.” After Zhang Xiuniang thought about it, she spoke.

“That’s good, I wonder how Fairy Ye is doing now?” Liu Ming felt relieved, and he asked again seemingly casually.

“Master’s Junior Ye is not in the sect now, to be precise… she should be considered missing.” Next, Zhang Xiuniang sighed.

“Missing? How could this be?” Liu Ming was taken aback when he heard the words.

“I’m not very clear about this matter. A few years after the First Battle of the Sea Emperor Palace, Master’s Junior Ye suddenly disappeared when she went out once. The sect dispatched a large number of people to search for her, but we found nothing. However, the natal tablet that Master’s Junior Ye left in the sect has not been broken, so she should still be alive now.” Zhang Xiuniang shook her head and said.

Liu Ming frowned slightly. With Ye Tianmei’s strength, there should be nothing in the Sea Region that could hurt her except the Real Pellet State cultivator.

“By the way, do you know where Fairy Ye disappeared?” Liu Ming was silent for a while, then he asked again.

“This is a top-secret matter in our sect, except for the sect master and a few elders, very few people know about it. I’m not very clear about it either.” Zhang Xiuniang said in a low voice.

Liu Ming nodded and said nothing more.

Zhang Xiuniang took a sneak peek at Liu Ming. Seeing his worried face, she felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from behind. It was Xue Can who came out.

“Master’s Junior Liu, there is still more than an hour’s journey ahead before we can reach the Phosphorescent Island.”

Xue Can then waved his long sleeves, and an animal skin map appeared in front of Liu Ming.

“Okay, according to the memories of those 2 Sea Creature Clans, there should be a Crystallization Period Sea Creature Clan stationed in the lair here. There is also a rather powerful protective array. Leave them to me. You all just have to deal with those low level Sea Creature Clan.” Liu Ming said absent-mindedly.

Xue Can hastily agreed, then he walked away to pass the command.

Liu Ming put away the map, staring at the sea ahead with shining eyes with no expression on his face. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiuniang didn’t say anything. She just stood beside Liu Ming silently.

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