Demon's Diary

Chapter 1011: Trade With Seven Orifices Ghost King

"Please wait a moment, sirs. I will go to the clan to inquire now to see if anyone knows the news about the fortune bowl." The seven orifices ghost king put the cloth bag around his waist, turned into a gray mist and rushed toward the mounds on the side of the lake.

Seeing this, Liu Ming frowned slightly, but the rest waited on the spot without worry.

"Don't worry. These seven orifices ghosts are not strong, and they are extremely timid. If they took the money and ran away, they would not be able to stay here for so long." The cultivator surnamed Min explained to Liu Ming slowly.

Liu Ming naturally understood the reason, but the respectful attitude of the seven orifices ghost king made him feel a little uneasy.

After 10 minutes, a cloud of gray mist came out from the mounds again. Judging from the size and aura, it was the seven orifices ghost king.

"Several friends, I have already inquired clearly that someone in our clan has indeed found the place where the suspected fortune bowl was left, but there are three places at the same time. I don't know which one is the real one or maybe your Golden Light Army has lost more than one fortune bowl?" The mist subsided, and the seven orifices ghost king cupped his fist and said slowly.

"Old fool, are you lying to us?" The young woman in a red dress was furious when she heard this.

"No matter how daring I am, I will not dare to deceive you guys. This jade slip records the 3 locations. You will find out if they are true or false." The old ghost wasn't triggered by the woman in a red dress, but it respectfully took out a jade slip with a green light and handed it to the cultivator surnamed Min with both hands.

The cultivator surnamed Min took the jade slip and read it with Divine Thought, then he said to the others.

"Let's go!"

As he said, he turned into a gray escape light and flew to a certain direction.

Seeing that the captain had commanded, although unwilling, the young woman in a red dress could only glare at the seven orifices ghost king and followed up.

The others also didn't say much as they flew away.

"Please come again next time!" After seven orifices ghost king cupped his fist at everyone, the corner of its mouth twitched imperceptibly, then it turned into a gray mist and flew back.

In the blink of an eye, there was no sound at all over the originally quiet dark blue lake.

At the same time, Liu Ming and his team were flying away at a fast speed toward a barren jungle in the south.

"Captain, the seven orifices ghost king is very cunning. Will it deceive us?" The handsome young man suddenly asked.

Indigenous ghost creatures often sold news to both sides, not to mention these seven orifices ghosts that were known for their cunningness. Although they intimidated the seven orifices ghost, there was no guarantee that the seven orifices ghosts would sell their news to the ghost army to get profit from it.

"If it is said that there are fortune bowls in these 3 places, it is naturally impossible, but fortune bowls can definitely be found in 1 of them. These 3 places are all within the active range of the ghost army. The seven orifices ghost king may be thinking to use the ghost army to eliminate us to avenge its follower." The cultivator surnamed Min said with a faint smile.

"Why didn't you kill this damn ghost after handing over the jade slip?" The young woman in a red dress asked slightly resentfully.

"Although these seven orifices ghosts are treacherous and there were several incidents of backstabbing, we can't find any solid evidence to kill them. Besides, their information is mostly true. In essence, they can still provide some help to us. If we kill them all, the low rank ghosts will not dare to trade with us in the future." The cultivator surnamed Min explained slowly.

When Everyone was talking, they entered a jungle.

This endless jungle seemed to have no end. At first glance, it was all gray-green.

"Be careful, everyone. According to the previous news, there have been quite a few ghost armies here recently, including high rank ghost captains." The cultivator surnamed Min released Divine Thought forward and reminded the others with voice transmission.

When everyone heard the words, they were naturally on guard and continued to fly forward in a slower speed.

An hour later, when everyone flew over a deep mountain in the jungle, a 30 meters cave appeared on the ground. It seemed to be a deep pit. The pit was bottomless when looking from above.

At the same time, the sensing bead in the hand of the cultivator surnamed Min finally reacted strongly, emitting a dazzling golden light and vibrating nonstop.

"It seems that we are lucky. The first place we explore is the place where the fortune bowl is hidden." When the hunchbacked old man saw this, he said softly in ventriloquism.

The others were also overjoyed as they stopped and released Divine Thought into the deep pit.

There were many bare tree branches around this huge pit. It was paved with gray-brown rocks, and strands of bone-piercing gray yin qi continue to emerge from the depths of the giant pit like spring water. The intangible yin qi actually condensed into a misty state here.

Even if they were 300 meters in the air, they felt traces of cold air, which made them burst into cold sweat.

Liu Ming tried to release Divine Thought into the cave, but it was scattered by yin qi after extending only a few meters. He couldn't sense the bottom at all. Obviously, the yin qi in the giant pit was much denser than in other places.

"The yin qi here is so thick, maybe there will be danger down there." Liu Ming squinted his eyes, then he glanced at the leather bag around his waist and said.

"Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu is right, there are likely to be high rank ghost creatures here. But if we all go in, it would be a bit too risky. I'll go down myself, you guys stand guard outside." The cultivator surnamed Min instructed after a while.

The others looked at each other and nodded.

"It's better for me to go down. In case a powerful ghost creature finds here, it would be safer for Brother Min to stay outside," Liu Ming said suddenly.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the surprised eyes of the others.

"Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu, the yin qi here is so strong, if there is a ghost creature below, it will definitely not be weak. Are you sure you want to go down?" The cultivator surnamed Min was also startled when he heard the words, but he immediately showed a half-smile.

"It doesn't matter. I'm is originally from the Fallen Serene Peak, and I practiced ghost techniques. No matter how strong the yin qi here is, it has limited influence on me. If captain stays outside, I can feel more at ease." Liu Ming smiled slightly and replied.

After saying these, the others looked a little unsightly.

Liu Ming was obviously worried about the strength of others.

The hunchbacked old man was expressionless as if he had never heard the words just now.

That handsome young man just smiled.

"Since Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu has made up your mind, then I will not stop you. If you really encounter a powerful ghost creature or if there is anything wrong, return immediately." The cultivator surnamed Min finally agreed to it, but he still reminded.

"Of course, I will be quick."

Liu Ming smiled lightly. After cupping his fist, he wrapped himself with black gas and jumped into the pit.

The cultivator surnamed Min discussed a few words with the others, then they scattered and hid around the entrance of the pit.

The previous tranquility was restored again near the giant pit.

Liu Ming flew into the billowing yin qi. After descending for a certain distance, he stopped and patted the soul-recovering bag on his waist, and a brilliant golden light flew out from it.

A palm-sized scorpion was wrapped in the golden light, and it was the Xie'er.

When Bone Scorpion fell to the ground, it had grown to the size of an adult. The golden light around her was even more dazzling as if her body was burning with golden flames. The golden crown mark that originally appeared on Xie'er's forehead appeared at this moment. It shot a dazzling golden light beam to a dozen meters in front.

As soon as the surrounding yin qi touched this golden light, it melted like ice meeting fire.

Liu Ming was surprised by the scene.

Just now, the reason why he volunteered to come down to find the fortune bowl was mainly because Xie'er in the soul-recovering bag somehow sensed something. The golden crown mark on her forehead suddenly flashed wildly, and she was eager to enter the giant pit. It seemed that she wanted something desperately below.

After some consideration, Liu Ming only dared to volunteer because he had Hell Bone Secret and Dragon Tiger Hell Prison, which protected him from the yin qi. If he didn't encounter the Celestial State ghost creature, he was sure to get out safely.

At this moment, Bone Scorpion's eyes flashed with red light, and her body was full of golden light. Her figure blurred, and she rushed down at an incredible speed.

"Xie'er!" Liu Ming shouted through voice transmission.

However, Bone Scorpion completely turned a deaf ear to Liu Ming's shouts. After a few flashes, she disappeared into the billowing yin qi.

Liu Ming anxiously increased his speed to chase.

However, Bone Scorpion was extremely fast. She disappeared from Liu Ming's sight in the blink of an eye.

Liu Ming was secretly shocked while chasing hurriedly.

This giant pit was unexpectedly deep. From the time it entered the hole to the present, he had descended for hundreds of meters, but he still couldn't the bottom. What's more, the further he descended, the denser the surrounding yin qi.

Furthermore, Divine Thought was useless here. If a ghost creature sneak attacked, it would be extremely bad.

Liu Ming thought quickly. He set 3 layers of spiritual power shield around him before he was slightly relieved.

Then, he made a gesture, and a purple sword flashed and tore the surrounding yin qi apart, increasing his descending speed.

The giant pit almost led straight down. The deeper he went, the narrower it became. Liu Ming was about to speed up a little bit, but suddenly there was a sharp screech and a terrifying roar from below.

The screech came from Xie'er!

TL: Xie'er can already exert the power of Si Chen?

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