Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 323 - 316: Assault On The Mine 2

While Alex was slowly advancing toward the core zone of the mine, Luna and Sera were also slowly making their way toward where the kidnapped girls were held captive.

Suddenly, Sera, walking ahead, stopped as she sensed five presences coming straight toward them.

''It seems we have been spotted,'' Luna said as she could also detect the incoming presence.

''Yeah! Let's-"

Before Sera could finish what she was about to say, Luna cracked her neck, a white light enveloping her body. Looking at Sera, she said.

''Go ahead. I'm sure they will be another group trying to relocate the girls. I will take care of

''Sigh!" Sera sighed before disappearing.

The five tattooed men who received the order to take care of the intruders couldn't believe their eyes when they only saw Luna standing there, almost as if she had been waiting for them.

''I thought they said there were two; how come there is only this chick here?"

A skinny man asked; the others licked their lips, eyes burning with lust, they said.

''How care.''

''Let's catch this chick and enjoy ourselves.''


''Don't worry, beauty, we shall take great care of you.''

The four who just talked had lost themselves to lust; only the skinny man hadn't lost his reasoning. To him, Luna was dangerous; he wanted to warn his comrades to be cautious of this girl who just stood there looking at them with an amused grin on her face.


Faster than the skinny man, Luna moved; she threw four punches toward the men wanting to take her; three of the four punches crushed the men's heart after they struck their chest; the last punch was special.

It glowed white before enlarging, the last man (the one that promised to take good care of Luna) gaped, he couldn't move, he couldn't only watch as Luna's fist grew in size as it enveloped his vision.


In a loud bang, the man's skull was like a watermelon smashed by a baseball bat. The man's annoying face was utterly crushed. One of his eyes fell out of its socket and dropped to the ground. But at the next moment, it was squashed by a boot that landed on it!

"Splendid, don't you think too, Mr. Skinny?"

Like a child that just done something and wanted to get praised, Luna stared at the last man, the skinny man, and asked.

'This girl is sick. I have to flee. There is no way I can fight this lunatic.' The man thought.

As if Luna could read the latter's mind, she frowned.

''How rude. You just thought something rude right now, don't you?"

The skinny man flinched; he didn't wait any longer, throwing a smoke bomb on the ground; he tried to use the smoke to flee for his life.

''Shit, I almost got done it. What a crazy bitch!"

The skinny man cursed aloud after putting some distance between himself and Luna; well, it was what he believes.

''As I said. How rude of you to talk about me like that.''

Luna's voice sounded right next to the man, the latter soul almost flee out of his body; he made some girly sound.


Somehow, Luna, who should be far from the man, appeared in front of him; she was wearing a smile like an angel.

''Let's me test my new power on you. I apologize in advance.''


Before the skinny man could open his mouth, Luna activated her domain; the man found himself standing inside a white forest; angel seemed to be dancing, beckoning him to come closer, and he did it; accepting their offer was like returning to his mother's embrace, it was peaceful.

Unknown to him, it was an only illusion; outside his body was aging, he became an older man that looks like he was in his 80; the aging didn't stop; however, Luna was sweating, she quickly stopped using her domain and crushed the man's head.

Gasping for air, Luna said, ''This domain is too terrific. However, it also drains too much MP. Not even a minute passed, yet I'm also out of MP. I will rarely use this domain, not until I'm capable of using without having to faint after a minute.''

''Hah! Let search how that girl is doing over there.'' Luna declared before starting to walk toward Sera's location.

At the same time, fifty meters from Luna's current location was Sera; she was inside a storage room, fifteen men were surrounding her, behind them was the captured girls (there was no male among the captured), the girl's eyes were lifeless, their conditions awful. Gracier was not among the captured.

''Kill her.'' Ordered one of the men surrounding Sera.

Sera did not say anything; she took a deep breath before mumbling.

''Darkness rise.''

The area around her turned dark, and she vanished from where she stood.

When Sera's skill vanished, ten among the fifteen men surrounding her were lying on the ground holding their neck; no life could be seen in their wide eyes; they couldn't believe that they could have lost their lives like that.

The remaining five men were the strongest of the bunches; however, they still get injured; various degree of injury could be seen on their bodies; some lost one eye, some had one of their arms crippled, and so on.


Someone among the five men shouted, one should know that the five are Rank 9, yet they could not fight against this woman; this showed how powerful she is.

[Dimensional Slash !]

Sera didn't pay any attention to their words; she used her strongest skill; the invisible black blade passed through space and crushed the five hearts; it was instantaneous.

The five men dropped dead, fear written over their faces.

Luna arrived at that moment, gaped, and once again she thought how powerful Sera is; however, after the feeling of fear comes the excitation, the excitation of surpassing Sera in the near future, she was sure that she could do it.

Sera could see what Luna was thinking from how she stared at her; she could only smile helplessly.

''So, this is where they locked the girls.''

Luna said as she tried to approach the cage where the girls are held. Suddenly, she froze because she sensed a killing intent direct at her; it was like someone was holding a knife against her neck, so she froze.

At the same time, from the back, Sera launched an attack.


With perfect accuracy, the dagger passed near Luna's right ear, cutting some of her hair before piercing through the head of the man trying to approach Luna and deal a fatal blow secretly.

''Thank you.''

Luna expressed her thanks. She was grateful for Sera's intervention; she didn't notice anything; it was only in the end that she noticed that something was amiss; although Luna was sure not to die, however, at least she would have suffered an injury.

''You welcome. Let's check the girls. Too bad, Gracier is not with them.''

Sera, as she proceeds to unlock the cage holding the girls, one by one she brought the girls, Luna helped her.

''Well, we both knew that it was unlikely for her to be here. We only hope to acquire some lead to where she would be.'' Luna said as she brought out the last girl.

They rescued a total of nine girls; they were in terrible condition, the oldest among the girls is 16 years old, the youngest 13; however, none of the girls still had their innocence, they have been violated, beaten, worst some of them showed sign of having some experiment done on their bodies.

While healing the girls, Luna kept frowning; if it weren't because she was performing something delicate, she would have gone crazy, crazy of rage because what the girls went through, it was inhumane beyond words, no girls should experience this no matter what she has done.

Even Sera, who had seen her fair share of atrocities, couldn't help but frown. She wondered what the group behind all of this is after; to this extent; there must be something important inside this mine to occupy it; the one behind this group must be after this thing.

''Sera, do you happen to have some woman's clothes with you? I only have three with me.''

Luna's voice brought Sera out of her stupor; nodding her head, she gave Luna several clothes.

Sera stood up and told Luna.

''Luna, I will leave the girls in your care. I will assist Alex. I know he can handle pretty much everything, but this group is too unusual; he will need some assistance.''

''Okay, please assist him. I can take care of the girls here.'' Luna responded, she was focused on healing the girls, although she could only heal their physical injuries, not a psychological one.

Sera nodded before vanishing from the storage room; the girls were not in the mood to care of the small hill of black iron in front of them.

At the same time when Sera was coming toward him, Alex finally stepped into the core zone; an epic battle was about to take place.

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