Death Guns In Another World

1410 Chapter 1263: Dreamjolt

As if he was being chased by a devil, he hysterically shouted while fleeing with his entire being.



She disappeared in a flash.

A few moments later.

She emerged from the exit of the stands while carrying a severed head in her hand, flying back into the Colosseum.

She lowered her body and carefully put this head into the pyramid as well. 

''Not bad. Who's next?" She threw her head back and uttered these words. She was smiling.

But would dare to say a word after seeing such a cruel display. It was a massacre in the truest sense of the term. 

Everybody present could feel a chill run up his spine when they saw the white's haired evil smile.

That smile gave off an ominous feeling. 

Incursio's smile widened again as she waited for their reply. This caused them again to feel a chill at their back and had goosebumps all over their body now that Incursio fixed her crimson eyes on them. This smile means death so nobody dares to utter a word.

Incursio clicked her tongue in disappointment before shrugging her shoulders and announcing as a matter of fact. 

''You are all going to die regardless.'' 

Another massacre ensued. Blood drenched the Colosseum like a river. 

As soon as she ended the massacre Incursio's level rose by one and the door to the next floor appeared and she walked into it.

The third and final floor was a ghost town like the one outside.

The once jam-packed roads that led to Farnfoss were barely more than a dirt path now and covered in shrubs and small bushes. The occasional animal can be heard rustling in the tall grasses of the unkempt gardens or hiding in the wild overgrown bushes.

Some doors were shut tightly, others were broken down. Some forcefully, others had simply collapsed under their weight as the elements continued to eat away at them. Broken roof tiles lay in the streets and gardens and crusty, dry paint faded from walls and fences.

Farnfoss, once a peaceful and growing community was now a mere shadow of its former glory. The sounds of insects, winds, and creaking wood of trees which were once drowned out by the sounds of cars and people had returned as the dominant sounds once more.

In an almost sick sense of irony the museum, once home to relics from the past discovered and recovered by archaeologists from around the world, was now once again lost and forgotten. Waiting to be found by those who come next.

The town was truly an eerie sight. So many lives forgotten and whatever was left to show for it is slowly withering away as time goes on. But with nothing else to lose this town had a strange sense of comfort about it. Like a world of opportunity, except there was nobody there to take it.

Incursio walked into the ghost town with light steps, she couldn't but sigh while mumbling.

''How would have thought that one day I'll feel pity for the victims?'' 

She understood that this city was once in the outside world but got destroyed and swallowed into this unusual dungeon. All of this is the handy work of the Chaos Organization and as a former member, the queen of the massacre she was feeling pity for the fallen here. Something inconceivable two years ago. It was funny how one person can change a person, turning a bad person into someone who can be saved.

''My brother would be shocked seeing my current self but I guess he will be happy as he always told me to seek my happiness. He may have been a cruel killer but he cared about me. I'm glad I've heard his advice and sought happiness by doing so I found love.'' 

She stopped and inhaled a bout of fresh air while recalling the face of a certain handsome young man, with black hair mixed with a bit of silver, silver, and blue eyes. This is the face of the man she had fallen for. It starts from curiosity, they were once enemies but now they're lovers with the promise of sharing their lives forever. Incursio had deeply fallen for the young man known as the Black Prince, Alexander Kael Touch. 

As if she was in a trance Incursio mumbled.

''I love you like you're the last of my kind. It is as if you speak the same language as I, yet no other is able. To be around you is like finally not being alone - as if all my life I've been isolated, in a windowless room, in a doorless room... and then suddenly you walk in as if strolling over a summer meadow. How is it that you are so much more than sunshine? How is it you breathe life when no other can? Why is it you are my medicine? Who could love me more than you? So, my love, know this - while I breathe I am yours in mind, body, and soul forever.''

Incursio blushed after mumbling those words, it was quite fortunate nobody was present to hear this embarrassing confession she thought. Shaking her head, her crimson eyes became resolute, regaining their usual coldness. 

''Time to proceed and finish with this mission.'' 

It was she said but she didn't take two steps before freezing and a notification window announcing the creation of a new unique ability appeared.

''Shit!" Incursio swore because she knew what was about to follow.

Blue lightning suddenly appeared and surrounded her body before sneaking into one of her eyes. Everything happened too quickly not giving her the chance to act.


Incursio felt a wave of almost unbearable aching pain from his left eye.

Clutching her eye and clenching her teeth tightly, she stood still for a long while.

It wasn't until several dozen seconds later that this aching pain slowly faded.

Incursio cautiously relaxed her hands and tried looking at her reflection in the mirror she hastily summoned.

Only to see that her left eye had returned to normal, regaining its usual blood-red color.

"Ah! It's good that things have returned to normal, I was worried that if I have to carry an eye glowing with electricity around from now on, that would be too eye-catching."

As soon as she said that, a blue glow appeared from inside his iris, giving off a faint 'zi zi' crackling before fading back into her iris.

Incursio froze.

Her expression was turning solemn.

''The fact that that happened meant that this unique ability was so powerful that I still haven't fully grasped control of it.''

''I'll have to try using this ability at least once in order to get a feel for and fully grasp it.''

Incursio looked around.

If she wants to test this new ability, it must be right now.

Her eyes lit up and gazed solemnly at the half-destroyed cathedral not too far from her current position.


A blue ray of light shot out from Incursio'd eye like a bolt of lightning and struck the half-destroyed cathedral in the distance.

Instantly, the half-destroyed cathedral began glowing.

At the very next moment, the glittering lightning suddenly turned into a ferocious black snake and swiftly entered the half-destroyed cathedral without any difficulties.

Incursio was surprised.

The entire half-destroyed cathedral thoroughly collapsed and crumbled into fine dust before fading away without a trace.

Then a notification appeared before her eyes.

[Unique ability: Dreamjolt]

[This skill is carried through the lightning bolt, which would then enter Dreamjolt to erase all living beings and all things]

[You've gained an initial impression of this unique ability's power]

[This unique ability description is as follows:]

[By activating this unique ability, a bolt of lightning would strike an enemy within your sight, activating the power of Dreamjolt, then summon the snake of the end to deal with your opponent.]

[Consume 1/3 of your mana. The ability is at its initial stage. The higher its level became the more awesome its features will be. The final stage can enable you to swallow and digest an entire world but this is far, really far from your current level so work hard.] 

Incursio's lips couldn't help twitching. She felt compelled to massage her forehead to calm down. 

''It is me or this notification feel like someone is intentionally messing with me. Come to think, what is this system? Who created this system? Are the gods the ones responsible for this? Probably not. Well, as I become stronger the more world's truth I'll learn. Let's take care of the things here for now. One step at a time.'' 

She walked deeper into the fallen city while spreading her sense as far as it could get however to her surprise she found nothing. There was no single life except for her in entire the city. 

''Huh? Strange! What is happening here? I thought the final boss would be in this city. So what the hell is happening here.'' She mumbled while doing another complete search but still found nothing. 


One hour later her search was still fruitless and finally she destroyed this man-made dungeon, she found the dungeon core and crushed it, thus destroying the dungeon. 

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