Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 145 - 143: Spanking A Bad Girl

One hour passed, Gracier who just woke up was feeling a little bit groggy.

"How are you feeling little Alexandra?" Silveria asked.

''I'm fine, how is big brother?" Gracier replied with a question while massaging her temples, she was more concerned about her brother.

"Still sleeping, don't worry. He will wake up soon. It was me who knocked him unconscious because of what happened to his eyes." Silveria said, reassuring her.

"I see. That's good." Gracier said while glancing at her brother, seeing the eye patch covering his right eye, she unconsciously touched her own, she couldn't fight the smile that had formed on her lips.

"Where is Leena?"

Gracier asked, finally aware of Leena's absence.

"Oh? Little Leena went to buy Icecream for us to eat after losing against me." Silveria said before she started to explain the reason why Leena was not currently present, remembering her unsightly expression as she lost against her in the rocks paper and scissor's game, Silveria grinned. The reward was that the winner would order the loser to do something and the loser will unconditionally follow the winner's orders. So, Silveria ordered to go buy them special Ice cream for them to eat.

Gracier could only smile bitterly knowing how Leena must be feeling, she had never won more than twice in that game against Silveria, even those wins were most likely Silveria going easy on her and let her win.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to ask a question, Leena entered. Seeing Gracier was already awake she smiled.

"It's good to see that you are fine.''

Then, her expression turned unsightly, lowering her head she spoke in a respectful tone.

''Your highness Silveria, I have brought the Special Ice cream. Here is it.''

Leena's face kept twitching nonstop when she said that, she quickly brought out Silveria's ice cream and placed it in front of her, on the table.

''Good job little Leena, I'm proud of you. I authorize you to eat your ice cream after giving Gracier her Ice cream.''. Silveria said dismissing Leena.

''Thank you, your highness,'' Leena said before moving towards Gracier who was watching everything dumbfounded, not being able to hold it anymore, she burst into laughter.

''Fufufu! The current Leena is too cute.''

Leena's steps faltered when she heard Gracier's words, she glared at Silveria promising to take her revenge later.

Looking at Leena's challenging gaze, Silveria put on a 'You are welcome to try at any moment' kind of smile.

The three ate their ice creams while exchanging jokes, Leena and Gracier refused to play another game against the cheater, it was how they came to call Silveria after their numerous games, She always wins no matter what.

''You two are no fun at all.'' Silveria pouted.

Both Leena and Gracier rolled their eyes at her.

Meanwhile, on Alex's side.

Alex slowly opened his eyes. He clutched his head without even realizing it, he wondered.

'Where am I?'

His eyelids were heavy, his body felt limp as if he had no energy inside it.

Suddenly, he noticed an unusual feeling in his right eye, slowly checking it, he became aware that something was covering his right eye.

'Maybe I was injured there.' he wondered.

As he raised his body, the soft blanket on him fell away.

Doing a quick scan, he became aware that somehow, he had ended up inside his room in the Moonlight Inn. How this happened, he had no idea, what happened after he fell unconscious he doesn't know either, he thought he was going to die, however, judging by him being currently alive mean that he has somehow survived.

Then, he heard women's giggling, turning his head in that direction, he saw three women, Alex recognized two among the three, as for the silver-haired woman, he had no- wait silver hair?

While Alex was wondering why that silver hair remains him of someone. Leena, Silveria, and Gracier became aware of someone's gaze on them, this could only mean one thing, Alex is awake,

They both turned their heads in Alex's direction, before they could speak they felt a chill running down their butts when they saw Alex's evil smile.

On the other hand, Alex felt energized all of sudden when he was finally able to piece together why seeing that silver-haired girl sounded familiar to him, it was because this girl is Silveria. Hehehe! He could not help but smile evilly.

Alex suddenly disappeared and when he reappeared he was back on his bed with Silveria placed on top of his knee, her butt raised high.



Both Gracier and Leena exclaimed, completely dumbfounded by what happened, Gracier was not able to follow Alex's movement, not at all while Leena was surprised because of Alex's quickness.

Silveria was completely bewildered by this sudden development, one moment she was about to welcome her master with her most dazzling smile and in the next moment, she was in this shameful position, wait shameful position? Do not tell me?

It was then the realization hits her on the possible outcome of her current position.

''Wait master, I b-"

''Not listening.'' Alex cut her off and swung down his right arm he had raised beforehand.






''Two, you shameless divine weapon who has no respect for your master, doing whatever you want, saying whatever you want, today I'll teach how to behave, did I promised you I'll spank you one day? Here am I.'' Alex said before swinging down his arm.


''Ugh! Master, please stop I promise I'll listen…"

''I refuse, bad girl should be spanked.''




"Hah, you two stop watching and help me will you? Aren't we sisters?" Silveria pleaded for Gracier and Leena's help.

The two were too far gone to respond, they were surprised beyond belief, what is the hell happening? They asked themselves as they watched Alex whack Silveria's butt continuously, Leena grinned satisfied, Gracier avoided Silveria's pleading eyes. With head lowered, she thought, 'Good luck.' As the saying goes 'someone has to do the dirty job.' Suffers a little, it is not like you will die, besides from big brother's complaints you kinda deserve it.

The spanking continued.



''Will you be a good girl from now on?"

To Alex's question, Silveria quickly nodded,

''Ugh- I promise I will, please stop.''

''Good'' Alex nodded his head, pleased with her answer, he raised his arm and swung it one more time.


"And Fifty.''

''Done.'' Alex smiled softly while looking at Silveria's swollen butt.

A sigh of relief escaped from Silveria's lips, but one instant later, she jumped out of Alex's arms and quickly distanced herself from him.

She hurriedly lowered her dress to cover her exposed underwear and glared at Alex with a look of anger.

''Master, you bully. I will tell big sister.'' Silveria said with a pout, her hands shined in silvery light, she tried to bring them back, toward her swollen butt, however, she was stopped by Alex.

''Don't even think about it. Please have a sit dear Sil, I'm happy to see you. Please sit I insist.''

Silveria could only reluctantly stop.

Looking at Alex smiling face, Leena couldn't help but think that his current smile looked evil.

Pouting Silveria sat down with an ouch sound.


Leena almost laughed but stopped under Silveria 'I will kill you if you dare to laugh.' glare.

Leena was inwardly laughing, Gracier was looking elsewhere, if not she wouldn't be able to control herself.

Both of them knew that Silveria would take revenge against them for sure, they couldn't help shiver just by imagining what she would make them do in the case they lost against her.

'Better not play any games with her, at least until she calms down.' they both decided.

Looking at the three lost in their thoughts, Alex smiled thinking that it was good to be alive to see such a scene, he must strive to become stronger to not face such unexpected situation as the one they had faced, he couldn't anything, he thought he was going strong, however that experience made him realize that he was too far from being strong, he needs to work harder if he wants to not lose anyone, not to be played by anyone, not let anyone decided his fate, his sister's fate.

To be free of these shackles he needed strength, to stand at the summit, he needs to have powerful allies, he may not be able to do alone.

Shaking his head Alex put on a sad expression before saying,

''I'm kinda sad, Alexandra doesn't want me anymore. I haven't seen her in a while, however, now that I'm back she stood there dozing off, not doing anything.''

Finally snapping out her thoughts, Gracier who heard Alex's words dashed toward him and jumped into his arms.

Alex hastily stood up and caught her before starting to slowly caress her hair.

''Welcome back Big brother. I miss you so much. Don't ever do that, I was so scared, thinking that you would never wake up again. I thought you'd leave me.''

Gracier released everything she had accumulated until now.

''Calm down a little Alexandra, I'm back, I promise it won't happen again. Sorry. Stopping crying, will you? It ruins your beautiful face. Don't worry, I'm now back , you are a big girl now so do not cry. Big brother is proud of you.'' Alex said while caressing Gracier's red hair, even though he wanted to know for how long he had slept, he decided to ask later as currently, he must calm down his sister.

Finally, as if Alex's words had worked, Gracier fell asleep inside his arms, she had a happy smile on her face. All her worries have been swept away now that she stopped pretending, now that her brother was back.

Looking at the sleeping Gracier, both Silveria and Leena sighed, it was not that they have not seen anything, they knew she was scared seeing her brother stay so long in the coma, they tried to lessen a bit of her fear through their conservation and multiple games, even though it worked to some extent there were still things they couldn't accomplish, they couldn't replace her brother, she needed her brother who had become her sole emotional support and now that he was back, she was truly free from all her worries.

After placing Gracier on top of the bed and put a blanket over her, Alex smiled while looking at Gracier sleeping contentedly with eyes filled with affection, he lowered his head and give her a soft peck on the forehead.

He then turned to face Silveria and Leena, bowing his head he thanked them.

''Thank you both to have taken care of Gracier while I was unconscious.''

They both smiled indicating that they will gladly do it again, Gracier was like a sister to them.

''Welcome back, boy. Just in time before you will depart toward the capital.'' Leena said.

Alex was surprised hearing this, did I sleep for one month? He wondered before facing Silveria and asked.

''How long have I been unconscious"

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