Demon's Diary

Chapter 1054: The Deepest Underworld

After a while, Liu Ming's face suddenly became uncertain, then he showed a mixed look of surprise and happy.

"Master, what's wrong?" Xie'er and Fei'er looked at each other and asked cautiously.

"This is actually the rumor deepest underworld! This person is actually the dominator of the deepest underworld - Serene Clan." Liu Ming said with laughter.

"I have heard that the deepest underworld is mysterious. Ordinary cultivators can't enter if they don't have the chance! Congratulations, Master!" Xie'er was surprised by that, but she immediately congratulated with a smile.

Liu Ming nodded slightly, feeling quite excited.

He had been thinking about the remaining techniques of the Hell Bone Secret and the hell river water. Now, he finally had the hope to find them.

"Master, this deepest underworld (hell) is no longer part of the Evil Ghost Way, right?" Fei'er was also surprised when he heard it.

"Right, although I don't know what the connection is between the deepest underworld and the Evil Ghost Way, we have indeed left the Evil Ghost Way. The yin qi that you felt strangely before is of course not an ordinary yin qi, but the real the hell qi." Liu Ming nodded and said with a smile.

"It turns out to be the hell qi. No wonder it is so pure. But since it is still yin qi, we can have a full meal!" Fei'er showed a look of joy, then he moved to the place with the thickest yin qi and started devouring.

Liu Ming looked at Xie'er again and let her absorb some yin qi too.

These pure yin qi were really hard to come by for two spiritual pets. Perhaps it would be helpful in helping them break through the bottleneck.

For the following time, Liu Ming sat down and quickly sorted out the other information he had just obtained from his soul search in his mind.

Judging from the information obtained from this person's memory, this Serene Clan that dominated the deepest underworld was mainly divided into 2 groups. 1 group was born from the pure hell qi, and the other group was a spiritual transformation of other powerful beings from the other planes after death.

Both of them were similar in appearance to ordinary human races, but the appearance of the latter was roughly the same before he died. The person could still preserve some memories before reincarnation.

Generally speaking, most members of the Serene Clan in the deepest underworld were born here. The number of those who were converted from other plans was much lower. However, those who were converted were generally stronger.

The Serene Clan members who were born here were generally determined by many circumstances, such as the thickness and purity of the yin qi in the place of their birth, the strength of the hell sun at birth, the initiation timing of intelligence, the level of hell technique, etc. As for the converted members, they were influenced by their spirituality after being converted. The higher the spirituality, the faster their cultivation would improve.

"Hell sun!"

Liu Ming seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the "sun" in the sky. There was only a crescent left.

This hell sun was the "sun" of the deepest underworld, but it emitted the purest yin qi. As time passed, it would turn into a moon like in the outside world. The changes in brightness and shape would greatly influence the thickness of yin qi. It was the root of existence in this world, so it was often worshipped as a sacred object by Serene Clan members.

The deepest underworld, like the outside world, only respected the strong one. In addition, to fight for the cultivation resources, the internal struggle of Serene Clan had always been constant and never stopped.

In addition to Serene Clan, in every corner of this world, there were also various ghost creatures that were extremely large and complex, regardless of race or number.

Compared with Serene Clan, most of these ghost creatures had low strength and intelligence. In terms of absorbing the hell qi, the ghost creatures were much weaker than the Serene Clan. Their speed in improving cultivation was also slower. Thus, they were often kept by the Serene Clan like the spiritual pets in the outside world.

However, these ghost creatures were controlled by Serene Clan's mystic arts. There was no contract between the master and the ghost creatures. Once the master falls or a more powerful Serene Clan member uses a more powerful mystic art, these ghost creatures may defect at any time.

Of course, this was a general situation. There was also a very small probability that some powerful ghost creatures that were not inferior to the Serene Clan powerhouse would appear, and their intelligence was naturally extremely higher than those powerhouses of the Serene Clan.

Because they had always been controlled by Serene Clan, these powerful ghost creatures were very resentful toward the Serene Clan. Once a powerful ghost creature rose, it would form a force that was hostile to the Serene Clan.

In general, Serene Clan could suppress all kinds of ghost creatures because of their own strength and various mystic arts, but some ghost creature forces could win against the Serene Clan in terms of number advantage.

However, once this happened, Serene Clan would immediately stop their internal strife and join hands to eliminate those ghost creatures.

Thinking of this, there was a hint of confusion in Liu Ming's eyes.

Judging from this situation, the ghost army of Evil Ghost Way was probably some organized and powerful ghost creature force that was expelled from the deepest underworld to the Evil Ghost Way by the Serene Clan.

If this is the case, the mystic ghost of the Mystic Comprehending State was very likely to be a powerful ghost that was rare in the deepest underworld!

These were just his own speculations.

Judging from the information obtained so far, the entire deepest underworld was vast and boundless. It was said that it was divided into 9 Serene Regions. Each region was vast, and there was a Mystic Comprehending State Serene King in each region. In the region, there were also different forces among the Serene Clan.

These Serene Clan forces, on the one hand, submit to the Serene Kings in the regions. On the other hand, they would frequently fight with each other to compete for various resources.

Every Serene Clan force was mostly entrenched in a city. The leader of the force, that was the city lord, mostly had the Celestial State cultivation. Their subordinates ranged from the Condensation Period to the Real Pellet State. They would complete all kinds of missions for the city lord in exchange for their survival or cultivation resources.

In other words, whether a force was strong or not, it was closely related to the number of powerful members under the command of the city lord.

Those newly born Serene Clan members who were just born from the hell qi or the Serene Clan members converted from other planes became the focus of competition among the major Serene Clan forces.

After all, once a member with huge growth potential was recruited, it would play an immeasurable role in the continuation and expansion of the force.

To this end, some larger Serene Clan forces would send their own people to guard the places where the new member was born so that they could recruit and even capture the new member to strengthen their forces.

This had become the tacit understanding of the major Serene Clan forces. The Serene King would naturally not interfere.

However, the birth process of the Serene Clan member was extremely mysterious. Once disturbed, it was very likely to mutate and become a ghost creature or even die directly. Therefore, there was an established iron law in the deepest underworld that any Serene Clan force could only wait around the birthplace of the Serene Clan member and wasn't allowed to enter it. Otherwise, it would be hunted down by all Serene Clan forces.

The place he came to through the Spirit Vulture Slope's mysterious vortex happened to be within the range of an underworld altar, which was the birthplace of the Serene Clan member. Because he had practiced yin attribute techniques such as Dragon Tiger Hell Prison and Hell Bone Secret, both his physique and his aura were very similar to the Serene Clan member. Therefore, he was mistaken for a newborn member by a Serene Clan force that guarded here. So after he left the birthplace, someone attempted to capture him immediately.

The person who tried to capture him was named "Yin Han". Judging from the memory obtained from him, this person came from another plane. After being recruited by the Cold Moon City's city lord, he was sent to this relatively remote place. He usually did not have much contact with the outside world, so there were very few Serene Clan tribes who were familiar with him.

After fully digesting this series of information, Liu Ming looked again at the unconscious "Yin Han". After thinking for a moment, he leaned down and searched his body.

After a long while, he was holding 2 gray and worn-out bags, a gray identity token, and a black thumb ring.

These 2 bags were specially used to store ghost creatures here, but they were of low grade. Each could only accommodate dozens of ghost creatures in the Condensation Period and below.

As for the identity token, it seemed to be made of some kind of special metal. Its touch was cold and was very heavy. Some strange spirit patterns were engraved on the front with 2 words "You Han" in the middle. 2 big characters "Cold Moon" were engraved on the back.

After Liu Ming put away the bags and the token, he released Divine Thought to scan the thumb ring. He was slightly startled.

This Serene Clan, who was at the Pseudo Pellet State, was really really poor. The space for this storage ring was only about 3 meters in size. Apart from more than 10 hard gray stones, there was nothing else in it.

"Hell stone."

Seeing this, Liu Ming's heart moved. It was the same stone he saw near the altar not long ago. He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

This seemingly inconspicuous gray stone block was actually the currency "hell stone" of the deepest underworld. It could quickly replenish yin qi of the cultivators, and it was also divided into inferior grade, intermediate grade, high grade and top grade according to the concentration of yin qi contained in it. This was similar to the spirit stone in the outside world.

As for these 10 hell stones, except for 6 intermediate grade hell stones, the rest were only inferior grade hell stones.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming couldn't help but look back at the gray mist where he came. Most of the hell stones near the altar seemed to be of low quality, not of much value. It was not worth wasting time returning to get them.

Liu Ming shook his head. After keeping these stones back to the thumb ring, he put the thumb ring on his finger. After that, he slashed Yin Han into 2 pieces with a purple sword light.

He shot a fireball to burn the corpses into ashes. Then, he put on the Morph Cloak and started chanting.

After being wrapped by black air, Liu Ming's figure disappeared, replaced by a seven-foot burly man with gray skin who looked just like the previous "Yin Han".

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