Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 386 - 379: Gracier's Training 2

Having its prey stolen under its nose left the rare species Gamelion furious.


The Gamelion roared and charged at Gracier. The latter wasn't idling either, putting strength into her weapon; she swung it at the rare species, which was about 5m away.

''Flying Slash!''

Saying the Red Scythe's skill, Gracier let loose a flying slash. As its name, a slash flew out.


Maybe it felt the power of the slash. The rare species Gamelion leaped high into the sky with a cry.

As expected of a monster similar to a rabbit, its jumping power easily jumped over the flying slash. It was also a jump on the spot. From this, Alex could see the intelligence of the rare species, who didn't jump forward to close the distance to her and her scythe.


The moment Gracier thought that she heard a sound of whistling air, and he swung the red Scythe almost on reflex.


At the same time, a metallic sound echoed out as something clashed against Gracier's scythe.


Right after, she heard the rare species scream. She glanced at a 3 m rope-like object that fell to the ground for a moment before raising her eyebrows; it was the monster's long tail, longer than an ordinary Gamelion tail.


It seems that it was angry that its tail had been cut off so easily. The rare species gave a large cry and showed its powerful fangs, which were overwhelmingly more prominent than the ordinary Gamelion. It was to intimidate Gracier. Nevertheless, she didn't lose her nerve when confronted by its rage and anger. Instead, she pointed her scythe at the monster, and from its tip, a fireball the size of volleyball was formed, then she swung the scythe.

It was fast enough that it would have been unavoidable for low-rank monsters. However, Gracier was fighting a rare species of Gamelion, which was usually a rank C monster but was now equivalent to a rank B monster. In addition, because it was a rabbit-based monster, its instantaneous power and speed were relatively high.


It gave a short cry; the rare species avoided the fireball by jumping sideways. Without pause, it pushed all its strength into its hind legs to jump towards Gracier and make her pay for cutting off its tail.


Then the monster felt shivers.


The rare species looked around on reflex to find the sound source and saw that the fireball had burnt a 2 m diameter area to nothing with its overwhelming power. Even the grass affected by the magic power of the Forest of intermediate (farming ground for intermediate adventurers) and never withered all year round had been turned to ash before Gracier's flames. The monster almost gulped; this girl is dangerous; she must be killed asap, thought the monster.

Gracier decided to end the fight as she had finished gauging the monster's strength; with her suppressed level, she would have no trouble dealing with it without breaking her seals, because she didn't have Appraisal skills like Alex and others, Gracier couldn't know the monster level, she could only speculate, to her this monster is around level 70, 80 at the most.


Gracier disappeared, the rare species felt a sense of crisis; relying on its instinct, the monster jumped back. Gracier smiled and continued to walk toward the monster slowly.

Realizing that it was being overwhelmed by this small human, unlike its earlier angry voice, the rare species cried as if to inspire itself.

''Kyuu kyuuu!!!!"

The rare species revealed its long sharp fangs to threaten Gracier. The Gamelion was 8m in size. Its mouth and fangs were huge, and for someone of Gracier's size, it could swallow her in a single gulp. Even if that was impossible, if it pierced her with its fangs, it could inject poison. And if that happened, Gracier would die, so the monster thought.

Using abilities unique to Gamelions, it jumped forward to strike with its fangs before entering the Gracier's Scythe's range.


However, the fangs that should have struck Gracier were blocked by the flame shield that appeared so suddenly that it startled the monster.

Almost simultaneously, Gracier put all the strength she could muster into the scythe and swing it.


The rare species recognized the blade of the red Scythe approaching it and tried to catch the attack with its right blade ear almost on reflex.

The sharp blade ear would have been able to block it if it had been an ordinary long sword or spear swung. Alternatively, it might even have been able to cut through the weapon. However, the weapon this time was a magic item called Gift formed from the soul of its user, said to be almost indestructible. It surpasses any ordinary weapons and is coupled with Gracier's enhanced physical strength. As a result, the rare species' right blade ear could hardly resist it, and it was neatly sliced off.

Gracier flicked her wrist and swept the Scythe around, turning the blade towards the rare species again.

No skill was used, only pure physical strength.


As the cutting edge of the blade fell, the power of the attack was increased by Gracier's physical strength. The rare species was hit by it, dyeing its usually proud fur with blood. It was blown away nearly seven meters while raising a shriek. After rolling along the ground for several meters, it finally stopped moving.

''Are you joking?"

Among the adventurers watching from the forest, the man who seemed to be the leader murmured.

The man was the one who had said a few words before leaving. However, it was already impressive that he had been able to speak. All his other friends had yet to fix their breathing and couldn't say anything at all.

Gracier had blown away the 8 m large rare species. She was only around 165 cm and looked to be a delicate child. However, what she had just done, a delicate child couldn't do it.

Fully aware that people were watching her, Gracier ignored them and stared at the half-dead monster trying so badly to get up. Putting strength into her legs, Gracier shot forward; she passed by the half-dead monster before stopping 2 meters at its back; nobody saw how her scythe moved except the strongest existence hiding.

What the others saw was the head of the rare species flying in the air. From the top of its neck to the bottom, its head was cleanly cut off. Blood spurt into the air dyeing the monster fur red as it crouched before falling.

Gracier collected the monster's body before, under the astonished eyes of the adventurers who still hadn't gotten over the previous, vanished.

''Bloody hell.''

Shouted one of them, finally left for the guild.

Floating in the sky was Artemia dressed in black training gear; she was holding Gracier, who was waiting for her evaluation.

''Not bad, 8 out of 10,'' Artemia announced the result of this training; Gracier smiled; however, she smiled more at Artemia's following words.

''Let's move, the next training is about skills, you can finally unleash your meteor skill.''

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