Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 247 - 242: Unexpected Encounters 1

After Alex left the Guild headquarter he decided to visit his restaurant whose name had been changed to Golden's Spoon. Well, it lacks originality but it was the name they came up with after a long discussion.

Maria was left in the charge of the restaurant as Alex didn't have time nor knowledge concerning how to deal with it. Her family seems to possess few restaurants to help them deal with the illegal stuff more easily.

Just as Alex was about to enter his restaurant he stopped right in his track because walking in the opposite direction of the restaurant was Lilith. She was walking alone seemed lost in thoughts.

Suddenly, she seemed to have sensed that someone was looking at her, lifting her head she turned it in Alex's direction for her eyes to widen in surprise as she didn't expect to encounter Alex here.

Wait, come to think he possesses a restaurant in this street, no wonder he was here. It quickly dawned on Lilith the reason for Alex's presence here.

''Hello Lilith, never thought that I would encounter you here. Come on let's have dinner and talk.'' Alex invited Lilith over to his restaurant.

Not seeing a reason to refuse Alex's invitation, Lilith joined him.

Soon, they were inside the restaurant, going to a private room on the highest floor of the restaurant. While they were passing the golden-haired middle man, Lilith couldn't help but give the man another second glance.

Alex did not seem to have noticed this, nor Lilith did anything even though she felt a sense of incongruity coming from the man.

The two entered a VIP room specially reserved for Alex's use and soon they ordered their food.

After finishing Alex observed Lilith, the latter didn't seem to mind his stare. Her face was still impassive as always.

''You should smile more. It's a waste to have an emotionless expression on such a beautiful face.'' Alex couldn't help but comment.

''Thank you for the advice but I'm fine this way.'' Still, with the same expression, Lilith responded before raising a question shortly after.

''I do not think you invited me just to say that do you?"

Being stared at by those purple eyes, Alex smiled before saying,

''Indeed. I think it's time for us to have a proper conversation after what happened back then. Don't you agree?"

With the same expression, Lilith responded, ''I do not know what you are talking about. Care to be more explicit? Or else I will leave as I have something more important to take care of.''

Sighing heavily Alex stared at her for a moment, green and blue eyes clashed against purple eyes.

''Eleonora, don't play the fool with me. I'm not in the mood because someone from your house sent some assassins after me and my sister. I'm pissed just by remembering how close we were to lose our lives just because of some sort of stupid prophecy.'' Alex said in a bad moon as he recalled the absurd reason behind their assassination attempt.

Lilith couldn't help but sigh as she hadn't thought Alex would know so much. It was to be expected when she remembered that Alex has a powerful Master backing him, the one Sebastian feared and warned her not to mess with.

Loosening her expression a little, Lilith asked,

''What do you want?"

Smiling Alex asked a question, ''I want to know the person behind our assassination attempt name. I'm already aware of his gender. What I want to know right now is gender and you better be frank and not play with me as I know you are being referred to as a Traitorous bitch. You partially at blame because of what happened to us. The one who is after us has a relationship with you I'm sure of it.''

While he may be smiling, Lilith knows that he was not joking.

She couldn't help but sigh, Alex's deduction was right on the mark.

'You don't have to do this.' Sebastian who was hiding somewhere said this.

'Do I have the choice? I don't think so. Better be frank and gain an ally than playing the hypocrite and gain another enemy, especially someone like him. He would be too much trouble to deal with.' Lilith responded.

Although Sebastian understood what she meant, he couldn't help but disagree with the way Alex formulated his question, she is a victim like them. Why blame her? How can she be the reason for their assassination attempt?

If only he knew the whole truth he wouldn't be behaving this way. Just as Sebastian was about to talk he was forced to shut up because a powerful killing intent was locked on him. He could feel his body trembling, a pair of silver appeared that almost made his soul flew out of his body.

Being a rare Space element user, Sebastian used it to conceal his presence to protect his master. Today was the same, he had forgotten about Alex's mysterious master, the silver-haired beauty after not sensing her presence in the vicinity.

'Stay obediently where you are and do not run your mouth unnecessarily. Got it?' A lazy voice said to him. The owner of this voice was going to take no for answer.

Sebastian nodded his head fearfully. Pleased with his response, Silveria concealed her killing intent and went back to sleep.

Unaware of what just happened in the background, Alex kept staring at Lilith waiting for her answer. He was not particularly in a hurry, he could wait a little bit more.

Finally, Lilith opened her mouth.

''Indeed, you are right. The person behind the assassination attempt is related to me. He is my brother, the crown prince, the usurper, Lucifer Kain Asmodeus.''

When he heard that name, Alex had the feeling that like the biblical Lucifer, this one rebelled as well. It was like a curse, never name your children Lucifer or Kain. While he didn't know how this Kain was written, he was sure of one thing, it's not a name a parent should give his child.

''So, it is your Big brother the one responsible? Well, I'm happy to have learned this news.'' Alex said before staring at the silent Lilith, she seemed to be struggling, to be hiding her emotions. However, sharp-eyed as he is, Alex noticed it, therefore he said.

''I'm said to be a good listener. Let it out, you will feel better that way.''

Some may think that what Alex is doing was unnecessary, however, he didn't think it was the case. He needs an ally in his quest for revenge against the culprit of the previous assassination attempt, and who will be better than Lilith who knows the other party? Besides, her being here must be because she didn't share her brother's goals, whatever they are. She was even labeled as a Traitorous bitch by her people. All of this points out a rather obvious truth, they are not in the same faction, same side and Alex needs someone to help him destroy the other party.

Thinking about it now it was rather ironic, Lucifer was the one that pushed them to come together, to form a team. He should have killed himself, like that the prophecy he feared would not be realized.

Lilith stayed silent for a moment, probably weighing the pro and cons of her revealing everything. After a moment she decided to tell Alex some truths as she believes that he would make a good ally.

Thus she started.

The story was like this. Lilith's father the previous emperor was a peaceful lover, unlike the previous emperor who called himself The Demon King with the ambition of governing Mysthia's world, Lilith's father could be said to be rather pretty simple. He wanted peace with other races, he even planned to sign a peace treaty with the other races. While everyone did not agree with his decision, they didn't oppose it as they knew if they wanted to survive they should comprise.

However, soon a problem arises, the emperor was assassinated. The news shocked the whole demon's continent, startling the eighth Dukes.

''Let me guess it's your brother responsible for this tragedy.'' Alex stopped Lilith and said.

The latter glared at him forcing Alex to scratch his head, embarrassed.

''My bad, do continue with your story.'' He said.

''It's as you have guessed, it's my brother who assassinated my father, not only him, he killed some of my siblings and my mother,'' Lilith said, her expression was ice cold, the room temperature dropped to extreme due to the killing intent coming from her body.

Alex couldn't help but feel pity for her, while he may never have experienced what she went through, he knows she must be deeply hurt.

What will you feel if one day you wake up and find out that your brother just murdered your entire family? It's pretty simple to answer: you will be overflowing with hatred, hatred for the one responsible for this tragedy. You will want nothing but to kill the culprit.

It was exactly Lilith's feeling. She will never forgive her brother for what he did no matter what twisted reason he gave. There are some things one should never do.

Alex waited for Lilith to calm down before continuing her story.

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