Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 440 - 428: Devil's Smile

Alex ignored the man and looked past him; his eyes were focused behind the man, seeming to want to pierce through space; there was someone there, Alex couldn't say this person exact gender, but he was sure it was a demon and the one behind this clone who just showed up.

The man that appeared was enraged because Alex was ignoring him; he had the sudden of piercing his heart with his spear to show him who his place was. If it weren't because that person had said to try to buy her some time, Léonce would have killed Alex for his disrespect. He didn't dare to ask why that woman ordered him to buy her some time; the most rational answer should be she wants to use this chance to prepare a spell to catch this unusual boy before him, so Léonce wants to believe.

''Boy, one should listen and respond when your elder talk, like that you-''

''Stop it, please. I'm not interested in dogs; what I want is its owner. A dog that was once an Adventurer but decided to become a bandit instead. I don't care about what your story is; you shouldn't have turned your back and become what you once fought against, a bandit.'' Alex said and coldly stared at Léonce, who was fuming so much that his body started trembling.

'How dare this boy talk to him like that?' He would kill him. Léonce had forgotten the instructions he received; he tried to charge at Alex; however, he suddenly froze, time had stopped for him..

Alex appeared before the frozen Léonce and pierced his heart with a knife; at the same time, he winked at Lilith, who went after the woman hiding. Alex Time Stop was aimed at her, but somehow she was faster and ran away.

Alex let go of Léonce's body which fell on the ground, his eyes wide open as he couldn't believe that he would die like that; his strength was nothing compared to Alex's strength; the gap was too wide, Léonce was Rank 9 while Alex Rank 11. As Alex had said, Léonce was once an Adventurer, the leader of the group of adventurers that got almost annihilated; after that terrible loss, he killed the leader of Blackwater bandits at that time and took over his position with the mysterious woman intervention, however, everything ended, he died the group was no more.

''Sakuya, wake that woman up. We must go free the hostages and quickly leave the area.'' Alex ordered, and Sakuya nodded before slapping Selene twice.

Piak! Piak!

The slaps were so loud and strong that even a sleeping elephant would have woke up. Selene's cheeks became immediately swollen; however, she didn't dare to voice her dissatisfaction; she curled her body and answered the duo questions until Lilith came back with a disappointed expression.

''How'd it go? Did you get that person?" Alex inquired, however to his disappointment Lilith shook her head.

''No, but I managed to wound her, and I left a mark on her. It should activate in an hour or more. For now, let's finish your goal.'' Lilith said, and Alex nodded.

The group dragged Selene to the Blackwater hideout, and as Alex feared, the woman didn't come here; she must have gone into hiding somewhere else.

Shaking his head, Alex walked into the cave with Selene ahead; if they existed any traps, she would be the first to suffer from it, no that Alex feared some traps with his Divine Sense always on a full alert.

The group walked deeper into the cave until they came to an interception; Selene didn't dare to play any trick on the group as she knew her life was only hanging on a thin line; at the slightest mishap, she would be a goner. Therefore, she went exactly where the group wanted him to go, to the storehouse where they held the captives waiting to be sold as slaves.

Alex's expressions sank when he saw the kidnapped people; the women had dead eyes as they have constantly being abused, most of them were raped while the men were badly beaten up, there were even children among the captives.

''You beast!" Sakuya roared, she almost beheaded Selene on the spot, but she managed to control herself; she mustn't, not in the front of the hostages because it would frighten them, making them warier. Also, she must take into account Alex's plans before making a personal move.

''We are Adventurers who were passing by. Having been attacked, we retaliated and annihilated the bandits keeping your captives. We have come to rescue you.'' Alex's voice echoed in the room.

Instantly, some light returned to the captives' eyes.

''I-is that true?" One of the captives asked, a girl around seventeen; she had green hair, light brown eyes; she tightly held the cage's iron to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.

''Yeah, it's true. You must know this woman behind me. You remember her, don't you?" Alex asked, and Sakuya pushed Selene forward; the latter was shaking, ashamed to even look at the same slaves she often spits on.

''Y-yeah, we know here.'' The green-haired girl pointed her trembling finger at Selene; how could she forget the same woman that lured her into this? She acted like the victim of an accident, forcing the girl carriage to stop; as a result, it was a massacre, her family was slaughtered, and she was captured.

''Yeah, let's kill her to avenge others and the numerous sufferings we went through!!!" Roared most of the captives.

Alex raised his hand and immediately all noise stopped, then he smiled, seeing this smile if Selene previously held any hope of surviving, then it's died because of Alex's smile, Selene was not dumb; if she were, she would not be the second in command, the moment she saw Alex's smile she immediately understood the reason she was kept alive, everything was this moment, and as she had expected Alex didn't disappoint her, his following words confirmed her worst fear.

''Calm down; I do understand your frustrations, but first, hear me out. For those who still remember where you came from and are sure to go back, you will be free; however, for those who have nowhere to go and are ready to accept a challenge, ready to suffer but get a great reward, you shall follow me. I will let you deal with this woman as you see fit. How is it? Will you take my hands?"

Lilith and Sakuya finally understood why Alex stopped and came here; it was to recruit some people. He didn't move without a goal in mind; Lilith was happy to see that he still prioritized his interest while Sakuya thought that Alex's smile looked like that of the devil luring a poor soul to sign a contract. She loves it; it sends a shudder down her spine, making her blood boil in excitement.

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