Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 637 - 613: Lesser Dark Dragon Vs Dark World Wolf 3

Ferīr transformed into her true form and howled; her howl was so strong that it was head everywhere on the lower floors.

A twenty-meter-tall black wolf with black patterns running all over her body stood there; there was a pair of black wings on her back, a golden horn on her forehead emitting lighting.

Eileen, who saw this, chuckled and said.

''If you reverted to your true form, aren't asking me to do the same?"

Instead of answering her, Ferīr, in her wolf form, opened her mouth and howled; however, instead of sonic waves shooting from her mouth, a dark beam was fired, going straight toward Eileen, who rapidly spun her scythe.


Upon coming into the contact of Eileen's scythe, the dark beam emitting of something dissolving, Eileen's hand was turned into bone before it regenerated in an instant.

''Ouch! That hurt you bitch, I guess I must make you pay.'' Eileen declared before also revealing her true form, a twenty-five-meter western dragon whose body was completely black.


A world-shaking roar that was no less than Ferīr's howl. Two gigantic beasts stood in the middle of what a few hours ago was a forest but now was in complete ruin; they stared at each other without any sound until Ferīr talked.

[I can only kill you now because you refuse to listen, still stubborn as always. Do you know why I didn't kill you back then and let you leave when I could?]

Facing Ferīr's question, Eileen had no intention of answering; she coldly stared at Ferīr as if to tell her that she was not afraid anymore, that she had gained more strength and could now take her head and shred her into pieces.

[I didn't because it would be too boring.]

Eileen became angry when she heard Ferīr's answer, normally she wouldn't have attacked without preparation, but because of the anger that clouded her judgment, she immediately attacked Ferīr, she attacked with her massive claw, which ripped space apart and arrived before the black wolf.


The two beasts moved at extreme speed, exchanging blows; every time they clashed, it would result in the surrounding area getting destroyed, but they didn't seem to care as they moved all around the Desolate Forest, destroying it further.

Those strong players trying to catch glimpses of the behemoths fighting couldn't as those two were too fast for any of them to follow their movements; also, because of the terrible pressure they released with their true form, none of the players couldn't get too close for fear of being turned into meat paste.

The two continued to fight, destroying their surrounding; they were evenly matched, they stopped and stared at each other.

Ferīr closed her eyes before crouching down.

*Biri* *Biri* *Biri* *Whoosh*

The atmosphere around her begins to give an odor of ozone as sparks of dark lightning surround her body, while the wind stirred as if giving birth to a storm.

When Eileen's, the lesser dragon, saw this, her dragon's body turned tense; she immediately tried to open her mouth and breath fire; however, before she could, the black wolf covered in lightning appeared before her and tried to slam her shinning golden horn into her body, Eileen's body turned into a half material form to dodge Ferīr's attack.

The beam that had missed its target immediately touched the ground a few kilometers away from where some unlucky players were hiding watching the fight; they didn't have the time to cry before they got swallowed by terrible lightning.

Kabooooom! Sii~ Sii~

The mountain was erased, leaving behind a huge crater filled with lighting; it had turned into a lightning domain.

Meanwhile, Eileen's attacked with her claws, but Ferīr moved her body nimbly, she blocked the blow with her horn, she thought knowing Eileen she would stop her attack at the last minute, but she seemed to have wholly underestimated her former friend; she didn't hesitate to let Ferīr's golden horn pierce through her body like a knife through butter.

'Shit! It's bad.' Ferīr immediately understood what Eileen was trying to do, but it was already too late; she couldn't escape, not with a conventional mean.

After having her claw pierced by the golden horn, Eileen grabbed it firmly and opened her mouth not to bite Ferīr's head but to breathe fire instead.

Swoosh! Kaboom!

From point-blank range, a dark flame was shot and immediately enveloped Ferīr's body as if she knew that it was not enough; Eileen attacked with her tail which cut through the air like a laser but hit empty air, Ferīr's body vanished like a cloud of smoke.

Dark sprit had one thing in common, their ability to use shadow magic to dissolve and reform their bodies at will, and like in any of other race; they are some people more talented than the other, Ferīr for example, was talented than Eileen, she can turn her whole body into smoke and traverse to the shadow world almost undetected. It was thanks to this ability she ended up as a broker, an information seller; she could easily collect information and sell them; it was fun, she liked it, so she couldn't tolerate a ghost from the past rising and destroying her fun, there was still a lot more she wished to do, for her happiness she will kill her friend, this time without hesitation.

Even though they regained their natural form, the plasma ring was still above their heads, spinning nonstop; like Ferīr, Eileen also has a faint seventh star meaning their strength was equal.

[Let's end this]

Both decided, and above them, on one of the highest floor, a man dressed in black armor full of holes was watching something in a pond, strangely it was the fight between Ferīr and Eileen, there was a small girl with golden hair dark eyes beside this man, the man had three horns on his head and a dragon tail, agon wings behind his back.

Looking at Ferīr and Eileen, he talked; his voice was rough, as though he was not used to speaking often.

''Ohh! It's about to end.''

The little girl muttered in response.


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