Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 677 - Sparring 3

Just like the others, Gracier was shocked by Alice's move, in their previous fights, she had never used this move before, so this must be something new.

While normally this would have frightened her, on the contrary, Gracier was happy; even without turning around, she could feel Alice's sword aiming for her back, in a second would pierce her flesh and deal severe damage, yet she never lost that smile she had.


Calmly Gracier used dragon tongue to bend the world's will to form a shield behind her at the last moment, but as if she knew Gracier would do that, Alice was not surprised the white sword vanished and reappeared before Gracier.

Alice had just used her space ability to teleport her sword to bypass the mirror; instead of striking from behind, she chose to do from the front instead.

However, like in the previous situation where Alice knew Gracier would try to stop her attack with something, Gracier also predicted that Alice would do something like this, so she was not surprised.



A huge fire lotus bloomed and swallowed the two; Alice was forced to switch to defensive posture not get dragged into the explosion, however by doing something like that she would not move, not immediately, an opportunity Gracier wouldn't miss out.

Because of her immunity against the fire element, Gracier flashed next to Alice; her knee crashed into the white-haired girl's nose. It was what she thought, but at the last moment, her knee only hit empty air, which shocked her.

The real Alice reappeared behind her and slashed with her sword; all the cells inside Gracier's body reacted simultaneously. She did the impossible; with speed impossible for an average Saint Realm expert to replicate, she moved and blocked the unexpected sword strike.


Gracier could feel a tremor running through her hand, almost forcing her to let go of her scythe, but she ground her teeth to endure it. Both girls had the same idea; now they were in a deadlock, they moved their legs.


Gracier's kick was blocked by Alice, and for the second time, they did the same thing; moving their heads forward, they clashed.


They staggered back feeling dizzy, that headbutt shook their brains, but they knew that the one fail to use this opportunity to strike would be at a disadvantage.

''Dragon Roa-"

Alice didn't let Gracier finish before using a skill that had been used recently.

''Noiseless!" Alice mumbled, and the surrounding turned silent.

Eris almost fell from her chair; she gripped the handles so hard that they broke; she couldn't believe it. Because she had joined Alex's group only recently, she was not aware that the girl was a monster that could copy most of the skills she saw.

Eris was not the only one surprised; even Alex, Maria, and Artemia, who knew Alice possessed this kind of ability, were shocked.

Meanwhile, Gracier, who had her attack canceled, was not shocked; on the contrary, she was beaming.

Maria and the others wondered why she was smiling; only Alex smiled; he knew why her sister was acting like that; Alice had thought she had put her into a tough spot; however, it was a huge mistake.

Gracier sent her voice into Alice's head, borrowing Alex's canal.

[You made a huge mistake!] She told Alice, who didn't understand at first, thinking it was because she knew she would lose it was why she said those words, however, soon she understood why.

What she did was to remove the air around, turning the area into a no wind, no noise zone; however, when you remove the air from somewhere people would be unable to breathe, the temperature would drop; in other word, it was a perfect situation for Gracier who govern over fire, she could use this situation to her advantage.

[Condense and explode!]

Immediately after Gracier thought this, the surrounding heat converged, making the already hot temperature hotter before there was an explosion.


This time Alice was not lucky as she couldn't react in time; she was sent flying, her mouth fell open, and blood flowed, she was slammed against the wall.


''Cough! Cough!" Alice coughed blood while trying to get back on her feet.

Gracier did not wait for her before switching her Gift into bow form and knocked a flame arrow toward Alice. The golden arrow speed was fast; it burnt the air like a missile and arrived before Alice; however instead of continuing to pierce her body, the golden arrow stopped before exploding into golden light, a light that soon turned into a golden net that entrapped Alice, momentarily stopping her movement.

Gracier had perfectly calculated everything; her ingenious plan left others in awe. After successfully entrapping Alice, she opened her mouth; her left golden eye turned into a golden dragon slit before,


A mighty roar was produced, wind mixed with flame to form a flame tornado was created and sent toward Alice, the golden flame net acted like a powerful restraint she couldn't immediately escape from.


A terrific explosion shook everything; Alex was the first one to react; he stood up with his mouth agape, his jaw was hitting the ground.

Alice, who should have been swallowed in the explosion, stood there perfectly fine, her mouth was wide opened, and she was swallowing the flame.

''Holy molly! What the fuck?" Gracier couldn't help but spat some vulgarities.

Seeing her flame getting swallowed stopped her brain from properly functioning.

''I shall send it back!" Alice declared before opening her mouth, breathing fire; Gracier was still shocked by what had just happened and was swallowed by the fire.

Alice knew Gracier's immunity against the fire element, so she moved. She decided to act before she could regain her calm.

A rift appeared before Gracier, and from this rift, Alice walked out, and her knee crashed into Gracier's stomach.

''Guh!" Gracier felt an intense pain assaulting her stomach; she was forced back to reality; she quickly blocked the next blow by crossing her arm; however, before Alice leg could touch Gracier's crisscrossed arms, a wind arrow was shot out from her leg, catching Gracier off guard, she was sent flying, but she refused to lose, the area where she stood exploded sending Alice flying, it was a draw.

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