Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 276 - 271: An Elder Licht ?

Alex's group quickly eliminated those zombies.

''It smells awful,'' Artemia said while covering her nose. Because she used lightning to eliminate the zombies, the smell of burnt rotten flesh wafted through the air; Alex had a hard time as well. Suddenly, his eyes widened; this didn't go unnoticed by Artemia, who stood beside him.

''Another enemy?" She asked while being on guard.

Before Alex could answer, a metallic kin~ sound echoed into the surroundings.

Isabella thrust out her spear on reflex. However, the magic spear that was thrust out in the short moment that the enemy attacked pierced the air instead of the enemy.

''Be careful, it's fast!''

As Isabella's voice echoed into the surroundings, everyone held their weapon as they watched the enemy.

As the faint light from the dungeon walls illuminated the area, a huge wolf appeared. Its height from feet to head was up to Alex's chest. From its upper jaw, deep green fangs stretched out like the extinct Sabertooth Tigers from Earth. And from its back, something like a tentacle grew on the left and right, making sharp sounds as they moved through the air. It was probably a blow from the tentacle that had attacked Isabella.

''Phantom Wolf.''

Alex mumbled the moment he saw those wolves; seven of them appeared at once.

''It's my first time seeing something like this. Alex, can you-"

Alex didn't wait for Isabella to finish what she was going to say before he started to explain.

''Phantom Wolf It's a C rank monster, but it usually lives in packs. In packs, they are B rank monsters. As for its strongest weapon, rather than its fangs, watch out for the tentacles that extend from its back. You can treat them as something like a whip. It can manipulate its tentacles at will to attack the enemy and uses its fangs to finish off its target. In addition, their physical ability is high, and they can use wind magic to attack fast and retreat if they can't win. They got the name phantom from the fact that when they attack, it's almost impossible to see them.''

''I see, it's a rather annoying enemy.''

Listening to Alex's explanation, Isabella pointed her spear at the enemies.


The phantom wolves made the first move. At the same time as that bark, a gust of wind blew, blinding Alex's eyes. He felt two killing intents.

Responding quickly to the killing intent, Alex poured magic power into the Sleipnir, his knives elongated, and he swung them, making sure not to hit his surrounding party members.



Like a knife cutting through butter, Alex's knives bisected two phantom wolves; at the same time, Alex threw one of his knives at the wolf that was trying to sneak attack, Isabella.

Being enhanced by the wind element, Alex's knife was fast; in a flash, it pierced the phantom wolf head, instantly killing it.

Before Alex could assist Artemia, the latter had already eliminated three phantom wolves, almost as if she was competing with him; this made Alex chuckle.

Isabella was the only one still fighting; she twisted her upper to dodge the last phantom wolf attack before kicking the wolf flying with her legs.

She immediately chanted,

''Water spikes.''

And five conical spikes made of water were formed. They were about 10cm in diameter; those water spikes tried to pierce the phantom wolf; however, the wolf was able to twist its body and dodged the water spikes.

Just as the monster landed on the ground, Isabella was already in front of it; she sent five thrusts in one attack.

Five blue spears light went through the phantom wolf body, killing it.

''Phew! They are tough to deal with.''

Isabella said while wiping away the sweat on her forehead.

''Isabella, quickly collect the materials; we will leave this floor; I have a bad feeling.''

Artemia approached Isabella and urged her. Alex was not surprised as he was also feeling ominous for a while. This floor was too bizarre. With Alex help, Isabella rapidly collected the usable materials.


The whole floor violently shook just as the group was about to stand up and find the exit to the next floor.

''No good.''

Alex muttered before pouring MP into Sleipnir and threw himself on Isabella, thus saving her life.

From the ground, Isabella's eyes widened when she saw a huge black scythe passing above them. If Alex hadn't intervened, she was sure to lose her life. She became momentarily dazed.

''Get hold of yourself. This isn't the end.''

Alex's voice brought Isabella back to reality. When she searched for Alex, he was already gone. His figure could be seen standing in front of the huge shadow shrouded in darkness.

Compared to this shadow, Alex was tiny. Artemia was standing beside Alex, her glaives connected in the form of a spear.

''You can't be serious, right?"

Isabella could only mutter helplessly as she watched the colossal monster that appeared; it was 8 meters tall. In his right hand was a giant black scythe, the same scythe that almost took her life if not for Alex timely intervention.

The huge monster that appeared was a black skeleton wearing a worn-out black robe. This skeleton emits a dangerous aura; Isabella felt suffocated even when the monster's aura wasn't directed at her. She wondered how Alex and Artemia could bear this aura; even Rank 9 adventurers couldn't emit this kind of aura.

''Jie jie jie~ I thought I would be able to harvest at least one life with that attack. Jie Jie jie~ however, the little rat managed to save the bug life.'' the black skeleton talked.

Isabella's became round; she couldn't believe what was happening. For this monster to speak the human language could only mean one thing, it was the highest tier of undead monster, An elder Licht, something an average Rank 10 couldn't hope to fight. Fear took root inside her heart, making her body refuse to listen to her command.


〖Master, it's hopeless, the current you can't fight this monster.〗Silveria didn't hold back and told Alex the cold truth.

'I know damnit.' Alex answered back while hiding his trembling hands; he had trouble holding Silveria. He was feeling scared; never before in his life he had felt such fear.

Compared to him, Artemia appeared relatively calm, yet her eyes were cold; no gentleness could be seen in the current Artemia's eyes.

''What do you want? This isn't a floor you should appear on?" In an ice-cold tone, Artemia questioned.

''Jie jie jie~ Like they person said, you know pretty everything. Well, I don't mind telling you why I'm here. I'm here for your life, Jie Jie Jie~.'' the Elder Licht declared with his black scythe raised.

''I see.'' In the same tone, Artemia answered; however, she secretly ordered Alex to catch Isabella at her signal.

''Jie Jie~ Quietly han-"

The elder Licht's words got stopped by an explosion.


Making use of that explosion, Alex disappeared, and when he reappears again, he was holding Isabella in his arms.

Artemia and Alex exchanged glances before Artemia tore apart a scroll she brought from her space ring.


Seeing the scene in front of him, the Elder Licht bellowed and threw its scythe towards the white light enveloping Alex's group after the scroll was ripped; unfortunately, the Elder Licht was a step too late, his black scythe passed through the white light. Alex's group was already gone; however, the Elder Licht could still hear Artemia's voice.

''I will surely pay you back today affront.''

Knowing that he had failed his mission, the Elder Licht retreated to his original floor. However, he was laughing.

''Jie jie jie jie~.''

''The next time, I will claim your life. Without killing me, you can obtain what you are after. Jie jie~ Torturing you will be fun. Eh? So, that boy is the prophecy boy; I understand why they tasked me to find a way to deal with him. He is giving me a dangerous feeling even while being weaker than me. I'm not too fond of this feeling; I don't like it at all. The next time I shall flaw his skin, pull out his tendons and grind his bones. Jie jie jie~ I can't wait to start. I hope you will survive until that day, Prophecy boy.''

Sitting on a gigantic black throne made from the bones of what seems to be the bones of human's bones, countless human bones, the Elder Licht looked forward to the day he would fight Alex's group. Just thinking about it makes his non-existent heartbeat in anticipation.


At the same time, in another location, there was a flash of light, and after the light disappeared, three humans could be seen. Naturally, it was Alex, Artemia and Isabella.

''What happened?" Alex asked; however, it was a thud sound that answered his question.

Artemia fell face against the ground. After putting Isabella, who had lost consciousness during their transfer, on the ground, Alex checked Artemia's pulse. Seeing that she was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief before sitting on the ground.

〖Don't worry, she just fainted, having exhausted her MP. Let's her recover. As for Isabella, she fainted because of the huge pressure. Master, please rest. I will be on the lookout.〗

Silveria's words make Alex feel like a huge load had been lifted from his shoulders, so he breathed another sigh of relief before letting himself go.

Just as his back touched the ground, Alex fell asleep.

Silveria appeared and heaved a long sigh.

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