Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 601 - 577: First Floor????

After paying the entrance fee, Alex's group disappeared inside the portal, and when he opened his eyes again, he was in an unfamiliar land.

''I wonder on which floor am I?"

Alex wondered while looking at his surrounding; however, the only thing that answered his question was the sound of the wind howling.

''Well, I need to go down; I can't sense anything from here anyway," Alex said after scanning his surrounding; unfortunately, his Divine Sense seemed not to work here, it was like it was being obstructed by something, the only solution would be to go down, so Alex decided to go down.

Just as Alex was about to go down, he felt a change in the wind surrounding him, so naturally, he stopped and stretched his ears to listen.

Suddenly, Alex frowned before cursing; he knew the identity of the incoming enemy, an aerial-type monster, a wyvern to be exact.

Two wyverns swooped down from the sky; wind accompanied them as they descended.

''Shit, from all enemies I must face, why the hell do I have to face those aerial-type monsters?" Alex asked before pouring mana into Sleipnir, his forever friend; greenlight burst out from the black shoes before turning into a spike that pierced the stone under Alex's feat, acting as an anchor.

Two vertical wind slashes were sent toward Alex, who shifted his body left and right, dodging the Wind slashes.

The angry wyverns decided to tear Alex apart using their claws; however, this was a huge miscalculation on their parts; if they stayed where they were and attacked from the sky, Alex would have a hard time dealing with them, however, because they choose to deal directly with Alex after their first attack failed their fates had been sealed.

Alex waited patiently until the two wyverns were close to him and their claws ready to tear him apart before unleashing his technique, Time Stop.

The two wyverns froze midair; Alex aimed Silveria at one of them and burst its head before jumping on the second; he decided to use this as a mount to help him go down.

When time resumed, the last wyvern saw the other wyvern falling toward the ground with its head gone; the last wyvern felt chill down its spine, especially after feeling the cold metal against its head and the devil voice which soon followed.

''If you wish to live, simply do as I say; if not, I'mma blows your head like the other one.'' Alex threatened the last wyvern; the poor wyvern nodded frantically as he did not want to die yet (A/N: It's a male.)

''Good! It's good that you know what to do. Let's go down!" Alex nodded, pleased with the wyvern decision, although he didn't need the monster's help before going down; with his help, a lot of time would be saved.

Alex standing atop the wyvern, slowly descended toward the ground as the monster kept flapping its vast wings; it was enjoyable experience; Alex came to this conclusion; also he understood that it would have taken him more than five hours if he decided to go down himself because the distance separating the top from the bottom was truly huge, 300 meters. A lot of monsters were waiting in ambush. However, none of them were strong as the wyvern he was riding; it would have been too much trouble he fought them head-on, so his decision to use the wyvern to help him go down was the right one because this wyvern seemed to be the king of the mountain top, none of the monsters dared to go against him after feeling his presence.

Finally, Alex could see the ground getting closer and closer; however, thirty meters away from the ground, the wyvern stopped and refused to go down even when Alex threatened him; Alex was surprised at first, but thanks to Silveria's guidance, he understood why this wyvern was behaving this way, it was because he was close to another overlord territory, he might be the overlord of the top of the mountain, but on the ground, his hegemony didn't reach here, here was another overlord that wouldn't take it calmly when another monster king stepped on its territory.

Judging from this wyvern reaction, he must be weak compared to the overlord, the monster king on the foot of the mountain; if not, he would have conquered this area a long time ago.

''Forget it!" Alex said before jumping from the back of the scared wyvern.


Alex landed on the ground without too much trouble because he used Sleipnir's ability to reduce his fall; he practically felt nothing.

Looking around him, Alex saw nothing except green scenery; he was in the middle of a forest. The trees here were truly tall, with leaves thicker than Alex's waist.

''Seriously, it would have been great if I was with one of them!" Alex spat out; despite believing in their strength, Alex couldn't help but get concerned about how others were doing, especially Luna; he was curious about what the Holy Daughter would do because he would be a foul if he believed that that woman finally accepted working under him without any ulterior motive, he deliberately put them together and only let Eri join their team because the other party didn't know how strong Eri was, if you asked Alex to give an honest opinion about the girl named Eri then he would say one word, extremely strong, stronger than his sister, almost stronger as him.

Alex remembered when he saw Eri fight seriously; the result was destruction, be it was the thousand monsters or the mountain where she fought, she destroyed everything; fire element is known to be the most destructive element, Eri show others why the Fire element is most feared. What made Alex most afraid was that Eri had not awakened her ability,y yet she was this strong.

''If you think that you can outrun us with your team and abduct Luna out of desperation, then you are in for a good surprise.'' Alex declared while thinking about the Holy Daughter; he was sure that she would try something during this time; however, she would have never known that Alex and others had long been prepared for this; they deliberately lured her in.

Shaking his head, Alex took his first step into the unknown forest; it was unknown whether this was the first floor or not; either way, it doesn't matter because no matter which floor it is, Alex would smash everything on his way to acquire what would help him in the future, the objective was to go higher as he could.

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