Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 376 - 369: Sakuya's Awakening 1

The following morning, the first rays of the sun had pierced the Sky.

The gentle rays of the rising sun peered their way through the light curtains and provided a serene light in the room.

Sakuya woke up, sliding the blanket off her naked body; she rose; the sunlight shone on her perfect, making it shines in all its glory. She loves to sleep naked. After freshening up, she got dressed. She didn't bother glancing at the bed beside her bed because Lilith was already out, as to where, Sakuya didn't know, nor that it matters.

Remembering last night's discussion, she smiled; Sakuya could say that Alex's plan was great, not flawless but great.

''He must be out now to see the city, Lord. I need to get stronger not to be a burden, and more importantly, if I'm stronger, I can let it loose.''

[Fufufu! Always faithful to her desire.]

A voice suddenly echoed in Sakuya's mind; she didn't mind as it was not the first she heard this voice; she was somewhat familiar with it. It's the voice of her Gift spirit.

'It was to be expected. If I'm not faithful to my desire, I won't be leaving any longer. Long time no see crazy girl.' Sakuya responded.

[Fufufu! Still ungrateful as always, crazy S Queen. I wonder if you can subdue him, or it will be the other way around.

I'm looking forward to it.] Yoroïchi said, teasing Sakuya, the latter chuckled.

''Statu,.'' Sakuya called out.

[Sakuya Hishimiya]

Class: Magic Samurai

Age: 17


Rank 8

Level 81

Experience Value:5600/37400

Magic Power: 3000

Magic: Wind, Dark (Not fully Awakened)

Attack: 1400

Defense: 900

Agility: 1200

Intelligence: 1100

Luck: 1070

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Katana Kaze no Yoroichï

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 8] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 6] [Kendo Level Max] [Swordsmanship Level Max] [Wind Slash] [Iaido Level 8] [Wind tornado Level 5] [Gale Slash Level 8] [Flying Slash Level 5]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [Kendo Master] [ Yamato Nadeshiko ] [Kendo Fanatic] [S Queen] [Slayer]

''Ah! I don't know what to do to unlock my second element.'' Sakuya sighed.

[How boring] Yoroïchi sneered before asking.

[What do we excel at? What do we love the most?]

It didn't take Sakuya a second to answer this question.


[Then you got your answer.] Yoroïchi said before going silent.

''Fufufu! I got it, time to head out.'' Sakuya said before leaving the Inn after taking her breakfast.

Celesta looks tense than usual; most shops were closed due to the incoming monster wave. Today there was more patrol, more adventurers. Just as Sakuya disguised as Mio walked out of the city, she was greeted by the sight of numerous adventurers standing guards outside.

Someone saw her and waved at her; it was Lilith disguised as Elsa; Sakuya walked toward Lilith.

''Hell,o Elsa. When I woke up, you were gone.'' Sakuya said.

''Yeah! I couldn't sleep, so I went out for some fresh air.'' Lilith responded those who wished to strike a conversation with the girls were forced to drop this thinking when Sakuya glared at them like they were annoying fly.

''What is the situation? No monster has come out yet?" Sakuya asked as she checked her surrounding; because adventurers surrounded her, her vision was narrowed, meaning she could see everything.

''Only a few monsters attacked thus far, the adventurers at the frontline took care of it.'' Lilith briefly explained what happened before Sakuya came.

''I see; let's move to the frontline,'' Sakuya suggested; there was no way she would stay here like a weakling; she ought to be at the frontline where there is action, where she could fight to her heart content instead of being stationed at the rear.

Lilith nodded; having spent few days with her adding the rumors, she could say what type of person Sakuya is; she loves a fight, she loves it.

It happened the moment the girls were pushing their way through the adventurers to go at the front, a commotion started.

''Prepare battle, another group of monsters are coming.''

Someone at the frontline shouted, Sakuya who heard this smiled before disappearing; she almost sent those beside her flying. Lilith could only sigh helplessly as she watched Sakuya disappeared; her destination was obvious; she wished to face the incoming monsters.

Those at the frontline were surprised to see a silhouette pass by; the next thing they saw was a girl facing a monster alone.


"Oi oi...does anything goes for her...."

Their faces cramped after they saw how Mio was fighting.

Sakuya acting as Mio, was fighting a pack of dark red wolves monsters called Bloodhound. Their number was more than thirty. They are monsters that hunt as a pack, and each has a rating of A-rank. As a pack of over thirty bloodhounds, they are troublesome monsters with the equivalent difficulty of AAA class.

However, Sakuya had no trouble dealing with them; she blocked the claw of one of the Bloodhounds and used the recoil to leave the encirclement; she didn't land on the ground but on top of another Bloodhound, the latter had its spine crushed because she was landing, an almost invisible green drill appeared on the sole of foot that pierced the monster's back, destroying its spine. When she landed, she spun, the blade in her hand danced; it was beautiful yet deadly as limps flee, blood splashed the ground, dying it in its color.

Sakuya was the Goddess of Wind; she moved unfettered, dispatching bloodhounds here and there as if they were a weak goblin.

Quickly, Sakuya eliminated all the bloodhounds in a matter of minutes and took out a crystal magic tool to record her result.

The result then immediately transmitted to the HQ in Celesta and be announced to the people. This is done to let people know that there's nothing to fear, to boost their morale.

The other adventurers didn't even get the opportunity to shine; they were feeling ashamed to be outdone by a young girl, a beautiful one at that; however, if there were in her place, they wouldn't have it so easy. As if trampling on their feeling, Sakuya happened to be saying at that moment.

''Too weak. I only level up once.''

Those adventurers almost vomited blood; Sakuya didn't heed them, Lilith rubbed her forehead. Just as one of the adventurers wanted to say something, the situation took an unexpected turn.

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